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Jean-Marc Kiener

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Jean-Marc Kiener

  1. I still wondering if it is there a solution for this. For remeber, a few of us asked for a dblookupcombobox who can only store entries from the list like it is in style csDropdownList but also must able to filter the dropdown entries by starting typing in the edit field. if i set the style property to: csDropdownList I can only use the mouse for select an entrie in the dropdown list. Only entires in the dropdown list can be stored, thats OK. csDropDown I can start typing in the edit field and the dropdown list get filtered. However, i cannot choose by key a entry in the filtered list. If the value in the edit field not matches a entry in the dropdown list, nothing happens when i exit the combobox, the value is there as it is and no Keyvalue is set. The combobx should always have a valid entry.
  2. Hi, I can not install the theme pack on my webserver. It seems that this is a problem with the richedit control in the installer. I can remember that i had the same issue earlier.
  3. Hi, I renewed my licence but i can't download it from the customer portal...
  4. Rave Report is still out there and used. It is fast like hell but the GUI for creating reports has some issues. But they work on them. The main question here is: If you have done houndreds of reports with Rave what is your reason to choose another reporting tool? Out of boredom? Too much money leftover? :-)
  5. Have also difficulties here. I use a TUniPanel on a TUniForm with some components on it: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to unipanel1.componentcount - 1 do begin TUniEdit( unipanel1.components[i] ).Color := clRed; end; end; However, unipanel1.componentcount is always 0. What i am doing wrong here?
  6. Well its a VM who runs Windows 2012 R2. The host is not parallel, its Citrix. Just another virtualizer. But i don't think is a problem of virtualization. Version 1257 of the runtime insaller works quite well. If you want we could make a teamviewer session.
  7. I can remember that the same issue we had a year ago or so. We made a teamviewer session and like always you found the flaw and repaired it;-) (You builded a new setup and all worked fine).
  8. Just updated my forum e-mail address in the portal. Then i logged out and in in the forum. Unfortunately i am not able to upload attachements..
  9. FMSoft_uniGUI_Plus_runtime_0.99.80.1257.exe works. FMSoft_uniGUI_Plus_runtime_0.99.80.1267 and up give me some access violation executing the installer..
  10. Hi, It is a easy task to change the color of a existing theme? Per example taking the standard theme and fade all the blue stuff in to green one. Should that be done directly in the theme css? Or is the proper way to do this in CustomCSS property of the server module?
  11. As far i can see you can not do that with a TuniDBLookupCombobox.
  12. Is it planned to add "autocomplete" feature (see description in my post before) to TuniDBLookupCombobox? Its important to me. For doing quick data entry it is very important. Image that a combobox popup has 60 entries. At moment i have to scroll to all entries of the combobox to find the right one. i must do that step by step, there is no way to scroll by maybe 10 entries at time. I have many formulars with TUniDBEdits and TUniDBLookupComboboxes mixed. As soon the cursor comes to a TUniDBLookupCombobox, the flow of filling the formular stucks. And the importantest thing: My customers are accustomed to it and this behavior of a combo box.
  13. Hi, I use the "MegaDemo" approach to manage serveral frames within tabs. Most of this frames are edit/input masks for datasets. So its important that data can be entered quickly. It would be nice if i press per example F6 for enter a new dataset, F8 for saving it and so one. In the "MonitoredKeys" i saw how that could be done if you use a form. How can that be done within a frame?
  14. AND: is this possible? : If a user enters a char - the TUniDBLookupComboBox should show just the records beginning with this char ... Yes, is there such a functionallity? For TuniCombobx there is a property "Style". if Style is ste to "csDropDown", the user can start typing and the popup windows filters its content while typing. But for the TuniDBLookupCombobx i do not find a "Style" property. Also i miss a ClearButton property.
  15. Hi UniGuys and girls, I would know is there is a way to represent days as bold in a calendar control. if a day has some entries, the the day should be shown as bold. Thanks in advance!
  16. Hi Farshad, Thanks for the explanations! I will study the deployment guide.
  17. Hello UniGuys, I have some questions about the configuration of a unigui isapi modul in IIS (7.5, or 8.0). in the log of my deployed dll i find entries like this: adm: 00002FD0: 10:25:13 [HttpExtensionProc[]]:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $01EFDC44 adm: 00000DFC: 10:36:41 [HttpExtensionProc[]]:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $01EFDC44 i set my Application pool in IIS with following settings (Process Model): idle Timeout (minutes) -> 2 Idle Timeout Action -> Terminate so after 2 minutes nobody do a request to this process it will be terminated. In live envirement this will be of course a longer period . Recycling Condition - Fixed Intervalls: Regular time intervals in minutes -> 480 So all 480 Minutes all processes of this application pool gets reloaded. i set my Servermodule Settings to following: SessionTimeout -> 600000 soRestartSessionOnTimeout -> true I assume that if a Worker process on the IIS get terminated, that will also kill the unigui session. if a user do some action after the worker process is terminated, a new worker process is created who doesn't now anything about the unigui session. Right? Whats about configuring the application pool as a webgarden? That means that the isapi module is loaded in serveral worker processes parallel and the IIS decides which process is used for a request. So you see, i am a bit confused about the rigth way to deploy a unigui isapi dll. And i definitly know less about the Session model in unigui. Maybe somebody can me explain me how i should go to get optimal settings for unigui session and for IIS worker process?
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