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Everything posted by erich.wanker

  1. hello folks, i am inquisitively - how your user Interface looks like ... i would be happy to see your ideas of "uniGui user interface design" for new webapplications :-) ... Thanx for sharing your thinking ... Erich Login: MainScreen:
  2. Hello, with uniLabel.caption:= <a href="unigui.dll?value=12345" target="_blank">demolink</a> i can start a new Browser-tab with a new instance of my UniGui-test with procedure TMainForm.UniFormShow... if UniApplication.Parameters.Values['value'] <>'' then ... i can go directly to a form to show informations which are defined in the hyperlink BUT: i can not make a link with a button to open a new Browser Tab ... is there a way ? Thanks for Help
  3. Hello, Webmode: i have a strange problem.. in my testproject i use a uniTimer ...the unitimer will be set to enable/disable per delphi code ...and has "runOnce" BUT: if a usersession is timed out ... the timer (depending on the situation..) is still fireing ... so the logfile is going bigger and bigger ... if i left the browser in this situation, the logfile will grow unlimited ... the reason can be a short WiFi disconnection, a timed out session and a resize of the Browser .. and so on ... a small part of the logfile ;-) any Ideas how to solve this ?
  4. it works ... PERFECT and for components in a frame: many thanks for helping !!!! P.S.: procedure Tmodul001_frame_detail1.UniMemo1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); var i:Integer; begin unimemo1.Lines.Append(EventName); for i:=0 to Params.Count-1 do begin unimemo1.Lines.Append(Params[i]); end; end;
  5. thanX for Information.. ..aber irgendwie steh ich noch auf der Leitung... BUT: ;-) Now i have: 1 x UniSyntaxEdit1 1 x UniHTMLFrame1 1 x uniButton1 i can load or write javascript and html code in the UniSyntaxEdit1 i can "load" it: UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Text:=UniSyntaxEdit1.Text; -> as a example: the UniHTMLFrame1 displays a tabel with customers - a css file changes the row-color : on mouseover, onMouseExit, onClick ... What must i do to get the clicked customer into delphi - to validate, calculate or manipulate the informations with delphi code ? .. i dont have good experiance with javascript i am searching somthing like: every row of the html table has a individual information like: href="www.server.com/uniGui.dll?sender=theHtmlTable1&record_nr=123&record_name=Smith" and the uniGui Mainform or somthing has a "here comes a information"- event where i can grab the values ... and do with delphi what i want with this values ? i am not understanding - how i can send informations from the html into delphi (and the thing should not refresh a page, just while i clicked something ..) Thanks for helping ;-)
  6. :-) Thanks again ... ok .. i can get the html code from php script with "http request" and put it into TuniHTMLFrame .. but what must i do to activate a "showmessage procedure with values" from the php generated stuff ? As example: if i click in "cell 1" from the php generated table what is showen in a TUniHtmlFrame - i want to make a showmessage (in UniGUI delphi-code) with output of the cell-Integer ? .. i dont understand how to communicate between uniGui-delphi-code and the php-generated HTML Stuff :-( Thanks for helping
  7. Hello zilav, thanks for the answer. am i right with: url: the "normal" url string and "test.php" value: my value S_ID: UniSession.SessionID (example: 12345) obj: Mainform.UniPanel1.JSName (example: O123) sending to the "test.php" informations like: www.server.com/test.php?value=XYZ&S_ID= +UniSession.SessionID + %obj= Mainform.UniPanel1.JSName uniPanel1.onAjaxEvent: procedure TMainForm.unipanel1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin showmessage(' the clicked cell is: ' + ????? ); end; the test.php - html Output : <div align="left"> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="101" height="39"> <tr> <td width="44" height="17"><a href="http://www.server.com/...value=cell1..?...">cell1</a></td> <td width="51" height="17"><a href="http://www.server.com/...value=cell2..?...">cell2</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="44" height="18"><a href="http://www.server.com/...value=cell3..?...">cell3</a></td> <td width="51" height="18"><a href="http://www.server.com/...value=cell4..?...">cell4</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> BUT: what is the right href - definition and the "uniPanel1.onAjaxEvent -delphicode" to fire the "showmessage cellnumber of uniPanle1" ? Thanks for helping :-)
  8. WebMode? .. i dont know how to use Apache XCOMPONENT with UniGui - but if it helps, i show how i use "selfmade Popups" i use normal "TUniForm" - forms i show it with "showmodal" i set top,left what i want ..and in TUniForm / Script i have: function setMaskeventClosewindow(target) { var elements = document.body.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i].className.indexOf('mask') != -1) { elements[i].onclick = function() {target.close();}; } } } OnShow i have: procedure Tmodul001_detail1_popup01.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS('setMaskeventClosewindow(' + self.WebForm.ExtWindow.JSName + ');'); end; i have 2 benefits: ... i can make my popup like i want ... i can use a lot of "popups" and lose no performance .. (if you use a lot of uniPopup - the loading-prosecc is slowing down..) hope that helps
  9. hello, Webmode: if i want to show a litte "selfe made grid" - i can user a UniUrlFrame with address: www.mywebserver/myPhp/test.php?value=XY (the link with the values is generated per delphi-code ...) BUT: if the user clicks on the php-generated grid - how can i get this information back in the uniGui .dll - delphi-code level Ajax is the right thing - i think ;-) .. but have no ideo what i should do :-)
  10. i have no problem with 1024 + 768 ... in Mainform / OnScreenResize i have: procedure TMainForm.UniFormScreenResize(Sender: TObject; AWidth, AHeight: Integer); begin sende_resizing; end; in "send_resizing": procedure TMainForm.sende_resizing; begin unimainmodule.raufscrollen_panel_position:=raufscrollen_panel.Top; if unimainmodule.aktueller_menupunkt='tmodul001_frame_detail1' then begin (FCurrentFrame1 as tmodul001_frame_header1).resizing; (FCurrentFrame3 as tmodul001_frame_detail1).resizing; end; if unimainmodule.aktueller_menupunkt='tmodul001_frame_detail2' then (FCurrentFrame3 as tmodul001_frame_detail2).resizing; if unimainmodule.aktueller_menupunkt='tmodul001_frame_detail3' then (FCurrentFrame3 as tmodul001_frame_detail3).resizing; if unimainmodule.aktueller_menupunkt='tmodul001_frame_detail4' then (FCurrentFrame3 as tmodul001_frame_detail4).resizing; end; .. i send the "resize Information" to all Frames ... in Frame: public procedure resizing; procedure Tmodul001_frame_detail1.resizing; var i:Integer; begin for i:=0 to self.ComponentCount-1 do begin if self.Components[i].ClassName= 'TUniPanel' then begin if (self.Components[i] as TUniPanel).Tag = 1 then (self.Components[i] as TUniPanel).Color:= or position or something you need ... end; end; ... so every component is shown like i want .. i use tag-values of components to differentiate the color or position/size .. Hope that helps
  11. What happens if you create the missed file ? -> authrootseq.txt in D:\SistComNew\msdownload\update\v3\static\trustedr\en\
  12. Hello wxb_km, i don´t know if i understand everything right - but: To set Visible / Unvisible AND for the "Order" of the fields i use: for x:= 0 to uniMainModule.QueryXY.FieldCount-1 do begin uniMainModule.QueryXY.Fields[x].Visible:=false; if uniMainModule.QueryXY.Fields[x].FieldName ='ID_VERTRAG' then begin uniMainModule.QueryXY.Fields[x].Visible:=true; uniMainModule.QueryXY.Fields[x].DisplayWidth:= 4; uniMainModule.QueryXY.Fields[x].Index:=1; // the Problem !!! end; ... in this case i think: delphi starts Index with "1" .. and uniGui with "0" .. or something .. to set the index right , i store the fields in a array and set the "index" after the " for x:= 0 to uniMainModule.QueryXY.FieldCount-1 .." loop - and it works to show "icons" i use: procedure TUniMainModule.QueryXY(Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean); begin DisplayText:=true; text:=sender.AsString; text:='<img width=16 height=16 src="'+uniservermodule.FilesFolderURL+'/103-Person.png"/>'; end; to realise a wordwrap in uniGrid i use: procedure TUniMainModule.ZVERTRAGVERTRAGSBEZEICHNUNGGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean); begin DisplayText:=true; text:= '<p class="secwordwrap">' + sender.AsString + '</p>'; in Servermodule / Custom CSS i have: For the manipulation of the title text i use: i hope this will help a litte bit :-)
  13. hey cool .. thanx :-) .. so i can give my own CLASS to a component .. very easy and very nice ;-) ...
  14. hi .. i am trying to put a shadow on a uniLabel in Webmode .. in servermodule - customCSS i added: .shadow { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #000; } in uniLabel.caption i added: <class="shadow">text of the label ... but doesnt work .. :-( does anybody know how i can do that ? . i thin i must use ClientEvents... ExtEvents .. but don´t know what ;-) ThanX
  15. Hello, Webmode: i try to change the scrollbar-style Is there a way to change the standard scrollbar-style ? on a WinXP Computer, on Win7 and on Win8 it looks different (the OS-Scroolbar-style is used) i prefere a fixed style like Win8 optic: (silver/gray/ simle designed..) and "all" Scrollbars shoud be changed to the same Style .. all of the uniGui - DLL created scrollable areas .. ThanX for help :-)
  16. Hello, Webmode: i have a odd situation: on my Form is a uniDBGrid... if i set the focus in the control (per clicking on the first row of the unidbgrid..) and change colums-properties (more or less details..and so one..) the browser scrolls my page down since the bottom line of the unidbgrid-control is in the visible area .. this is very disturbing for me .. my mainscreen has a scrollable area .. the grid has a scrollable area .. and on different funktions the screen scrolls in different positions because different controls become the focus ... i tryed to set TapStop = False .. but doesnt work .. Any sugestions please ?
  17. ok .. i got it :-) uniPanel / ClientEvent / Extevent / OnAfterrender: greetings from Gastein Erich
  18. Hello, Webmode: if i show a uniPanel OVER a uniDBGrid - some parts of the uniDBGrid are visible (Title..) .. i think this is a z-Order Thing ... Is there a way to give the uniPanel a ClientEvent / ExtEvents / OnAfterrender ....or something - to set it to mostTOP .. a value of 999999 or something ? ThankX for helping :-)
  19. Hello, is it possible to make a wordwrap in uniDBGrid ? I think, something like dynamical heigh of a row .. depending on the content of a cell ... i have 2 fields .. the first field is a Integer to identivie the right Image ... the image is drawn per: procedure TUniMainModule.ZQuery3ID_PERSONGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean); begin ... DisplayText:=true; text:=sender.AsString; .... text:='<img width=16 height=16 src="'+uniservermodule.FilesFolderURL+'/'+image+'"/>'; end; the second field is a String with different lenght .. AND the Grid is very small .. so i prefere a dynamic wordwrap of every row Thanks for help
  20. Hello, i try to use JQuery.. in Servermodule / CustomFiles i have: http://www.../js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js http://www.../js/main.js and it loads .. a testalert is shown successful ! Now i have 2 basic questions: 1.) the html-element-ID of the unigui-created components are not fix ... if i change in delphi something, the id´s are changed .. How can i find per javascript the "mainform.uniPanel1" ? How can i Find the "myUniFrame.unipanel1" - the frame is loaded in "mainform.displaypanel"? - the javascripts are on the same server in subfolder /scripts 2.) if i click on uniButton1 - i read different Integer-Values (from query.fieldbyname .. from different calculations..) How can i send as example - 3 different Integer-Values to a javascript, located on the same webserver in the subfolder /scripts ? Thank you for your help
  21. Hello, if i enter a new record "A" on Computer 1 ... i see the new record "A" in the grid if i enter a new record "B" on Computer 2 ... i see the new record "B" in the grid ...but NOT "A" on computer 1 i DONT see record "B" i tryed out refresh, resynch, zquery.close - open .. noting works ... just if i load the uniGUI.dll in the Browser new .. i see "A" and "B" ...but this is not a solution Has anybody a solution to refresh the Database ? i have a firebird Database - connect via ZEOS-lib .. ZConnection ist connectet with Database ZQuery´s are connected with ZConnection TDataSource are connected with ZQuery´s and the uniDBGrid ist connected with TDataSet new record is created per: Zquery.append ....ZQuery.post ZConnection hast AutoCommit = true;
  22. hello, has anybody a piece of javascript to disable the round corners of a uniForm in WebMode ? .. i need no borders, round corners or somethin else - the best solution for me would be a optic like a borderless uniPanel Thanx Erich
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