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Everything posted by bahry

  1. Very Thanks Delphi Developer Best Regards
  2. Hi,Good Day to you all, What is the Equivalent for AutoSelect all data when enter to UniDateTimePicker or UniEdit Regards
  3. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته حياكم الله ياشباب بحري ياسين - الاردن
  4. عيدكم مبارك واعاده علينا وعليكم باليمن والبركات
  5. ينعاد علينا وعليكم باليمن والبركات
  6. Thanks Farshad, I will try it Regards
  7. Hi to All, When I deploy my Application as an ISAPI the Image is broken. this error am facing in the login screen, and I placed the images under files folder. on formcreate UniImage1.Picture.LoadFromFile(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath+'\Back.jpg'); First Error comes from chrome JPEG Error #53 and in the developertools of chrome I have an error Back.jpg Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) I changed to png image and I got the file not found error. Is there a specific folder I have to place the Images when deploy to ISAPI.
  8. ODAC ver 10.0.1 has a problem with ORACLE ver in Direct mode, but am using XE, where ODAC works with this version since long time. But after a huge debug and pulling hear the problem in the new property called schema which suppose to be empty if you shift connections from user to user
  9. Hi, At long last my problems solved and here is my solution if it face any of you, - First Problem in generating and showing the PDF In FastReport it seems there is an AV when embedding the Font in the PDF and the font is not present in the deployed machine, so the solution for it in unit frxTrueTypeCollection in (function TrueTypeCollection.LoadFont( font: Tfont) : TrueTypeFont;) at line 224, we have to add the following line at the end of the function if Result = nil then Result := ttf. The Result will be that some fonts will be replaced with others but at least we will have the PDF file. - System Hangs if run as a Service or ISAPI The Problem seems to be from ODAC, when I changed it to UniDAC it works without problem, in spite of both components share the same code base for connection to ORACLE DB, and both works very well as a Standalone but the connection failed when run the Application as a Service or ISAPI. I will report this error in Devart. Regards
  10. Hi Farshad, Am using only ODAC, tsiLang, FastReport and all are the latest versions, anyway am rewriting the application form by form and making the test, the application is only 4 forms and 3 of them are master/detail reports. Regards
  11. Hi Farshad, Development Machine: Win 10 Enterprise , Delphi 10.2 Deployment Machines (as a Standalone) MS VPS win 2012 R2 Dataceneter - Hosted in MS Cloud VPS Win 2012 R2 Dataceneter - Hosted in WebKeepers I Rewrite the report from scratch with the same error. Made new project as a Service it hangs from the beginning as if it is not reading the variables from the ini file which is placed in the exe directory. in the log file I have the following msg. ( [unhandled Web]:EThread : CheckSynchronize called from thread $2CE8, which is NOT the main thread : Addr: $004D057F) Run the Project as ISAPI the same as a Service hangs from the beginning. Regards
  12. I created another report and it is shown, I will rewrite the report from scratch again, in spite of in the development machine it's working without any problem. and I will try to convert the project to run as a service or ISAPI.
  13. I created new fr3 report not inherited , and applied the S string and still the same error. Regards
  14. Hi Farshad, There is no Anti-Virus , and here is the code ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// in the report form procedure TStmntFrm.UniSFBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSFHold1.MaskShow('Please wait... Preparing Report', procedure(const Mask:Boolean) begin if Mask then begin sleep(1000);//your procedure PrepareTheReport; UniSFHold1.MaskHide; end; end ); end; procedure TStmntFrm.PrepareTheReport; var dm : TfrDM; begin dm := TfrDM.Create(nil); try UniPDFFrame1.pdfURL := dm.GenReportPDF(2); // UniURLFrame1.URL := dm.GenReportPDF(2); finally dm.Free; end; end; And in the ReptDM Unit function TfrDM.GenReportPDF(const InvNum: Integer): string; var sPath : string; begin case InvNum of 1:begin end; 2:begin frxReport1.ParentReport := UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath+'templates\MainLand.fr3'; sPath := UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath+'templates\Stmnt.fr3'; end; 3:begin end; 4:begin end; end; try frxReport1.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; frxReport1.ShowProgress := false; frxReport1.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; frxReport1.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True; frxReport1.EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; frxReport1.EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList := False; frxReport1.LoadFromFile(sPath); frxPDFExport1.Background := True; frxPDFExport1.ShowProgress := False; frxPDFExport1.ShowDialog := False; frxPDFExport1.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', Result, True); frxPDFExport1.DefaultPath := ''; (* frxHTML5DivExport1.ShowProgress := False; frxHTML5DivExport1.ShowDialog := False; frxHTML5DivExport1.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'html', '', '', Result, True); frxHTML5DivExport1.DefaultPath := ''; *) frxReport1.PreviewOptions.AllowEdit := False; frxReport1.PrepareReport; frxReport1.Export(frxPDFExport1); // frxReport1.Export(frxHTML5DivExport1); finally CloseDS(InvNum); end; end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// By the way this is my first time trying to deploy the Application as a Standalone . on the deployed machine I install FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_runtime_1.0.0.1391.exe as an administrator then copied uniSFJS under the uni- Regards
  15. Hi, Here is the log file it seems a permission error, in spite of the program runs under Administrator with full permission on the folder any Idea? //////////////////////////////////////// UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:12:48 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:12:48 [TUniServerModule]:Erasing Cache Folder... UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:12:48 [TUniServerModule]:Cache Folder Erased. <0> Files deleted. UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:12:48 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server... UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:12:48 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started. Port: 8077 UniGui_Test.exe: 0000FCB8: 10:13:54 [HandleFileRequest[]]:Access denied: locale.properties. UniGui_Test.exe: 0000FCB8: 10:13:54 []:EFOpenError : Cannot open file "C:\Projects\cache\UniGui_Test_exe\hTu1uNTg9YFF733DFC\$z$z$z\BILGQI170502101354050.pdf". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process : Addr: $004BE51B UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:26 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. UniGui_Test.exe: 0003964C: 10:14:27 [indy]:EIdNotConnected : Not Connected : Addr: $00702B62 UniGui_Test.exe: 0000FCB8: 10:14:27 [indy]:EIdNotConnected : Not Connected : Addr: $00702B62 UniGui_Test.exe: 0001FDCC: 10:14:27 [indy]:EIdNotConnected : Not Connected : Addr: $00702B62 UniGui_Test.exe: 000150A4: 10:14:27 [indy]:EIdNotConnected : Not Connected : Addr: $00702B62 UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Stopped. UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Terminating Session manager. UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Stopping Cache Eraser... UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache Eraser Stopped. UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Destroying Worker Threads. UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Session manager terminated. UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 []:Error deleting file: "C:\Projects\cache\UniGui_Test_exe\hTu1uNTg9YFF733DFC\$z$z$z\BILGQI170502101354050.pdf" [OS Error:32] UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 []:Error deleting folder: "C:\Projects\cache\UniGui_Test_exe\hTu1uNTg9YFF733DFC\$z$z$z\" [OS Error:145] UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 []:Error deleting folder: "C:\Projects\cache\UniGui_Test_exe\hTu1uNTg9YFF733DFC\" [OS Error:145] UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 [TUniServerModule]:Server Shutdown Completed. UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 []:<--------------------------------------------------------------> UniGui_Test.exe: 000393E0: 10:14:27 [Terminated]:Exit Code: 0 ////////////////////////////////////////
  16. Hi, Am receiving this strange error while generating a PDF file while try to load the generated PDF with (UniPDFFrame or UniURLFrame) "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" in the development machine every thing works smooth without any problem, but it appears in the deployed machine and I have change to other deployed machine with the same error. am using the latest version of FastReport with the latest version of UniGui. Regards
  17. Hi, Is there a way to keep the slash mask ' / / ' in the TUniDateTimePicker so the user does need to type it while entering the date and to keep the : in the time field ' : : '. if the user types 01032017 which suppose to be 01/03/2017 with a date format dd/mm/yyyy on exit it will be 03/01/2017 Regards
  18. Dear Mohammad, Very Thanks.
  19. Dear Farshad, I would like to suggest if you can make a new section in the forum for [Components] each component has its own section, in this case all related topics for each component in its own, and keeps the general section for general questions about UniGui. I think "day by day" we will have a complete knowledge base for all components. Regards to All Bahry
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