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  1. Components Delphi for uniGUI https://store.falconsistemas.com.br 💙 [01] - iGrowl (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Dialog) [02] - KendoUI (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de gráficos utilizando a API do KendoUI) [03] - Edit Mask (Web) - (Edit com alteração de mascara em tempo de execução) [04] - Button (Web) - (Componente de Botão personalizável) [05] - Google Maps (Web e Mobile) - (Google Maps) [06] - ColorPicker (Web) - (Componente de seletor de cores) [07] - Edit (Web) - (Edit com suporte a força de senhas) [08] - Toggle (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Toggle personalizável) [09] - Menu Button (Web) - (Componente de botão com menu) [10] - ComboBox (Web) - (ComboBox com suporte a ValueID) [11] - CalcEdit (Web) - (Componente de Calculadora) [12] - Google Charts (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de gráficos utilizando a API Google Charts) [13] - Theme (Web) - (Componente de temas para o uniGui) [14] - Toast (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Dialog) [15] - Confirm (Web e Mobile) - (Componente de Dialog) [16] - Popup (Web) - (Componente de Popup) [17] - QrCode (Web e Mobile) - (Gerador de QrCode) [18] - Keys (Web e Mobile) - (Secret Keys para os componentes da Google) [19] - MultiUpload (Web) - (Componente de Upload e MultiUpload) [20] - Signature (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Componente de Assinatura - Signature Pad) [21] - Pix (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Gerador de QrCode PIX em Delphi) [22] - HighCharts (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Componente de gráficos utilizando a API do HighCharts) [23] - Camera (Web) NEW - (Componente de acesso a câmera (webcam) compátivel com o Google Chrome) [24] - QrCodeScanner (Web e Mobile) NEW - (Componente de leitura de QrCode, Barcode e mais 15 formatos) For support send e-mail to suporte@falconsistemas.com.br Components for Delphi | uniGUI, IntraWeb, FMX, VCL : https://components.falconsistemas.com.br
  2. Good day! Since the Falcoln Components component developer does not respond in any way to my questions, which I asked both through private messages and via email, I receive complete ignorance and do not receive answers to questions important to me (it is very disappointing that as soon as you buy components, then the developer no longer cares about you and your questions and the developer does not want to provide support, does it, @Marlon Nardi?) Question: Why values of distance and duration calculate only from point A to point B, when I creating multi route? As result, I get not right value: But, I need get values of duration and distance from point A to point I. Code: procedure TUniFormPreviewMap.UniFSMap1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var vJSON: string; Obj: TJsonObject; vI: Integer; begin if EventName = 'fs_directions_changed' then begin vJSON := Params.Values['directionsDisplay']; Obj := TJsonBaseObject.Parse(vJSON) as TJsonObject; try lblDistance.Text := Obj.S['distancetext']; lblDuration.Text := Obj.S['durationtext']; ClientDataSet1.CreateDataSet; ClientDataSet1.DisableControls; try ClientDataSet1.EmptyDataSet; for vI := 0 to Obj.A['steps'].Count - 1 do begin ClientDataSet1.Append; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('sequence').AsInteger := vI + 1; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('enc_lat_lngs').AsString := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].S['enc_lat_lngs']; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('instructions').AsString := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].S['instructions']; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('distance_value').AsInteger := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].I['distancevalue']; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('distance_text').AsString := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].S['distancetext']; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('duration_value').AsInteger := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].I['durationvalue']; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('duration_text').AsString := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].S['durationtext']; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('startlocation_lat').AsString := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].O['startlocation'].S['lat']; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('startlocation_lng').AsString := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].O['startlocation'].S['lng']; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('endlocation_lat').AsString := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].O['endlocation'].S['lat']; ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('endlocation_lng').AsString := Obj.A['steps'].Values[vI].O['endlocation'].S['lng']; ClientDataSet1.Post; end; finally ClientDataSet1.First; ClientDataSet1.EnableControls; end; finally Obj.Free; end; end; end;
  3. Good day! Since the Falcoln Components component developer does not respond in any way to my questions, which I asked both through private messages and via email, I receive complete ignorance and do not receive answers to questions important to me (it is very disappointing that as soon as you buy components, then the developer no longer cares about you and your questions and the developer does not want to provide support, does it, @Marlon Nardi?) I'm understand that "Distance Text" calculate like that: Distance Text=Distance Value / 1000. And how about Duration Text? How she calculate? How getting "3 ч. 2 мин." from 10924?
  4. Good day! Since the Falcoln Components component developer does not respond in any way to my questions, which I asked both through private messages and via email, I receive complete ignorance and do not receive answers to questions important to me (it is very disappointing that as soon as you buy components, then the developer no longer cares about you and your questions and the developer does not want to provide support, does it, @Marlon Nardi?) So, actually a question for those who may have come across this when working with UniFSMap. Question: Is it possible create red line for town or area, when I create route between two point, as like this picture?
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