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Found 5 results

  1. Hi i need to scroll a scroll box to a specific cohordinate like UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollTo("100,100");'); but do not work. I'm just able to scroll tob bottom and so on with UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollTo("bottom");'); in sencha doc I founded scroller.scrollTo(100, 100); but not work with UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox1.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scroller.scrollTo(100, 100);); Tnks for help
  2. Hi, The Horizontal Bar is always active, even if not necessary. Any solution for hiding the horizontal bar in the latest version? To reproduce the problem: 1) Drop one uniscrollbox in one form and set 'Align' to alClient. 2) Drop one unipanel into the scrollbox and set its 'Align' to alTop 3) Run the application. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/168-more-questions-and-improvements/ Thank You.
  3. Hello, I need a container control with scrolling functionality and could not find it (a control similar to TCheckListBox). UniScrollbox can be scrolled but has no layout property, UniPanel and UniContainerPanel work fine with layouts but have no Scrollbars property. Is there a workaround to create such control?
  4. Hello everyone. I´m use XE5 and uniGUI 0.95. I have a form having various fields, and in the form I´m use the TUniScrollBox to behave them. However, this component does not have the ".VertScrollBar.Position: = n". What happens ... every time I open an existing record, to read all the fields, the Scroll is positioned at the end of the form, which requires the user to have to roll the scroll bar to the top to start watching the information. I tried using the very form of scrollBar, but when using the command 'Form.VertScrollBar.Position: = 0' gives an external exception. Does anyone have a solution for that I place the beginning of the Scroll? Thank you. Alessandro.
  5. Olá a todos. Uso o XE5 e uniGUI 0.95. Eu tenho um form de cadastro de clientes que possuem vários campos, e dentro do form uso o TUniScrollBox, para comportá-los. No entanto, este componente não possui a opção ".VertScrollBar.Position := n" . O que ocorre... toda vez que abro um registro já existente, ao ler todos os campos, o Scroll se posiciona ao final do form, o que obriga o usuário a ter que rolar a barra de rolagem até o topo para começar a visualizar as informações. Eu tentei usar o próprio scrollBar do form, porém ao usar o comando 'Form.VertScrollBar.Position := 0' dá uma exceção externa. Alguém tem a solução para que eu posicione ao início do Scroll? Grato. Alessandro.
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