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  1. procedure TfFormFilterHistory.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var nStr: string; begin nStr := 'var t1=%s.getEditorBody().outerText;'+ //1.call function 'ajaxRequest(%s.form, ''getHTMLtext'', [''t1=''+t1]);'; //2.send result to server nStr := Format(nStr, [Memo1.JSName, self.Name]); UniSession.SendResponse(nStr); UniSession.Synchronize; // MainModule.EnableSynchronousOperations=true,here is important ShowMessageN(FText); //show result end; procedure TfFormFilterHistory.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName='getHTMLtext' then begin FText:=Params.Values['t1']; //3.receive result end; end;
  2. //Date: 2021-08-01 //Parm: FEntity.FItems索引 //Desc: 依据nIdx字典项,创建过滤组件 function TBindData.AddFilterCtrl(const nIdx: Integer): TControl; var nEdit: TUniEdit; begin if not Assigned(FFilterPanel) then begin FFilterPanel := TUniHiddenPanel.Create(FParentControl); FFilterPanel.Parent := FDBGrid.Parent; //this needs to have a parent assigned and coexist with the TUniDBGrid FFilterPanel.Visible := False; end; Result := FindFilterCtrl(nIdx); if Assigned(Result) then Exit; if not FEntity.FItems[nIdx].FQuery then Exit; nEdit := TUniEdit.Create(FParentControl); with nEdit do begin Parent := FFilterPanel; CharEOL := #13; EmptyText := 'search...'; Tag := nIdx; ClearButton := True; end; Result := nEdit; end;
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