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Everything posted by likemike

  1. Hello! I have exactly this problem but with UnimMemo instead of UniMemo. In UnimMemo there is no "afterrender" event. So how can I solve this in the mobile component? Regards Mike
  2. ...and self-signed certificates are useless in internet (only suitable for use in intranet).
  3. OK! I assume, your server is a Windows based computer (for ex. Windows 10). This tutorial depends on the free of charge SSL certificate from zerossl ( https://app.zerossl.com/dashboard ). a. Create an account on https://app.zerossl.com/dashboard b. Certificates->New certificate c. switch off CSR autogenerates d. insert your company etc. e. you have 3 possibilities to verify, that your are the owner of the domain f. (only needed, when you use dynamic IP service like Noip.com or DynDns) In this case you can only verify your domain with the HTTP-Upload method. Therefore you have to install a webserver on the host computer. So load and install XAMPP (https://www.apachefriends.org/de/index.html) and run it minimally (clear every hook possible ). Then forward port 80 in the router to your host computer IP. If an error occurs with port 443, set the listen port to “Listen 8078” in the file “c:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf” (line 36). Start xampp-control.exe and start Apache. Now copy the file created by ZeroSSL in the directory “c:\xampp\htdocs\.well-known\pki-validation” (the last two directories have to be created first) g. now perform the validation at zerossl. h. download the certificate now (Server=Default). i. unpack the certificate in your HyperServer-directory j. rename private.key to key.pem now you have to convert the CRT-files to x509 encryption k. install OpenSSL (https://sourceforge.net/projects/openssl/files/latest/download) l. start Win64-OpenSSL Command Prompt m. from the OpenSSL command line, switch to the hyperserver directory and call: openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -out cert.pem -outform PEM openssl x509 -in ca_bundle.crt -out root.pem -outform PEM n. then do a right-click on both CRT files and install the certificate (for local computer). o. because SSL-versions lower than TLS1_2 are rejected by modern browsers it's important to set in UniGui: SSL.SSLOptions.Method = sslvTLSv1_2 SSL.SSLOptions.SSLVersions = [sslvTLSv1_2] That's it. I recommend the use of NoIP.COM if you need a Dynamic IP-Service. It's free and easy to install. I hope, this helps a bit to handle the SSL-stuff with UniGui. Regards Mike
  4. Hello! I'm wasting 2 days do get a SSL certificate from Let's encrypt to work with UniGui while using a DynDns IP to access my own local server. Finally it's done. If anyone is interested I could post a little tutorial. It's espacially for those you use dynamic IPs. Mike
  5. Hello! I've found the reason for my problem, but no solution. The reason is: In UnimDBEdit (UnimDBNumberEdit) these properties are missing: property DecimalUseOSDefault; property DecimalPrecision; property DecimalSeparator; while in UniDBEdit (UniDBNumberEdit) they exist. So it would be nice, if these properties are added in the next release. Regards Mike
  6. Hello! OK - I try it with other words. What I need is a DBEdit field, which is binded to a database TFloatField (it's an amount field and not a currency field!) and which allows me to input values like 1234,56 or 1234.56 I've tried UnimDBEdit with InputType = number. -> that doesn't work, because I always get integer values (the decimal point is ignored). I've tried UnimDBNumberEdit -> that doesn't work, because I only get the numbers 0..9 on the touch-keyboard (no decimal point!). So the problem is, that the UnimDB components are ignoring the "Precision" value of the TFloatField. BTW: when I set "Currency" to true I get the right result, but with the currency unit. Thanks Mike
  7. Hello! The title says it all. The displayformat of my field in the query is "#####0.00" Examples: Input Output 12,34 1234,00 12.34 1234,00 To make it work, I have to delete the InputType. Regards Mike
  8. Until there is no better solution I have a dirty workaround: For images I use: UnimImage1.Picture.LoadFromFile(CompleteFilePathOfImage); For PDF or video files I copy the file into the files\ directory before I try to open it: CopyFile(PChar(CompleteFilePathOfImage), PChar(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath+FileName), FALSE); UnimPDFFrame1.PdfURL:=UniServerModule.FilesFolderURL+FileName; Change CompleteFilePathOfImage and FileName respectively!
  9. Hello! I've tried to change the "FilesFolder" property of UniserverModule, because I want to give the user access to a picture directory which isn't located in the HyperServer-folder. But when I use "FilesFolderURL" I always get the same result: "/m/files/". Is there any way to redirect the files/ path to any other directory on the server machine? Best regards Mike
  10. Hello! I'd like to know, if there is any way to implement an OnSwipe event on a TUnimImage. I want the user to swipe through a list of pictures which are hosted on the HyperServer. Thanks in advance Mike
  11. Hello! How can I change the title background color of a TUnimDBGrid? The property "Title->Color" of the columns has no effect! I use version: Complete - Professional Edition v1_90_0_1545 with Embarcadero Sydney. Thanks Mike
  12. Hello! There are a lot of topic in this forum where the same issue is described: On iOS systems all letters are written in the first place (overlapping). after resizing the first column: I use version: Complete - Professional Edition v1_90_0_1545 with Embarcadero Sydney. Please repair this as soon as possible!! Thanks Mike
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