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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Cristian87

  1. After upgrade to (from the scroll of unimContainer don't work! Why? I set autoscroll=true
  2. Some questions: 1) To update the UniGui version, do I have to uninstall the old version or does the installation update it? 2) On the customer's server I have installed the runtime_1.90.0.1539 package, but after the update of my UniGUI the next versions of the .dll will be compiled in 1546. Do I have to install the runtime_1.90.0.1546 package on the customer's server or does it still work with the old packages RunTime?
  3. Yes, It works. But only if there is anything in OnChangeValue. Thanks
  4. How to catch the change value of a unimTimePicker? If I use the event OnChangeValue it don't works
  5. Great! It works!!!! Thank you!
  6. It don't works. In this way the ComboBox is not editable but it is still possible to change the value by choosing from the drop-down menu
  7. Why when I set the ReadOnly property on the unimComboBox doesn't it work like it does for uniComboBox?
  8. Great! Thanks! It works!
  9. How to set in the CSS configuration the color background of the row summary of grid? I know it is possibile with attribs.color but i need to do it in CSS
  10. Good morning. I need to hide the row in a grid of the summay of the group, but show the row of grandTotal. How to do?
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