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Everything posted by Cristian87

  1. Now only runtime. But also with theme package the problem was the same
  2. I resolve in this way. I use theme Triton and I duplicate the directory modern-triton in the path C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\ext-7.5.1\ext-addons\packages\calendar\build\modern into triton. The error is in the package of installation. It don't create the correct directories.
  3. I tried Material, Neptun, Triton. Same problem in everyone
  4. I tried from different devices. Even from a device that has never been used
  5. I have: Uninstall uniguiRuntime Restart the server Install uniguiRuntime The problem has not been resolved.
  6. Doesn't work in production. I use IIS on Windows 2019. I have tried restarting only IIS and not the server.
  7. The rest of the components seems ok. The problem seems to be only with the calendar on mobile on dll
  8. I tried installing them but the result didn't change
  9. This problem is only on .dll. On .exe it works correctly
  10. If I launch an application with unimcalendarpanel from the Delphi environment it displays correctly, but if I launch it from the production environment (with only FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_runtime installed) it does not display as it should. This only happens after updating to version On my pc: On server of production:
  11. Good morning. If I create a unimcombobox or uinimdblookupcomboox on carousel page, is not possibile select value. Why? If I put the same object on the form itworks correctly
  12. Why not? What do I set parent?
  13. Is a simple TUniFrame incorporate in a TUniForm with a UniMap. Then I insert into Form a component uniUrlFrame or unihtmlFrame and the code is: ucMap: TUniHTMLFrame; var FrMap:TUniFrame; FrMap := TFMapAssegnazioni.Create(Self); FrMap.Parent := ucMap;
  14. If I put a unimap in a uniframe it doesn't work and the Ajax error "Map container not found" comes out. How to resolve it?
  15. It works!!!!!!!!! Finally!! Thank you!!!!! ❤❤ You are the best!
  16. Don't works. With this appoach the unimdbedit becomes readonly and I can't enter
  17. It is a mobile application..I can't use desktop components
  18. Ok. But how is possible to force keyboard invisibile in a unimdbedit but to allow to the user to insert value?
  19. Is a handheld with scanner barcode and O.S. Android with a physical numeric keyboard. When the user uses a unimdbedit for a number the virtual keyboard must be invisible. Similarity to this:
  20. No. In a form I have 10 unimdbedit. In some of this I want use only physical keyboard, in the other I want use virtual keyboard. None of the controls need to be readonly
  21. If I write this function focus(sender, e, eOpts) { sender.blur(); } the unimdbedit becomes readonly and it's impossibile enter with the pointer
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