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Everything posted by Cristian87

  1. In this way the unimdbedit is readOnly. I need to setfocus on field and insert value with phisical keyboard
  2. How can I hide the virtual keyboard on unimdbedit? I want to use physical keyboard when the user enters in a certain unimdbedit I tried this but unimdbedit haven't afterrender in ClientEvents
  3. I have only one column. Now I resolve with but is there an other way?
  4. If column have low width the icon is visible If column have high width the icon is not visible I need width as the widht page and it must change on resize
  5. How can I set the autofit of a column in a UnimDBListGrid? Or the width same of the page. If I set an high width and I set DisclosureIcon on True, the icon (arrow) is not visible. Any solution?
  6. var E : TUniCalendarEvent; E := Calendar.Events.Add; E.CalendarId := 1; E.Title := 'MY TITLE'; E.StartDate := EncodeDate(myQuery.FieldByName('year').asinteger,myQuery.FieldByName('month').asinteger,myQuery.FieldByName('day').asinteger); E.EndDate := E.StartDate; E.IsAllDay := True;
  7. Don't works. The calendar don't show event
  8. Yes thanks..but how do you compare a field date with a format date?
  9. How? Can you show an example please?
  10. I have print with a showMessage then ShortDateFormat of GetUserDefaultLCID In dll in IIS: dd/MM/yyyy In exe application: dd/MM/yyyy Is the same but the calendar don't show event in dll but it works in exe
  11. '00:00' is not a valid date and time-]:EConvertError : '00:00' is not a valid date and time : Addr: $02346B76 But on show of calendar there aren't errors
  12. Yes but the format of system date is the same on my pc. Where can I see the format of the account IIS?
  13. I have reboot but there is same problem
  14. I do it..but there is same problem. I must reboot?
  15. Is the same on my pc. How can I see the format of account used in IIS?
  16. On my system or on customer? But if I launch .exe on customer it works correctly
  17. I have installed the dll on the IIS on my pc and it work perfectly.. On customer's server I need install some other dll or configuration?
  18. I installed the dll on IIS on the customer's server and there is the problem. If I launch the .exe the problem there isn't
  19. I have a big problema with unipanelcalendar. When I launch the application with the .exe file, the calendar show correctly the events, but when I work in ISAPI with dll it don't work! The events hasn't show and with some problems of format date. Why? I use the version
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