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Posts posted by Sherzod

  1. 23 hours ago, OdontonetEs said:

    It would be possible to eliminate this blank space, which apparently is the width of the scroll bar, to make the last column of the grid fill the entire width.


    How can we reproduce this?

  2. 9 hours ago, eduardosuruagy said:

    I have a UniContainerPanel with the AutoScrool = True option, I would like my form to always start with the scrool at the beginning of the screen, is that possible?


    Can you please explain in more detail?

    What issue are you having at the moment?

  3. 51 minutes ago, bruno65 said:

    Strange the editor filter of date type is now a text editor

    Ok, try this approach:

    JSConfig('filter', [TUniFilterDBGridColumn(Column).Filter], Column.JSColumn);

    JSConfigObject('filter', 'fields', [JSStatement('{lt: { text: "Before!" }, gt: { text: "After!"}, eq: { text: "On!"}}')], Column.JSColumn); //add this...


    JSConfig('filter', [JSStatement('{type: "date", fields: {lt: { text: "Before!" }, gt: { text: "After!"}, eq: { text: "On!"}}}')], Column.JSColumn);


  4. 59 minutes ago, bruno65 said:
    JSConfig('filter', [TUniFilterDBGridColumn(Column).Filter], Column.JSColumn);

    Check if this will work.

    JSConfig('filter', [TUniFilterDBGridColumn(Column).Filter], Column.JSColumn);
    JSConfigObject('filter', 'fields', [JSStatement('{lt: { text: "Before!" }, gt: { text: "After!"}, eq: { text: "On!"}}')], Column.JSColumn); //add this...


  5. 9 minutes ago, newsanti said:

    Font: Noto Serif Thai

    Text: สิ้นงวด
    Text: รายไตรมาส

    One possible solution:

    procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      UnimSelect1.JSInterface.JSAddListener('painted', 'function(){this.inputElement.setStyle("text-align", "right"); this.inputElement.setStyle("line-height", "normal");}');


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