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Everything posted by N.Marzio

  1. This would be my need: 1) When the application starts, I store an array with the settings of my forms on the localStorage. lKey = [ {"Form": 1, "Info1": "...", "Info2", ".."}, {"Form": 1, "Info1": "...", "Info2", ".."}. .... ] (OK, I managed to write on the LocalStorage) 2) On the creation of the forms I would like to read read the data saved on the LocalStogare to "prepare" the Form before viewing it. Is it possible to invoke OnAjaxEvent on the FormCreate? Thank you
  2. how is OnAjaxEvent invoked? Tks
  3. Sorry, but I started using UniGui a few days ago ..... Could you give me an example of where to insert the javascript code. From Js I have to run: var lVal = localStorage.getItem ("lKey"); Thank you.
  4. Thank you. So how can I read a key saved on the Locastorage?
  5. From the examples I found on the forum with this function I should get the key value on an edit field. My need is to value a variable by reading a key on the localStorage
  6. Can you tell me why he doesn't read me the localStore? function ReadLocalStorage(aKey : string): string; var lEdt : TUniEdit; begin lEdt := TUniEdit.Create(Application.MainForm); Try lEdt.Visible := False; lEdt.JSInterface.JSCallGlobal('localStorage.getItem', ['"' + lKey + '"']); Result := lEdt.Text; Finally lEdt.Free; End; end
  7. good evening, if I purchase the uniGUI - Professional Edition license then later I can upgrade to the version uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition? In both versions, are there other themes to be used in addition to those present in the demo version? good evening, if I purchase the uniGUI - Professional Edition license then later I can upgrade to the version uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition? In both versions, are there other themes to be used in addition to those present in the demo version?
  8. N.Marzio


    good evening Is it possible to configure the ServeModule so that it retrieves the files required for download in the path indicated in the sendfile, without making a copy in the temp folder of the session? lFile: = 'c: \ public \ downloadFile \ MyFile.exe'; == >> File Size> 1Gb Example UniSession.SendFile (lFile, ExtractFileName (lFile)); Thank you
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