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Everything posted by N.Marzio

  1. Sorry but what do you mean by test? Looking at the example above, in none of the following cases // // Not Working !! activeControl := edtEti;// <--- TUnimEdit // // Not Working !! UniSession.AddJS('setTimeout(function(){' + edtEti.JSName + '.focus()}, 100)'); // // Not Working !! edtEti.JSInterface.JSCall('focus', []) The focus is returned to the requested field. The problem occurs on all browsers on mobile devices and also on desktop. What other case should I do? Thank you
  2. Good morning, use version Tks.
  3. procedure TxFrmMage.cmdSelez(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;Shift: TShiftState); var lVal : string; lMsg : string; lNum : integer; begin if (key = VK_F1) or (key = VK_F2) then begin cmdClose(nil); end; // if key <> VK_RETURN then exit; // // // I've tried every one of these possibilities // // // Not Working !! activeControl := edtEti;// <--- TUnimEdit // // Not Working !! UniSession.AddJS('setTimeout(function(){' + edtEti.JSName + '.focus()}, 100)'); // // Not Working !! edtEti.JSInterface.JSCall('focus', []) // // end;
  4. UniGui Mobile, how can I assign focus to a Tunimedit control? Why tunimedit.setfocus notWork on Mobile browser ? Tks
  5. Thank you, I found the instructions for a complete reinstallation on XE11.1 ....
  6. Good morning, I wanted to know if version 1 .. it can be installed on Delphi Xe 11.1 Thank you
  7. Unfortunately, we have been waiting for management for some years simple of the localstorage .....
  8. If I have to switch from day to week view, how should I proceed?
  9. why the call does not work on TUnimCalendarPanel calCalendar.JSInterface.JSCall ('setView', ['day']); while on TUniCalendarPanel it works correctly? Thank you
  10. I am currently using version Opening your demo Touch \ calendar Panel, this is not the problem exists
  11. Good evening, within a mobile project I added a frame containing TUnimCalendarPanel. Now when starting the application I find the attached error. What is the cause? Thank you
  12. I have set the properties unimNumberEdit1.JSInterface.JSConfig ('decimals', [2]); unimNumberEdit1.JSInterface.JSConfig ('inputType', ['any']); But it does not work... Why doesn't it accept decimal values? Thanks
  13. You're right.... I slept.... TKs
  14. What does it mean? At the opening form ...
  15. I solved Thanks! with UnimSegmentedButton do begin Items[0].Pressed := False; JSInterface.JSCall('setPressed', [False], Items[0].JSMenuItem); Items[1].Pressed := False; JSInterface.JSCall('setPressed', [False], Items[1].JSMenuItem); end;
  16. After selecting a button, How do you return to the initial state without buttons selected? Tks!
  17. Within the same form I have 2 UnimPanel Collapsible, so I would like when one is Collapsible = True the other must be Collapsible = False How can I do? I tried with AjaxEvent but it is not intercepted. Thanks
  18. Thanks for the demo ... On Chrome (iOS) it works ... while on Safari it doesn't work .... What's still missing? Thanks
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