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Everything posted by N.Marzio

  1. If I insert some TUniEdit controls inside a TUniFieldSet, how can I decrease the distance between them?
  2. N.Marzio


    If I insert a TuniMemo inside a TUniFieldSet, how should I configure it so that it has a height of a few rows?
  3. I have a form with a TUniFieldSet which contains the various TuniEdit / TUniComboCobx controls ... etc. If I add a TUniMemo or a TUniHmtl these at runtime are not displayed on the form
  4. Why do I add a TuniMemo or TUniHtml on TuniFieldSet these are not displayed? Thanks
  5. thanks I will continue to use smeexport.
  6. Why in the case of a grid with many records, do I export only the records displayed on the current page? I would like to export all the reocrds on the grid. Tks
  7. E' possibile ottenere un layout simile per TUniEdit? Tks!
  8. N.Marzio

    Open Form

    TxFrmBase = class(TUniForm) procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); private { Private declarations } // public { Public declarations } end; TFrmBase = class of TxFrmBase; Initialization RegisterClass(TxFrmBase ); TMainForm = class(TUniForm) procedure onClick(Sender : TObect); private function FindAnyClass(const aName: string): TClass; procedure showMyForm(aMyForm : string); public end; function TMainForm.FindAnyClass(const aName: string): TClass; var ctx: TRttiContext; typ: TRttiType; list: TArray<TRttiType>; begin Result := nil; // if Trim(aName) = '' then exit; // ctx := TRttiContext.Create; list := ctx.GetTypes; for typ in list do begin if typ.IsInstance and (EndsText(aName, typ.Name)) then begin Result := typ.AsInstance.MetaClassType; break; end; end; ctx.Free; end; procedure TMainForm.showMyForm(aMyForm : string); var lTag : TFrmBase; begin lTag := TFrmBase(FindAnyClass(aMyForm)); // with (lTag).Create(UniApplication) do begin .... Show(); end; end; procedure TMainForm.onClick(Sender : TObect); begin showMyForm('MyPersonalForm'); end; If it can serve, I attach the units Bye
  9. N.Marzio

    Open Form

    I solved. Thanks
  10. N.Marzio

    Open Form

    I had already tried, but it doesn't work ... Error Class not Found...
  11. N.Marzio

    Open Form

    sorry, but with findClass (), I couldn't get it to work .... Do you have an example?
  12. N.Marzio

    Open Form

    From the mainform I would like to open a secondary form procedure ShowMyForm(aformName : string); begin ???????? end; procedure TxFrmBase.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMyForm('TxFrmBase '); end; My Sencond Form TxFrmBase = class(TUniForm) procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); private { Private declarations } .... .... public { Public declarations } ...... end; function xFrmBase: TxFrmBase; begin Result := TxFrmBase(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TxFrmBase)); end; Tks
  13. N.Marzio

    Open Form

    How can I open a form from a string? Tks
  14. Sorry, I fixed my account. Thanks, now I try.
  15. No. I had started with the TrialVersion, but now I have already installed the licensed version.
  16. To publish the application as a standalone executable, what should be done? I tried to copy the executable with all the necessary folders, but the application cannot be used either locally or on the network. Why?
  17. It is possible to import into TUniNAtiveImageList FontAwesone Icons, or from other sources? Tks!
  18. Where am I going to make the <form desktop> and <form mobile> link? Main (form x Desktop) ==> MainM (form x Mobile) FormLogin (form x Desktop) ==> FormLogin (form x Mobile)
  19. Is there an example of an application developed for both platforms?
  20. I derived the TuniButton component, and on the medoto I made the ovveride of the BeforeCompleted method. Here I entered my code to make the button bootstrap style. public constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override; BeforeLoadCompleted procedures; override; End; TMXUniGuiButton.BeforeLoadCompleted procedures; begin Inherited; // ...... end; I hope it's a good method ...
  21. But I want to create my TUniButtonXX. It's the same thing? Tks
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