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Rafael P

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Rafael P

  1. Yes, the log errors will be attached below. These files contains settings of HyperServer. If you need some more information, please let me know and i will put them. Appreciate! index.cfg n1 A2020-07-09.log n0 A2020-07-09.log Index.dll A2020-07-09.log
  2. Greetings, Currently, we are working on a application that already has a server setup (Windows Server 2012) loading a project like client-server adopting IIS and HyperServer (along side uniGUI), and these one's are been configured into DataSnap. But, a few days ago, my application starts to freezing and crash, and it's necessary to restart them again. uniGUI it's already attached into HyperSever and stablished correctly into client. By the way, we have DataSnap in Server-Side (case this one will crash) all our services it will stop. And i would like to know if there's any kind of settings i must be set into my application (or right into Datasnap, maybe?) or really should i search for another kind of Data Transference which it would be eficient and responsive (more them this one) which i use today? Best Regards!
  3. Thank you, really appreciate your help!
  4. Hi there, Frst one, i need to analyze what i'm doing wrong. I have a function to provide and return date values once user was clicked on it. And i need the Result load these values i have it. See the code below: function TDmPrincipal.RetornaIntervaloData(pQtdeDias: Integer): TIntervaloData; var pResult : TIntervaloData; begin try if pQtdeDias > 0 then begin Result.dtIni := date - pQtdeDias; Result.dtFin := date; Result.pExtenso:= 'De: ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', pResult.dtIni) + ' a ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', pResult.dtFin); Exit; end; FrmIntervaloData.ShowModal( procedure(Sender: TComponent; Result: Integer) begin pResult.dtIni := FrmIntervaloData.dtInicial.DateTime; pResult.dtIni := FrmIntervaloData.dtInicial.DateTime; pResult.pExtenso:= 'De: ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', pResult.dtIni) + ' a ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', pResult.dtFin); end); finally end; And i have a cons defined before: TIntervaloData = record dtIni: TDate; dtFin: TDate; pExtenso: String; end; So, i need the Result's procedure return those values like .dtIni and dtFin. Is there any workaround for this? , Regards.
  5. Greetings, I started using this component to create a right-side menu which display's many itens, so the user can navigate between the screens. The problem is that i can't create a Dropdown menu using the component natively options. Is there any workaround for this? Really appreciate. UniGUI V.
  6. And it's not working on Anyone has a workaround for this? Really appreciate.
  7. Hi there! Recently i have updated my Unigui to the version All the CSS and customizations i had before, is not truly working anymore. So, basically i had the CSS tags on ServerModule -> CustomCSS. And in my UnimButton -> ExtEvents (added or painted). But anyone of these not worked. Anyone had the same problem? Thanks anyway!
  8. Hi everyone! I'm kind of new into mobile development using framework Unigui in this current version (Trial - Equinox). So i was searching in forum about a doubt that was not resolved it at all, and i didn't find any answers that could helping me to find a clearly solution. But here in fact: - I have a Container Panel with alignment property (AlClient) defined. And inside him i have another UnimPanel form (again, with property Alclient defined) and a lot of components inside of them, like a UnimEdit, UnimCheckbox, Grid, etc... So, which property i have to use to, when i have more components inside that panel, he can dinamically adjust itself, besides i don't have to set a fixed height to my form? - Sorry if i posted in the wrong section or i don't used it correctly enough. I'm open to suggestions or links that could help me! Thanks.
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