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Herwan Alhadi

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Everything posted by Herwan Alhadi

  1. To all members of the forum I am trying to use the keypress event to disallow some keys in a TUniEdit procedure TForm1.Edit2KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if not (key in[‘0’..’9′,#8]) then key:=#0; end; still not work, how can do it thaks
  2. uniGUI Complete Trial Edition
  3. To all members of the forum How to make running text in TUniPanel like Marquee in HTML thank you
  4. Dear admin.. To download a sample project, a message like this appears : This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location. Forum moderators provide solutions for registering emails first before downloading sample projects, through this LINK : for the email and password in the link, is the email and password to register with the forum? Tried but login failed what is the solution, for the forum admin. thaks
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