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Posts posted by Frederick

  1. 14 minutes ago, irigsoft said:

    with this: 'window.open("www.youraddress.com","_self"); f.submit();'

    or this: 'window.open("?","_self"); f.submit();'

    Unfortunately, both options do not provide the intended result.

    The first one, 'window.open("https://www.google.com","_self"); f.submit();' , displays Google's web page in the same tab as the application AND displays the new URL in a new tab.

    The second option, 'window.open("?","_self"); f.submit();', relaunches my application in the same tab.

    This situation is unique because the JS code that Sherzod provided calls a URL and passes parameters to it. The examples provided in the above search link do not show how this can be done.

  2. 1 hour ago, Marlon Nardi said:

    There are several ways, the simplest I use is the following:

    in ServerModule -> OnHTTPCommand


    procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand(
      ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo;
      var Handled: Boolean);
      vParams: string;
      vI: Integer;
        for vI := 0 to ARequestInfo.Params.Count - 1 do
            if vI = 0 then
            vParams := '?' + ARequestInfo.Params[vI]
            vParams := vParams + '&' + ARequestInfo.Params[vI]


    If I am not mistaken, ServerModule is a singleton. How do I get the parameter text for different sessions from the MainForm?

  3. I have a public IP address of say, and my UniGUI application runs on port 8077.

    From my phone, I can ping the IP address but when I type in the phone's browser, it will not connect.

    I have turned off all firewalls and even allow incoming access to port 8077 in Windows Defender Firewall but there is no change.

    What am I missing here?

    Note: Connecting locally using the network IP address works fine.

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

  4. 11 hours ago, Roberto Nicchi said:

    Thanks. I was using the TuniURLframe until today but i have changed because for some reason (using the Edge browser) some reports are visualized completly blank. The pages are created but no text or anything else is visible inside. The TUniPDFFrame doesn't have this problem but have others ...

    You could try using TUniURLFrame with another web browser to see if the same problem with blank pages occurs. I sometimes do get blank pages but ultimately, it had something to do with my queries or coding.

  5. 1 hour ago, Roberto Nicchi said:

    I see the exact same problem in with my application and with the demo app provided by Frederick

    Do you have a fix for this ? It' not a secondary problem...


    I do not have a fix for this as technical support did not provide a solution. I think that TUniPDFFrame is based on PDF.Js, a third-party solution, and there could be some coding issues with it.

    Currently, I use TUniURLFrame and the extra page does not appear. Maybe it is based on the web browser's internal engine and this problem does not occur.

    I like TUniPDFFrame but I could not wait.

  6. I have a TUniDBGrid with the following properties:-

    Web Options | Paged = True
    Web Options | Page Size = 25

    There is code in the OnColumnSummaryResult event that displays the total of a column.

    If there are 26 records, I get two pages but the column summary is displayed twice in each page with totals of the column pertaining to that page's records.

    How do I get the column summary to only display in the last page with a total of all the records in all pages?

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

  7. 4 hours ago, mazluta said:

    well Frederick, did you get any HELP? 

    Do you have any idea where to start?

    I did not get help on a general basis but if you have a specified problem or request, post your question here and you should get help for it. Alternatively, you could search the forums.

    Based on the forum messages, UniGUI requires the use of JS code for quite a number of functions and if you do not know JS (like me) and without the assistance of technical support here, it may be a problem using it.

  8. 13 hours ago, irigsoft said:

    Check in openssl documentations .

    I'll leave the reading of the OpenSSL documentation to security enthusiasts 🙂. Us mere mortals need only know that we can use the Indy components in a secure environment as long as the two SSL DLL files are copied to the same directory as the application. 

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