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Posts posted by Frederick

  1. 6 hours ago, Sherzod said:


    Please see this demo:



    UniForm2.NavigateKeys.Next.Key ...

    Thanks. These settings allowed the Return key as Tab to match the speed of the Tab key.

  2. I have the following OnKeyDown procedure for TUniDBEdit controls to move to the next control when the Return key is pressed. This procedure simulates pressing the Tab key.

    procedure TForm.edtCodeKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
      Shift: TShiftState);
       if Key=VK_RETURN then
          SelectNext(Sender as TUniControl,True);

    There is a discernible delay of between 0.5 to 1.0 second after the Return key is pressed before the next control is focused compared with pressing the Tab key. How do I speed up the process?

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

    Using Tab To Tab.gif

    Using Return To Tab.gif

  3. I have UniGUIDialogs and no VCL.Dialogs in the Uses line. However, when I make the following call:-

    messagedlg('Test Message', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, SomeFunc);

    Delphi 10S throws up an error of "E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'MessageDlg' that can be called with these arguments".

    What am I missing here?

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

  4. While making a test case for this post, I remembered that JS is case sensitive. When I changed the Cls property value of the group box from "myGroupbox" to "myGroupBox", the caption font size and style change took effect.

    However, the child group box (Prices) also took the Cls value from the parent group box when no Cls value was specified for it.

    How do I disable it?

    How To Change GroupBox Caption Style And Size 2.png

  5. 5 hours ago, wilton_rad said:

    put uninumberedit  or UniFormattedNumberEdit in hiddenpanel.

    link in column option editor, seting component uninumberedit;

    Thank your for your suggestion.

    I followed your example and the attached screenshots show that the components are not responding to what has been done.

    TUniFormattedNumberEdit And DisplayFormat Set.png

  6. 10 hours ago, Sherzod said:


    One possible solution

    1. UniServerModule.CustomCSS:

    .myGroupBox .x-fieldset-header-text {
       font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
       font-size: 14px;
       font-style: italic;
       font-weight: bold;
       color: green;

    2. UniGroupBox.LayoutConfig.Cls = myGroupBox

    Unfortunately, this does not do anything to change the group box's caption's attributes.

  7. If the TUniGroupbox's caption is not blank, the display is correct in the web browser. However, when the caption is blank, the components within it creep up and cause a display error.

    Aside from entering an non-essential caption, is there a workaround?

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

    Creeping Problem When GroupBox Caption Is Blank.png

  8. I use ExpressQuantumGrid's grid component for my Delphi projects and the column objects for their grid have a Name property. This is a very useful feature because it allows me to refer to the grid column by name and avoids problems when new columns are added, re-ordered, deleted, inserted between columns or placeholder columns created in the grid for future use.

    For example, instead of TUniDBGrid.Column[12], I can refer the column as grdAmount regardless of the current or future order of columns.

    Please consider adding the Name property to your TUniDBGrid's columns and any other components where column properties with sub-properties are present.

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

    Name Property For TVCLDBColumn Object.png

  9. The TUniPanel has a Title and TitleVisible property. In the IDE, if the TitleVisible is set to True, the Title is not visible. This makes it difficult to determine the amount of horizontal space the panel would occupy and contributes to time-consuming design work, especially if there are other components below the panel.

    Would it be possible to have the Title of the panel to be shown in a WYSIWYG manner if the TitleVisible is set to True?

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

    Panel Title Not Shown In IDE.png

  10. I have 4 questions concerning the TUniTreeMenu.

    1.   How do I change the font size of the items shown in the menu?

    2.   When I hover the mouse cursor over the tree menu, the cursor changes to a pointer. However, if I click anywhere on the caption, the sub-menu is not shown. I have to click on the arrow key before the sub-menu will show. Is it possible for the sub-menu to show if I click the caption or the arrow key?

    3.   The tree menu has a SourceMenu property that points to TUniMenuItems component. In each TUniMenuItem sub-menu, I have added code in the OnClick event as follows:-


    Why is it blank?

    4.   If I change the above code to


    the application crashes with an AV. Why does it happen?

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

    TUniTreeMenu Questions.gif

    TUniTreeMenu AV If TUniMenuItem Caption Called.png

  11. I use PostgreSQL as my database backend and in my application, I allow the user to add records continuously until they decide to stop.

    When the form is shown for the first time after the add request is initiated, a procedure called AddRecord is called and it contains the following code.

    procedure TMainForm.AddRecord;

    Once the user clicks the Save button, the following code is called.

    procedure TMainForm.SaveRecord;

    and the cycle repeats.

    In a VCL application, as the first and second records are appended, you can see all the field content in the TDBGrid on the left, as well as in the individual TDBEdit components.

    In a UniGUI application, the record content for the first append is shown normally in the TUniGrid and the TUniDBEdit components. However, after the Save button is clicked, the second append results in blank content as shown in the TUniGrid and TUniDBEdit components.

    Why is this?

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

    Adding DB Records Via VCL App.gif

    Adding DB Records Via UniGUI App.gif

  12. I have a TUniPanel (or TUniGroupBox) where I have placed several components. When I need to move all of them as a single group, I use the Ctrl+Left Mouse combination to select all of them.

    In a VCL application's TPanel and TGroupBox, I am able to do so. However, in the UniGUI application, nothing happens.

    Would it be possible for UniGUI to have this important feature as it is quite painful and tedious to have to Shift+Click components one by one?

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

    Cannot Select Multiple Components In TUniPanel.gif

  13. Why does a TVCLDBColumn within a TUniDBGrid and hosting a float field not respect the DisplayFormat property of "#,0.00;-#,0.00"?

    In a TColumn of a TDBGrid within a VCL application, the numbers are shown correctly.

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

    TVCLDBColumns Do Not Follow DisplayFormat.png

    Grid Columns In VCL App.png

  14. I have set the DisplayFormat and EditFormat to "#,0.00;-#,0.00" and "#0.00;-#0.00" respectively, to four TFloatFields in a query. In a VCL application, the fields (specifed in a TDBEdit component) are shown formatted correctly, i.e. 2 becomes 2.00, 2100 becomes 2,100.00 when focus moves away from the field being edited.

    However, in a UniGUI application and using TUniDBEdit, the component does not respect the DisplayFormat or EditFormat properties.

    Why is this so?

    (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition

    TUniDBedit Does Not Follow Display Or EditFormat.gif

  15. Thank you for the code in response to my first question. Are the two procedures created in a free form? This is quite overwhelming for a newbie in Javascript like me.

    In keeping with Delphi's elegance of using components, I would have expected UniGUI to have a TUniServerRequest component that I could drop onto a form or create at runtime. The component would have a URL property which I could enter "https://www.somewebsite.com/somescript.php?action=dosomething". I would then call the Execute() method of the component and in the OnExecuteRequest event of the same component, I could examine the response return value and handle it accordingly.

    No such luck?


  16. I am using Trial in RAD Studio 10S.

    1.   How to I call a PHP script which returns a result code and strings, wait for a result and then handle it accordingly?

    2.   How to I parse the calling URL for parameter values? (E.g. localhost:8077?param1=value1&param2=value2) Using ParamCount() and ParamStr() from the main module and then referencing the values from the main form does not return any values.

    procedure TdtaMain.UniGUIMainModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
       nI : Integer;
       for nI := 1 to system.ParamCount do begin
          cParam:=cParam+', '+paramstr(nI);

    3.   Is there a list and details of the properties, events and methods for the Server Module, Main Module and components in UniGui?

    4.   Is there a way in design time, to have the details of the UniGui component appear when the F1 key is pressed when the component has focus?

    5.   If I call an external URL in situ, is the session automatically terminated and the UniGui application closed?

    6.   When deploying an application, which is better for scalability and stability for say, 1,000 concurrent users? Windows service or ISAPI?

  17. I created a standalone server using the evaluation version in RAD Studio 10S.

    If the server is created from RAD Studio while the latter is running, I can call the standalone server from the browser. However, if I shut down the server from RAD Studio and start the server manually outside of RAD Studio, I cannot call it from the browser.

    Is this expected behaviour for the evaluation version?

    P.S. I suppose the standalone server is just a single EXE file?


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