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Everything posted by Frederick

  1. Hi Doug, I never received a resolution to this issue and it still does not work in To select multiple controls on a TUniPanel or TUniGroupBox, you left click on the first control and then Shift+Left Click on the remaining controls you wish to multi-select. It is tedious and time-consuming if you have lots of controls but I guess that is how it works in UniGUI.
  2. Thanks for the update Edit: Regarding my supplemental question, is there a way to change the name of the duplicate file from CGACP_20201001.EXE to CGACP_2020100(1).EXE?.
  3. 1) Noted. 2) Delphi complains that the property is an undeclared identifier 3) I guess I will have to wait for the fix in 1) before I can use this control 4) Noted. Thanks.
  4. I am using the latest version of UniGUI and TUniFileUpload control is still not overwriting previously uploaded files when the Overwrite Property is set to True. Has this bug been fixed? [UNG-3024] - TUniFileUpload: Property Overwrite has no effect. P.S. Is there a way to change the name of the duplicate file from CGACP_20201001.EXE to CGACP_2020100(1).EXE? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  5. 1. How do I specify the target folder where files are uploaded to? When I attempt to set it via TargetFolder, Delphi complains that is an undeclared identifier. In the documentation, TUniFileUploadButton descends from TUniCustomFileUploadButton and there is a protected property of TargetFolder. 2. How do I specify that the file uploaded via TUniFileUploadButton be either overwritten or suffixed with an incremental number if the target file exists? 3. After a file is uploaded (as indicated by a custom message in the OnCompleted event), I can't seem to find the file. Where has the file been uploaded to? 4. The documentation on the properties of this control (and others) is sparse. For example, the description for EraseCacheAfterCompleted is "This is EraseCacheAfterCompleted, a member of class TUniFileUploadButton.". What is the purpose of this property and what effect does it have on the application if I set it on or off? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  6. When I was testing the web deployment of my app, Hyperserver's log had an entry which said that the FAVICON.ICO was not found. This seems to be a default name for the ServerModule. Is it possible to use MYAPP.ICO and have the ServerModule recognise it as FAVICON.ICO? In addition, there is a Favicon property in ServerModule and I have an ICO file loaded into it. Why does UniGUI still require the external FAVICON.ICO file to be present? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  7. When I update the EXE file remotely via Hyperserver, it creates backups of the EXE file in the application's home directory and a sub-directory named YYMMDD.BAK. Is it possible to disable the backups from being created in the home directory since they are already present in the BAK directory and to avoid cluttering the home directory? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  8. No problem. I will post the questions to the support portal.
  9. Hi Sherzod, Do I need to submit the questions for 1. and 2. to the support portal as well?
  10. I had seen this post but it seems to be super complicated. Since it was in 2017, I thought that in 2020, there would be a simpler solution. I'll give it a shot anyway. Thanks.
  11. 1. When I set the Override property to True, I would expect that a file I upload to replace the target file if both names are the same. This is not the case because if the file name is ABC.PNG, I get ABC1.PNG when the second file is uploaded. Is the Override property working as expected? 2. Is it possible for me to specify the suffix for the duplicate file if my Override property is False? For example, UniGUI currently appends a incremental number to ABC.PNG when it is uploaded again to become ABC1.PNG. I would like the suffix to be say, (x) so that the second file becomes ABC(1).png and third file becomes ABC(2).PNG and so on. This is to quickly tell that a duplicate file was uploaded. 3. Is it possible for the ESCAPE key to be use to close the file upload selection box? Currently, I have to click the Cancel button to close the dialogue box. I would like to use the ESCAPE key for consistency purposes. -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  12. I am using a TUniImage within a TUniContainerPanel. When the image is larger than the dimensions of the container panel, vertical/horizontal scroll bars appear in the panel. Is it possible for me to click the image using the left mouse button and while holding it, scroll the image around, like what you can do when viewing a PDF file? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition dragimage.mp4
  13. I solved the error by adding idSSL, idSSLOpenSSL in the uses line and amending the function as follows:- function TalkWithPhp(const url_to_php : String) : String; const cUSER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/4.0 (MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)'; var Stream : TStringStream; URL : String; HTTP : TidHTTP; ioSSL : TidSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; // Added this line begin URL:=url_to_php; Stream:=TStringStream.Create; ioSSL:=TidSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(NIL); // Added this line ioSSL.SSLOptions.SSLVersions:=[sslvTLSv1_2]; // Added this line HTTP:=TIdHTTP.Create(nil); HTTP.ReadTimeout:=10000; { IdTimeoutInfinite; } HTTP.ConnectTimeout:=10000; HTTP.IOHandler:=ioSSL; // Added this line try HTTP.Request.UserAgent := cUSER_AGENT; try HTTP.Get(URL, Stream); result:= Stream.DataString; except result:= 'Communication Error!'; end; finally Stream.Free; HTTP.Free; ioSSL.Free; // Added this line end; end;
  14. Hi Erich, Thanks for the code. I tried it with a call to showmessage(talkwithphp('https://www.ctsoftware.com.my/myprg/hello2.php'); and I received an error from Delphi as per the attached screenshot. Calling the PHP file from the Opera web browser works fine. I should see a message of "Hello world! What a nice day!".
  15. Is it easier doing it from the server side? I don't care which method is used as long as I can get the return values from the PHP page and process it.
  16. I found the answer above by using UniSession.AddJS().
  17. If I want to call a PHP web page that returns a string, which component can I use to call the page, wait for it to complete and then accept the string? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  18. My TUniLabel's caption has <a href="https://www.microsoft.com">Test Page</a>. I would like to simulate a mouse click on this label when a menu item is clicked. Using TUniLabel.Click does not work. I get a "E2362 Cannot access protected symbol TControl.Click" error. Is this the correct way to go to a web page? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  19. I have a login form whose BorderStyle is bsSingle. I do not want users to be able to click the Close button at the top right of the form to close the application and display the page where the "Restart Application" link is shown. How do I hide the Close button? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
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