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Everything posted by artem_niko

  1. Hello! How make text on middle in cell in UniDBGrid? Now: I want:
  2. AND? This is not what I need. I do not need to read about this theory of sitting. I know that among the members of the forum there are those who have already set up this and ask to share experiences or examples.
  3. Hello! How use UrlReferer property? I want that users use not IP of my Server and use normal URL.
  4. Perfect! Excellent! Thank you, @Sherzod
  5. No, not in column header. I need get field name of column when click (or double click) in cell of column.
  6. Hello! Need get field name of selected column in UniDBGrid at just moment, uses mouse. I mean, for example, in UniDBGrid exist Column='MyField' and when I making double click colomn, I must get name of select column. May be, exist something property as UniDBGrid.SelectedField (as in DBGridEh, from Ehlib components). Is it possible?
  7. It's perfect!!!!! Cool! And is it possible apply this code not for UniPanel, and, fro example, to Form? (FreeForm)
  8. https://app.fenixerp.com.br/unigui/
  9. May be this is because I using UniSFBitBtn (SF Components)?
  10. Yes. But not full, and partial...
  11. Not working for UniEdit or UniButton, for example...
  12. Hello! Is it possible create translucent panel using UniPanel? I want the panel to be translucent and through it the main shape can be seen. Therefore, I ask, is it possible to make the translucent state of the panel using CSS or JavaScript?
  13. Hello! How change color (style) in UniScrollBox? Is it possible replace silver color on one color, grey color on two color and e.t.c...
  14. Sorry...but, did user have right change background picture in UniMainModule.Background in server? Or every UniMainModule creating personal for every user and that's why user can change background?
  15. Hello! How change height and width property of components in Runtime using mouse? I want resize components in Runtime using mouse, for example, UniButton1, UniEdit and e.t.c. Take one of component, for example, UniButton and, using mouse, change size of component. In short, we change the size with the mouse as well as expand the shape, for example, over the edges.
  16. Was write: procedure TUniForm1.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin Left:=0; Top:=Screen.WorkAreaHeight - Height - 120; end; and now normal... But why 120 - good, 45 - no.....I understand....
  17. No, with a minus the same effect, my panel value is not taken into account...
  18. Cool! Great, working! Thank's. One last question: Form1 showing good, but I need add to Form1.Top position value of custom heiht, for example, 45. Look: procedure TUniForm1.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin Left:=0; Top:=Screen.WorkAreaHeight - (Height + 45); end; But Form1 showing ignore my value=45. Now: I need: 45 - this is MainForm.UniContainerPane1.Height. Help.
  19. From what constraint Form1 if use this property?
  20. Can't set params coordinate for Form1, that Form1 will be showing in left bottom corner, above Windows Taskbar... Form1 showing under taskbar.
  21. @Sherzod I want that my Form1 will be above taskbar, like when open Start in Windows 8/10. When I pressing button - Form1 must be above windows Taskbar. Now Form1 creating behind Taskbar: This is my code in Form1: procedure TUniForm1.UniFormShow(Sender: TObject); begin Left:=0; Top:=Screen.WorkAreaHeight - Height; end; Please, help.
  22. I still waiting answer from you?
  23. Yes, you are right...Now property Form1.Position = poDefaul was set in poScreenCenter. That why was not worked. Now is good! Thank you, @Sherzod!
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