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Everything posted by artem_niko

  1. Good evening! After successful authorization, through the authorization form, I record in the database about the authorization time. I need to follow a similar procedure when restarting the application. There may be 2 options for shutting down: 1. The user has updated the page via the button - this is the right approach, in this case I easily perform the procedure of writing to the database about the time of shutdown; 2. Through F5 (either the refresh button in the browser, or closing the browser through the cross) is the wrong approach, but it can be. In connection with paragraph 2, I have a question: Does MainForm or MainModule have an event in which my event about the disconnection time from the database will be executed?
  2. Ok, very good. And when will be New build?
  3. Ok, thank's! And when will be answer from Support team?
  4. Look, I add UniDateTimePicker in you test case. When I make double click in UniDBGrid1 and using RowEditor, new value of time adding with '01.01.2008'. So, this is value ('01.01.2008') don't must adding. Only time must be insert. I get the same error. Because when you change the value of time, an extra value is added - the year. DateTime_RowEditor_with_UniDateTimePicker.zip
  5. Sorry, I'm not admin in server and can't create test Firebird database, using FireDAC. May be, possible get new value of time before post into table? For example, in event UnIDateTimePicker1.OnChange and then post new value when pressing button "Save" in RowEditor.
  6. Thank you for example, but you testcase not help me because you are using ClientDataSet - I'm using FireDAC, you creating field RunTime - I have now created field with time (TIME, Firebird). You are not using UnIDateTImePicker for edit time value.
  7. Ok, now I'm installing 1521 and will see, if it error will be exist...
  8. I would like @Sherzod to confirm that this error was fixed in version 1521. I downloaded it, but I’m using 1521 so far and don’t want to waste time reinstalling the version on 1521 if it has such an error. I would like to hear a comment from developers and support too. Do you have a test case with UniDateTimePicker settings? May accidentally be in stock. And then I used scripts too and maybe they conflict with what is written in OnCreate UniServerModule.
  9. I use the "Save" and "Cancel" buttons, which are used to save when using RowEditor in UniDBGrid. However, I put the code with the message here: procedure TUniFormWorkingTimeForGroup.FDQueryTimesAfterPost (DataSet: TDataSet); begin ShowMessageN (FDQueryTimes.FieldByName ('WorkTime'). AsString); end; And I did not receive this message, because at first I got an error in the browser about the wrong format: "'01 .01.2008 2:30:00 'is not a valid time.", But ShowMessageN did not appear.
  10. Hello! I was using first link from you answer and write that: procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // Change application global format settings PFmtSettings.CurrencyFormat:=0; PFmtSettings.CurrencyString:='€'; PFmtSettings.DateSeparator:='.'; PFmtSettings.ShortDateFormat:='dd.mm.yyyy'; PFmtSettings.ShortTimeFormat:='hh:mm:ss'; PFmtSettings.TimeSeparator:=':'; end; But this is not working... After select time and pressing button "Save", in RowEditor, I get error.
  11. Hello! In database I have table with field having type TIME. In my project, I using UniDateTimePicker and want set new value of time, using RowEditor. When I select new value from UnIDateTimePicker, I have error: Property of UniDateTimePicker:
  12. Are you using FireDAC for connect Firebird Server?
  13. Hello! How set hint RunTime in UniButton using ClientEvents - > ExtEvents -> afterender? How use this code in RunTime: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) {Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', {target: sender.getEl(),html: "Please, push here"});}
  14. Sorry! I was finded why not working! Now it's work perfect! Topic can remove.
  15. Hello! I have table in Database with field UserActive (BOOLEAN). I want use in UniDBGrid checkbox for post status of user (active or not active). But, I have a problem with save change on exit from UniDBGrid. State checkbox not saving. This is my field: If I changing state checkbox on: and then exit from UniDBGrid, changes not saving after reopen my FireDACQuery. This is property of field: How fix this problem?
  16. Hello! In my UniDBGrid exist two field (for example): ID NameDelo. In UniDBGrid I'm selecting need me rows (field NameDelo). Then I want give list values IDs of selected rows field NameDelo. Look: In ShowMessageN (for example) I want give IDs 1,2,3,4. How do this? I was see in demos, but not find.
  17. Perfect! It's working successfull! Thank you, @Sherzod!
  18. Great! It's working!!! Thank's, @Sherzod, @Abaksoft! One question. When I applyng this code, in UniDBGrid again I seeing vertical lines in header (in title). I was try write that: UniServerModule.CustomCSS.Clear; UniServerModule.CustomCSS.Add( '.x-grid-cell {' + ' vertical-align: middle;' + ' border: none;' + '}'); UniServerModule.CustomCSS.Add( '.x-grid-cell-inner {' + ' border: none;' + ' line-height: 100%;' + '}'); But, it's not workin, vertical lines is still stay...
  19. That using class by me hide vertical lines in header UniDBGrid. I don't want remove this class, but I don't know how add CSS, that create vertical-align = middle...
  20. I was write: 1. UniServerModule -> CustomCSS: .customHeader .x-group-sub-header, .customHeader .x-column-header { border: none; vertical-align: middle; } 2. UniDBGrid -> LayoutConfig ->Cls = customgrid But, this is not working...
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