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Everything posted by artem_niko

  1. Yes, sorry! Now working as I want! Thank you! Please, help me with my second topic.
  2. Sorry. Question about RowEditor from anouther topic. I want simulate double click event in Title in UniDBGrid. As if make this using mouse. Because this adjust column width.
  3. Do you know what is RowEditor in UniDBGrid? I need show/hide RowEditor according to value (1 - show RowEditor, 0 - hide RowEditor).
  4. Hello! I have UniDBGrid and SQL query for database. SQL query return from database something value. For example, integer=1. I use UniDBGrid.OnBodyDblClick for execute this query. If query return value=0 then RowEditor not show. Else RowEdit will be show. Problem in RowEditor. RowEditor ignore returning value and always showing in UniDBGrid. What must do that RowEditor will be showing if returnig value=1?
  5. Hello! How execute double click in UniDBGrid title RunTime? I need simulate event as if I will be making double click in title UniDBGrid. It's need me for the column in UniDBGrid, they are creating in RunRime and UniDBGrid.ForceFit working not correctly.
  6. Hello! How put picture on loading screen? With LoadingMessage all understand. I'm asking about background on loading screen.
  7. UniContainerPanel + UniImage (with Align=alClient) + UniLabel (with Align=alBottom) = one of sulution you problem
  8. Well, if it would appear every time as expected, then this topic would not be. Sometimes it appears, and sometimes not, and in this case just an empty line is added (where the cursor also does not get up). But I want the line to be added, and the cursor to appear in it and RowEditor also appear immediately. In other words - you need to emulate when you click on the UniButton event as UniDBGrid.OnBodyDblClick.
  9. Hello! At this moment I'm adding new record in database using this code: (Sender as TUniDBGrid).DataSource.DataSet.Insert; New empty string in UniDBGrid showing. But, I want that also will be showing and a RowEditor, as that him show when I make double click in UniDBGrid in row. Like that: Need show RowEditor when adding new record in UniButtonOnClick. How?
  10. It's working! Now I get name of folder for session of connected user.
  11. Good afternoon! How to get the session id of the current user from the cache directory? If I understand correctly, then what is the screenshot of the names of these sessions? But how to get the one that relates to the user who is working with the project now? I need this in order to temporarily download files from the database, and then delete them, because Several users work with the database and they can download one file at a time, and I need it to be downloaded for each session in its own directory.
  12. Hello! How change language of text in ServerMonitor? And, how about interface? I'm from Russia and I want that text will be on Russian
  13. No no) @Sherzod, you are not right understand me and what I mean. On my screen I want replae word Information on anouther text. As here (for MessageDlg): UniSession.AddJS('Ext.get("messagebox-1001_header-title-textEl").setText("Подтверждение действия")'); But for Promt will be no Infromation in title.
  14. Hello! I already have domain. Let's him name msccsite.ru. What actions I must execute, that referer will be working? Please, explain step by step.
  15. Hello! I want ask, how about Promt? How change text in caption?
  16. Hello! On my form exist UniEdit. I want that user can not change exists text in UniEdit. But! When my form showing, executing UniEdit.SetForcus. Property SetFocus working only if UniEdit.ReadOnly:=False. If UniEdit.ReadOnly:=True - I can't write UniEdi.tSetFocus, not putting cursor. Is it possible disable right edit text in UniEdit, but it UniEdit.SetFocus is working when form is showing?
  17. Hello! How show panels of UniTabControl on bottom? Not found good solution on forum.
  18. Hello! I'm using UniSF components and creating dynamic UniSFMenuButton. When button creating, not assigned UniPopupMenu and don't show when I press UniSFMenuButton. This is code of dynamic creating button: var ButtonModule: TUniSFMenuButton; begin ButtonModule:=TUniSFMenuButton.Create(UniScrollBox1); ButtonModule.DropdownMenu:=UniPopupMenu1; ButtonModule.ButtonStyles:=bs_transparent; ButtonModule.OnClick:=LaunchModuleClick; ButtonModule.Images:=UniMainModule.UniNativeImageList3; ButtonModule.ImageIndex:=0; ButtonModule.IconAlign:=iaTop; ButtonModule.Font:=UniSFBitBtnMenu.Font; ButtonModule.Font.Color:=clWhite; ButtonModule.Caption:='test'; ButtonModule.ShowHint:=True; ButtonModule.Name:='TUniSFMenuButton1'; ButtonModule.Parent:=UniScrollBox1; ButtonModule.Width:=150; ButtonModule.Height:=80; ButtonModule.Left:=50; ButtonModule.Top:=50; end; How assigned UniPopupMenu with UniSFButton in RunTime?
  19. Hello! If I use UniButtonWidget then UniDBGrid.Summary not working for column where exist UniButtonWidget. ColLines exist, but summary not working: Width UniButtonWidget: Without UniButtonWidget: Why?
  20. Good afternoon! There are several columns in my table. I need to pin the width of some columns so that it is fixed on the specified columns. Unfortunately, the columns do not have a property Columns.MaxWidth (I hope that appears in the following assemblies). For example, there are 5 columns in my table. I need the width of 1,2,4 columns to be fixed and not to change with the property ForceFit:=True How can I do that?
  21. Anybody can explain how do this?
  22. Perfect! Working excellent! Thank's, @Sherzod!
  23. Hello! Is it possible put image in ToolTop, using JSInterface.JSCall? I mean this: JSInterface.JSCall('setTooltip',['<img source="'>...<b>My text</b>']);
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