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Everything posted by artem_niko

  1. No, I never received the password from the portal in the mail. Can you send it to me here by personal message?
  2. Not yet... May be you send me password in personal message here?
  3. Maybe you send me new or old password on my email?
  4. Hello! I'm forgot my password to Customer Portal and I can't download new version. How restore my password?
  5. Hello everyone! Does anyone have any idea how to make a carousel like this through UniGUI? I need to make a display of photos, looking for various options.
  6. So...Yes, maybe this is one of once way) I think that this can make in code. Last question: How get values from row where setting cursor? As it do in UniDBGrid, when we scroll rows or select mouse row
  7. No, not in Runtime. In design time
  8. Hello! How I can hide some columns in UniStringGrid? For example, 0,3 ... if in my UniStringGrid four columns (0,1,2,3). Standard property not exists.
  9. Last question) In BPL, I can't create UniForm1 (as Free form)? Because in BPL not existing MainModule and that's why I can't write: function UniForm1: TUniForm1; begin Result := TUniForm1(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TUniForm1)); end;
  10. Very big thank's! At this moment, this is that what I want make
  11. Then it turns out that when switching between different TabSheet, which I have loaded BPLs, I have to globally somewhere in the main project to store the name of the BPL, which is located on the selected tab? Or, all the same, when you delete a dynamically created TabSheet, all components, including the BPL loaded on it, will also be deleted and that's it?
  12. Ok, I'm understand you. So, if in my main project create new TabSheet for my BPL, I must close this TabSheet and this action remove all components and resources, using from loaded BPL? Is it will be another?
  13. This? procedure TMainForm.DoUnloadPackage(Module: HModule); var i: Integer; M: TMemoryBasicInformation; begin { Make sure there aren't any instances of any of the classes from Module instantiated, if so then free them. (This assumes that the classes are owned by the application) } for i := Application.ComponentCount - 1 downto 0 do begin VirtualQuery( GetClass(Application.Components[i].ClassName), M, SizeOf(M)); if (Module = 0) or (HMODULE(M.AllocationBase) = Module) then Application.Components[i].Free; end; UnRegisterModuleClasses(Module); UnLoadPackage(Module); end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var hm:Hmodule; FrC : TUniFrameClass; Frame : TUniFrame; begin hm := LoadPackage('Package1.bpl'); if hm <> 0 then begin if FindClass('TUniFrameTest') <> nil then begin FrC := TUniFrameClass(FindClass('TUniFrameTest')); if FrC <> nil then begin frame := FrC.Create(self); frame.Align := alClient; frame.Parent := UniTabSheet1; if frame <> nil then begin if IsPublishedProp(frame,'GlobalValue') then SetPropValue(frame,'GlobalValue',UniEdit1.Text); end; end; end; end else begin //Unload package: DoUnloadPackage(hm); end; end;
  14. I'm already understand this. Can you show how you unload package? How right do this. In future, I will show to user message when new package will be create and then user make unload package and load again. But I need example how unload package.
  15. Good day! Thank you very much for the answer. Do you mean to unload the BPL immediately after loading it in the main project? Can you show an example when uploading BPL? Because the code that I used, it does not work.
  16. Excellent, dear @herbernlopez! It's working! 🙏😃 Thank's! If I will have some question about this theme, I ask you! Now, I'm going think about new architecture of my project! P.S. And I still have a couple of questions: 1. If I add any forms, etc. to the BPL, will they receive a string value from my frame, which was connected as a BPL in the main project? 2. What is the best way to develop a BPL: launch the IDE separately or use the menu in the screenshot above and add it as a file in the main project, working in one IDE? 3. How to recompile the BPL so that it can be loaded again in the main project without restarting the main project? I see the algorithm of actions as follows: 1. Make changes to the BPL (add some components, code, expand its functionality); 2. Compile the BPL file somewhere; 3. Copy the compiled BPL to the folder where the main project looks for my BPL files; 4. I click on the button in the main project and my BPL is loaded again, but the main project does not close and does not restart. There are two problems right now that I cannot fix: 1. It is not possible to unload all packages and classes first (added the DoUnloadPackage function to the main project); 2. And it is not possible to compile the BPL itself, tk. if you tell it the directory where to save, for example, like here: then a message is displayed that cannot be compiled. I believe this is due to the fact that the main project does not unload the loaded BPL file that I am trying to update. In general, please help with the elimination of problem number 1, or maybe problem number 2 will go away by itself later. If not for question # 3, everything works, BPL is loaded, but you have to restart the main project, which is wrong ... 🤔 Test_new.zip
  17. Hello! Can anybody help me create connect between MainProject and BPL, using UniGUI? In attach two project. What I want? I want connect BPL in MainProject and get in connected BPL global value from MainProject (from UniEdit1). Please, help me with this question! 🙏 Test.zip
  18. Perfect! Working How about this second question? How to make it case sensitive and not search by occurrences? Only the word Classes should be highlighted.
  19. There is no color information in the file you specified. Not even a word "color"...
  20. Thanks a lot for the answer, everything works! The only thing I have 2 questions: 1. How (and where in the code) change the color from yellow to some other color? 2. How to make it case sensitive and not search by occurrences (see attachment)?
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