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Everything posted by artem_niko

  1. Currently, I have not yet renewed my license renewal subscription, because until the new versions implement what I need and therefore I use version 1555. Until the release of the new version, there is no other way to solve my question?
  2. Hello! How load UniComboBox dynamically and set ImageIndex, using UniComboBox.IconItems property? This is load UniComboBox, but, without ImageIndex: if FDConnection.Connected = True then begin FDQ:=TFDQuery.Create(nil); FDQ.Connection:=FDConnection; FDQ.SQL.Text:='SELECT * FROM TABLE'; FDQ.Open; UniComboBox1.Items.Clear; FDQ.First; while not FDQ.Eof do begin UniComboBox1.IconItems.Add.Caption:=ВременныйЗапрос.FieldByName('NAME').AsString; ВременныйЗапрос.Next; end; FreeAndNil(FDQ); end; This is work, but, without Images...
  3. I was see this, but I'm understand, how this work...
  4. Good afternoon! Interested in this question. Is it possible to organize (if "yes", how) data exchange between frames as well as between forms? I tried using a generic DataModule but didn't work. The essence is simple: there is a frame, we press the button, another frame opens. I need to transfer data to this opened, second frame, for example, a string value.
  5. Good evening! A simple situation: I create a BPL package that has UniFrame as the main one. I also need to create the Nth number of Free forms (UniForm1, UniForm2, etc.) so that I can access them from my UniFrame, pass data to forms and back, i.e. pass data from my UniForm1, UniForm2 etc. back to UniFrame. The problem is that I can't write code like this in a new form: unit UnitActionForTable; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIForm; type TF_ActionForTable = class(TUniForm) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; function F_ActionForTable: TF_ActionForTable; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uniGUIApplication, UnitG0; function F_ActionForTable: TF_ActionForTable; begin Result := TF_ActionForTable(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TF_ActionForTable)); end; end. I can't because this line gives the following error: Result := TF_ActionForTable(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TF_ActionForTable)); [dcc32 Error] UnitG0.pas(208): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'F_ActionForTable' Actually, the question itself is: how to implement what I need? Is it possible?
  6. Hello! How change color of top line in UniPageControl? I'm use this CSS for change colors: ._tab-bar .x-tab-bar { background-color:#ffffff!important; border-style: #f5f5f5!important; background-color: #f5f5f5!important; color: #ffffff!important; border-color: #ffff00!important; } ._tab .x-tab { background-color:#ffffff!important; border-style: none; border-color: #f5f5f5!important; } ._tab-active .x-tab-active { font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif!important; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; background-color: #f5f5f5!important border-style: none; border-color: #f5f5f5!important; } .myNoBorderCSS .x-panel-body-default { background: #ffffff!important; border-color: #990000!important; color: #f5f5f5!important; border-width: 0px; border-style: none; border-top: none; } UniPageControl.ExtEvents -> added function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts) { sender.addBodyCls('myNoBorderCSS'); }
  7. Thank's, this work too : But, if I want set UniForm.Caption on horizontall middle, for this exist property: UniForm.CaptionAlign=taCenter. But, early, I was talk about middlle by vertical + change height UniForm.Caption (use CSS or JS). Like this:
  8. Hello to all! I'm interesting standart theme uni_windows11. All ok, but, caption in UniForm is to march: I need make hit small, for example: I mean: 1. Make height caption in UniForm small; 2. Set position of UniForm.Caption on horizontall midlle. I'm not change standart theme, I think, may be, this is somebody bug. How change size and position caption in UniForm in theme uni_windows11? uni-xtheme-uni_windows11.css
  9. I know about UniMainModule.Theme and I am not about this. I asked about how make rounded corners using CSS or JS events.
  10. You mean this? .x-theme-color { background-color:#ededed; border-color: white #777 #777 white !important; border-width: 0px 1px 0px 1px !important; border-radius: 2px; } If "yes", how I can apply this to my theme?
  11. Hello! How make rounded corners in UniForm? For example:
  12. Hello! Is anybody know how change template for page with message "Access denied"?
  13. Hello! How change background color for UniEdit? If I put UniEdit, for example, on UniContainerPanel and set UniContainerPanel.Color something dark color, my UniEdit get this dark color in background. In attach I'm show what I mean: May be, is it possible remove or make background in UniEdit is Transparent?
  14. Greetings! Forgive me for asking questions, but please help me with one more thing. Look. 1. I start MainProject: The application starts. Everything seems to be fine, judging by the files: 2. I click the Connect BPL button and connect the frame: The connected BPL is displayed in a frame. Everything is fine, as it should be, everything works, the project works. Then I needed to make changes to the BPL and reconnect it. Let's say I did that, made changes to the BPL. For example, I change the color of the panel and try to compile the BPL: Like BPL compiles: At the same time, some strange file with a tilde is created in the directory of the main project where BPL is compiled (I understand that this is some temporary one, apparently): Now I, in the main project, press the button and Free Frame + unloadpackage and unload the BPL: Now, I want to connect the updated BPL package again, but the updated BPL is not connected, but the previous one is connected: Ultimately, the updated BPL is connected only if the project server is stopped, closed, and restarted. Only after this action is the updated BPL connected: Help me finish it so that you don't have to stop the main project, but you can reconnect the BPL without stopping the main project. Is it realistic to do it? MainProject_new.zip
  15. And if I add IP addresses to the list via UniServer.BlockingIPList.Add(...) while the project is running, should I also block the server or something? How will this affect those users who are already logged in and working on their sessions?
  16. What is unIServerModule.Lock ? For what?
  17. Good afternoon! I have a few questions about the UniServer.BlockedIPList property. While the project is running, some IP address is added to UniServer.BlockedIPList. After that, it is no longer possible to pass authorization in the project from this IP. It's all good. But, there is one awkward moment. If I remove the blocked IP address from UniServer.BlockedIPList, then in order for the user to be authorized again from his IP, I need to restart the entire project. In what event should the code be placed so that the entire project does not have to be restarted, but only the user can refresh the page in his browser, thereby starting a new session, and if his IP is not in the UniServer.BlockedIPList, then he could enter the project? What event is responsible for this? Loading the list in UniServer.BlockedIPList is performed in the UniGUIMainModuleOnCreate event in the MainModule, including somewhere else. Use UniGUIServerModuleOnCreate?
  18. Topic can be close. I'm found solution here: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/12190-тип-ввода-пароль-в-unicombobox/&tab=comments#comment-64987
  19. Good evening! How can I hide the entered number in UniNumberEdit? It doesn't have the PassWordChar property that UniEdit has. I need the input value in UniNumberEdit to be hidden, for example, by the symbol *
  20. Again hello to all! I'll try to describe the situation. At the moment, BPL is loaded into UniTabSheet, everything is ok. Now, if I start the main project, include my BPL in it, and then make some changes to it and I need to re-enable it in the main project, then I cannot, because an error is given that the BPL has already been loaded. What I need? I needed what I could without stopping the main project i.e. without rebooting it, reconnect the updated BPL again. With this in mind, I have a few questions that I need help with: 1. How to reconnect BPL without restarting the main project? Help to add the package unloading code, at least by its name. 2. If, in one browser, you start two project sessions, then if my BPL was already loaded in the first project, then the second user cannot upload or download it, because. a message is displayed that the BPL has already been loaded. On the one hand, this check is correct, it will not be possible to download the package a second time. But, on the other hand, the second user, in his session, may not need to work with the previously loaded BPL, or vice versa. How can I make sure that both users can download the BPL as they need it and so that it does not depend on whether someone downloaded the BPL or not? After all, each user has his own session after authorization goes. Test_new_2.zip
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