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Everything posted by izotope

  1. Hi, lema A long time ago I spoke with the problem that I have not shown Gmap. So, I accidentally disabled in UniServerModule property SuppressErrors. And when you try to UniGMap.InitializeMap; An error has occurred What is the problem?
  2. (MainForm.FCurrentFrame as TfrCompanyGoodsFrame).UniTimer.Enabled:=true; Invalid Typecast
  3. Little do not understand. That is, I need a form from which I need access to the frame, declare the same frame? Such form is called MyForm Which section do it and how? Thank U!
  4. Well and how can I access the object in the frame of the other forms of application? Let's say I have a frame called frOneFrame (TfrOneFrame) unit in which it is located uOneFrame Button1 object I tried (frOneFrame as TfrOneFrame) .Button1.Enabled = true; But I did not work Thanks!
  5. Well and how can I access the object in the frame of the other forms of application? Let's say I have a frame called frOneFrame (TfrOneFrame) unit in which it is located uOneFrame Button1 object I tried (frOneFrame as TfrOneFrame) .Button1.Enabled = true; But I did not work
  6. hello everyone There is a certain code that runs in a loop for i:=0 to MainForm.sdata.Count-1 do begin srow.DelimitedText:=MainForm.sdata[i]; MainForm.qry.SQL.Clear; MainForm.qry.SQL.Text:=MainForm.GetQuery('ADD_GOODS'); MainForm.qry.Parameters.ParamByName('name').Value:=srow.Strings[0]; MainForm.qry.Parameters.ParamByName('coast').DataType:=ftFloat; MainForm.qry.Parameters.ParamByName('coast').Value:=StrToFloat(srow.Strings[1]); MainForm.qry.Parameters.ParamByName('barcode').Value:=srow.Strings[2]; MainForm.qry.Parameters.ParamByName('orgid').Value:=MainForm.qCurrentClient; MainForm.qry.ExecSQL; prgLoad.Position:=i; end; And there is a form on which the progress bar So the problem is that this code does not update the progress bar. prgLoad.Refresh; frmLoading.Refresh; prgLoad.Repaint; Repaint; update; prgLoad.Update; What could be the problem? Thank U
  7. run - push initialize http://prntscr.com/5hw4j9 resize maximized http://prntscr.com/5hw4u3 all ok why so? why only resizing displays a map?
  8. Не поделитесь примером?
  9. в бесконечных пробах и ошибках я уже перешел на компонент http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4862-google-maps-geocoding/ кладу на фрейм а не на форму, отображается пустая страница, при F5 карта отображается, но не работает геокодинг замкнутый круг
  10. in the Object Inspector no such code also can not find such a property in the object
  11. I did a mini project, please tell me why I have a map does not appear? Project1.rar
  12. The first time the page is loaded, the map is not displayed when I press F5 then everything is fine. Call functions geokoding, nothing happens, no error appears. What could be the problem?
  13. hi! I tried your component, but when I try to call the function geocoding nothing happened (the application does not fall into the error), but I can see that the link you are all working I XE4 Do you not make complexity send me e-mail the latest demo version of the component and the component on the email belikov.maxim@gmail.com Thank U
  14. demo not working what is the price?
  15. Included unigui is a good example of Google Maps Demo, but lacks an example of using geocoding, could you help than ever, it is desirable good example. Thank U.
  16. Коллеги, кто-нибудь использовал пример Google Maps из примеров ? Никак не могу сделать geocoding Более того, после такой процедуры UniSession.AddJS('if (typeof googleMap=="object") {googleMap.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng('+ StringReplace(Format('%2.4f', [Lat]), ',', '.', [rfReplaceAll])+','+ StringReplace(Format('%2.4f', [Long]), ',', '.', [rfReplaceAll])+ ')); googleMap.setZoom(16); scaleControl: true; draggable: true; navigationControl: true}'); Отключается пользовательский скроллинг и перемещение карты.
  17. Я думаю никто не против, если человек 5-10 скинется и купит team лицензию, если что, я в деле.
  18. izotope

    POST, GET how?

    HTTP Post Callback - Browser Window
  19. izotope

    POST, GET how?

    Hello! how to get data from the form? I tried going to supply examples "post/get" of folder unigui, but I do not understand why you need a java script, I send the data is simply this: <form method="post" action="http://localhost:7777" class="log-page" style="position: absolute;z-index:9999;display: none;right:0px; width:300px"> <h3>Enter</h3> <div class="input-prepend"> <span class="add-on"><i class="icon-user"></i></span> <input name="user" type="text" placeholder="USER" class="input-xlarge"> </div> <div class="input-prepend"> <span class="add-on"><i class="icon-lock"></i></span> <input name="pass" type="text" placeholder="PASSWORD" class="input-xlarge"> </div> <div class="controls form-inline"> <label class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox"> Remember</label> <button type="submit" class="btn-u pull-right">Enter</button> </div> <hr> <h4>Not registered ?</h4> <p>no problem, <a href="http://localhost:7777" class="color-green">registration</a>.</p> </form> Here's the answer I catch from event UniFormAjaxEvent cinfo Ajax=1 IsEvent=1 Obj=O0 Evt=cinfo ci=br=33;os=4;bv=39 _S_ID=Rq7Obta65lEUtjt _seq_=0 FRM_Rq7Obta65lEUtjt afterrender Ajax=1 IsEvent=1 Obj=O8 Evt=afterrender this=O8 _S_ID=Rq7Obta65lEUtjt _seq_=1 FRM_Rq7Obta65lEUtjt resize Ajax=1 IsEvent=1 Obj=O1D Evt=resize w=1366 h=667 _S_ID=Rq7Obta65lEUtjt _seq_=2 _a_=1 FRM_Rq7Obta65lEUtjt Where user and pass? Thank you very much!
  20. Hello I want to translate into Russian the monitor server and tray menu. Tell me where to start and what to see modules. Thanks
  21. К сожалению не могу похвастаться присутствием в Украине, но опыт работы имеется, связки Delphi+Oracle+UniGUI и Delphi+MSSQL+UniGUI. Проекты закрытые - банковские (Фронт Офис) и торгово-складские. Если вакансия будет интересна, могу показать скрины, или описание реализованных модулей.
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