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Everything posted by cardoso

  1. Maybe giving an answer with another question isn't so useful? With RemoteQuery set to True, it doesn't work. Its simple.
  2. How can i set KeyValue to load text of an item on UniDBLookupComboBox when it is with the property "RemoteQuery" set to "True"? When i use a Data Source linked to the "ListSource" this works perfectly. But when i try to do using RemoteQuery, the UniDBLookupComboBox field doesn't display the selected item. I tried to run manually the event to force item load: UniDBLookupComboBoxEmployeeRemoteQuery('My item value', UniDBLookupComboBoxEmployee.Items); UniDBLookupComboBoxEmployee.KeyValue := 'My item value'; But it doesn't work, the field keeps empty. How to reproduce: Add a button to "DBLookupComboBox - Custom Remote Query" example and in the "OnClick" event try to select an item like: UniDBLookupComboBox1.KeyValue := 1651; // or [].Text := '1651';
  3. I found what i was doing wrong... The "KeyValue" field should be set when the "TUniDBLookupComboBox" is fully loaded. I changed the event "OnShow" for "OnReady" and it worked.
  4. Same problem here.. I'm using trial version 1.90 (latest disponible). UniDBLookupComboBoxBank.ListSource := FBankController.ReturnDataSource; // Other settings are on .dfm, and it show properly all itens from the database UniDBLookupComboBoxBank.KeyValue := FBankEntity.ID; // It makes no change at all. The KeyField on the component is correct, the record exists, the ID is correct... I need this to complete my tests on the framework to consider buying it.
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