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  1. Hi, I have a problem with TUniMap, when accessing the application from: localhost: 8077 works perfectly. But if I try to access externally through the network ip, for example: the application opens, displays the markers, but the map does not appear, everything is gray. Would anyone have any solution? I am using version Profissional 1.90.0 build 1501
  2. Good Morning I have a problem trying to use the login form: This issue only happens when I go from my login form to the main form after ModalResult: = mrOk If I remove the project login form does not happen. Note: I used unigui version 1.0 before and it worked. Any idea? Unigui version 1.90 Google Chrome version 76.0.3809
  3. I noticed that this problem only occurs when saving a new database record, if KeyValue does not save it works normally. When I save a new item in the database it does not update UniDBLookupComboBox text when using KeyValue. I tried using the UpdateText method of UniDBLookupComboBox, when I did that the text updated with the description of the new record, but if I don't save any records and trying to use KeyValue doesn't update the combo text. Any idea?
  4. ok, but to set the value of a TUniDBLookuptComboBox would not be: MyComboBox.KeyValue?
  5. I have a UniDBLookupComboBox on a form that has the listsource property bound to a datasource that is bound to a TFDQuery. In this form I have a button that opens another form where I insert into the database in the same table to which my UniDBLookupComboBox pulls the items. What happens is that right after I register a new record in the table, and trying to use KeyValue with the new item is not setting the value in UniDBLookupComboBox. Note: clicking on the combo already appears the new item in the list. Does anyone know the best way to do this? My code: procedure TFormOrdemServico.imgPesquisaCombustivelClick(Sender: TObject); var FormCadastroCombustivel : TFormCadastroCombustivel; begin if UniApplication.FindComponent('FormCadastroCombustivel') <> nil then Exit; ShowMask('Aguarde...'); UniSession.Synchronize(); FormCadastroCombustivel := TFormCadastroCombustivel.Create(UniApplication); HideMask; FormCadastroCombustivel.ShowModal(); cbCombustivel.ListSource.DataSet.Refresh; if FormCadastroCombustivel.ModalResult = mrOk then begin cbCombustivel.KeyValue := FormCadastroCombustivel.qryTemplateCOMBICOD.AsInteger; end; FreeAndNil(FormCadastroCombustivel); end;
  6. Venon

    Use Enter as Tab

    Good morning, I have a form that contains a TUniPageControl with two tabs, the first one I use to search for records and the second I use to view the information of the records and to create new records, I would like only in the registration tab I could use the enter as tab. I tried to change the KeyNavigation.enabled = true and KeyNavigation.next.key = 13, however when I do this influence in my search, therefore I use enter to search. So I tried to set the Keynavigation properties in the OnChange event of my TuniPageControl according to the tabs. But when I use it this way in the records tab when I click on a TEuniEdit for example it is as if it does not get focus, the "|" indicator does not appear. to allow typing and I can not type anything, in addition the screen looks a lock. Can anyone give me any hints how could I do this? Thank you.
  7. Because the company I'm working on is using this version. Can not make this filter in TUniDBLookupComboBox in this version?
  8. Trial Edition Version: 1.0.0 build 1397
  9. Good Morning, I would like to know if I can change the auto complete of TUniDBLookupComboBox. I would like it to find the value typed in any part of the item not just at startup. Ex: I have a TUniDBLookupComboBox that has code and description: 0001 - Alex 0002 - Manoel ... Currently it only finds if I start typing 000 .. Would I like to be able to filter by entering the description this is possible?
  10. I added the snippet that you suggested to my two uniedits (login and password) in my login form and it worked. However I have another form that I use the passwordchar and in this screen does not work, I tried to add the events also in the uniedit of this other form but it did not work, but if I remove the passwordchar it works Would you have any tips to give me? https://ibb.co/fBhrtc
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