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Everything posted by akr

  1. akr


    We have extensive use of TListView in our application. Unigui roadmap on website is outdated. Any plans to releaes this in 2019?
  2. @NNPaulo Are you a customer? We are interested but will not purchase until our questions have been answered. Unfortunately we are still waiting.....
  3. C++ programmers have to wait for answers very long unfortunately. I have the same problem. We should get more attention. The combination of the clang c++ compilers and unigui is very powerful!
  4. Any ideas here? Why is the number of properties of a unigui inherited component in C++ wrong?
  5. @Abaksoft This works for forms only. I want to create a new designtime component inherited from other components. Still crashing. Unchanged: class PACKAGE TUIEdit : public TUniEdit { private: protected: public: __fastcall TUIEdit(TComponent* Owner); __published: };
  6. It depends. As soon as components are inherited from unigui components like TUniEdit or similiar it crashes as described above. Simple as that. Easy to reproduce: 1) Create a new Package project in C++ 2) Add a component, derived from e.g. TUniEdit. 3) Compile, install and drag it on a form. It crashes! We have a C++ application with 150 windows, 10m lines of code and 35 GUI components inherited from vcl. We need to get this fixed and are waiting for UniListView.
  7. It works great as long as you produce an executable. Have you ever tried to create a component inherited from an unigui component? (Bpl)
  8. Here is a problem descripton and workaround: The problem occurs when a new package & component is built. Lets say a component TUIEdit is inherited from TUniEdit. TUniEdit has about 49 properties. The c++ the compiler runs and produces a new object file. In the object file you can see (I am using tdump) that 51 properties generated even if TUIEdit has no additional properties! So TUIEdit crashes when installed in the IDE as described above. I am happy to provide a testcase to have this fixed in future versions. Fix/Workround: Just uncomment properties. In the example above uncomment 2 properties to get a correct number of 49 properties in the c++ header in the common directory.
  9. akr


    Great thanks. I am looking forward. Can you please let me know if UniListview is still on the roadmap? This feature is key for us to purchase. Roadmap says its part of Equinox: uniGUI Equinox (1.90.0) (Published) (Under development) (Q1/2019 - Q2/2019) So I suppose its more likely to come Q3/Q4?
  10. akr


    Found it. Excellent! Thank you very much.
  11. akr


    Hi, When I place TUniMap on my form I get a blank window. Any ideas/documentation how to use this? Thx
  12. akr


    Farshad, we are happy to buy as soon as our questions are answered and unigui is working. Please keep in mind we are a C++ company. See my other post about C++ components also.
  13. akr


    It says uniGUI Equinox (1.90.0) (Published) (Under development) (Q1/2019 - Q2/2019) So I suppose its more likely to come Q3/Q4?
  14. akr


    @Sherzod is this coming soon? Is Listview still planned in the voyager release? Please respond! Thanks.
  15. @SherzodCan we discuss please. We cannot buy before we get our questions answered. Thanks.
  16. Solved. That was a nightmare. But now I am happy to have a solution. @Farshad Mohajeri Not sure if my fix is good. But I am happy to discuss.
  17. It looks like the problem can be reproduced with static linked executables. The following crashes with unigui while it works with vcl without problems. I debugged pulling the source module from vcl into my project. Its crashing in GetPropList due to problems in the RTTI info. Please advise!!! __fastcall TMainForm::TMainForm(TComponent* Owner) : TUniForm(Owner) { int count; TPropList list; count=GetPropList(PTypeInfo(__delphirtti(TMainForm)),tkAny ,&list, true); ShowMessage(IntToStr(count)); }
  18. akr


    Any release date yet? Should be part of current release? Thx
  19. Looks like C++ does not work with unigui. Giving up now. This is too bad because the new C++ compilers are clang based and produce a highly optimized code. Much better than all existing delphi compilers. I cant understand this. While Pascal is a good programming language C++ opens the doors to other projects in the world. This community should be more open minded to programming languages which are state of the art nowadays.
  20. Thank you. But still not working. My test exe is linked statically - > working My bpl can only be linked dynamically -> not working. Still crashing at the same function stated above. Some missing RTTI afaik. This is my current linker commandline (important part): C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\DCP -lC:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\DCP -r -v -Gi -Gn -aa -s -V5.0 -GBCustomComp -Tpp c0pkg32 dbrtl.bpi rtl.bpi uIndy25.bpi uniGUI25.bpi uniGUI25Chart.bpi uniGUI25Core.bpi uniTools25.bpi vcl.bpi vcldb.bpi memmgr.lib sysinit.obj .\Win32\Debug\CustomComp.obj .\Win32\Debug\UniDateTimePicker1.obj , C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\BPL\CustomComp.bpl , C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\19.0\BPL\CustomComp.map , import32.lib cp32mt.lib , , CustomComp.res Can u please make: 1) A Package project in C++ 2) Add a component, derived from e.g. TUniEdit. 3) Compile, install and drag it on a form. Is it crashing? Please advise.
  21. Hi, I have a package (bpl), no exe. Exe seems to work. I need to convert existing c++ components from vcl to unigui first. How to statically link a bpl? Can u provide a example please?
  22. Hi, I am trying to write a unigui custom component. For testing I derived a simple component from TUniEdit. It compiles and gets installed. As soon as I put it on a unigui form I get a access violation in rtl250.bpl in function "GetPropList". Doing the same in Delphi Pascal works fine. Has this ever worked? Any change to get it fixed? We are evaluating unigui for a large C++ application.
  23. akr

    c++ multithreading

    I understand how to do it for forms. What do I have to do with other global variables? Anyone???
  24. akr

    c++ multithreading

    Current trial edition from your website. 1500.
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