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Everything posted by akr

  1. JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.el.select("input[type=checkbox]").elements['+i.ToString+'].disabled='+FReadOnly.ToString.ToLower+';'); produces Unable to get property 'select' of undefined or null reference localhost:8077 (177,8) With 1531 Trial. Any ideas? Thx.
  2. This is solved. Was problem of custom component. Not unigui.
  3. Hi, I am using 1531 Trial. Those 2 lines dont seem to work. Any ideas? int i = UniCheckListBox1->Items->Add("Hallo"); UniCheckListBox1->Selected = true; Gives an Ajax error: The form object MainForm: TMainForm Left = 0 Top = 0 ClientHeight = 411 ClientWidth = 852 Caption = 'MainForm' OldCreateOrder = False MonitoredKeys.Keys = <> OnAjaxEvent = UniFormAjaxEvent PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object UniMemo1: TUniMemo Left = 192 Top = 24 Width = 449 Height = 169 Hint = '' Lines.Strings = ( 'UniMemo1') TabOrder = 0 end object UniCheckListBox1: TUniCheckListBox Left = 360 Top = 256 Width = 121 Height = 97 Hint = '' TabOrder = 1 ReadOnly = False TrackOver = True end end
  4. akr


    Hi there, 1526 is released. Good news. Still waiting for ListView. Any planned release date? Cheers
  5. akr


    I need drag and drop. It doesnt seem to have it for a line or row. Maybe I go with dbgrid in the meantime. Because its not released yet.
  6. Hi, you need to comment out the #pragma link statements in the headers. This is annoying and shouldnt be the case. Those headers are auto generated by dcc and located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\hpp\Win32 Alternatively you can try to elimenate those in the .pas files.
  7. akr


    Hi, has anyone seen the Listview component? Is it available now? Thank you.
  8. akr


    Thank you for your offering. We have our own visual components built in C++ in our application. The mentioned one is inheritated from TListView. As it is not available yet we made a workaround inheritated from TDBGridView. Probably its better to wait for TUniListView.
  9. akr


    ListView. Because we have our data in memory and dont have any databases.
  10. akr


    I wonder if it is better to buy now of to wait for our desired feature
  11. akr


    Excellent. Thanks a lot! We are looking forward for ListView. Because we do a lot in memory. We dont have that much databases. Looks like unigui's strength is database related.
  12. akr


    I dont get hardly any answers here. I am not a customer but a prospect. This might be the reason. Strange.
  13. akr


    Hello, we want to buy unigui. But before we want to see the new roadmap. Any date planned? Thx.
  14. Sherzod, Farshad, just wanna know if there are any news with C++. Same behaviour in 10.3.3. Still crashing when building components with C++. Everything is described here. Either a unigui or cbuilder bug. Hard to say. cbuilder comsumes headers generated by delphi on install time. Compiles well. But when component is installed in ide it crashes immediately. When I remove a property (e.g. RTL, commented out in uniguiclasses.hpp), some components start working. Strange. (1509 Demo)
  15. akr


    Yes. Our applicaton makes heavy use of Listviews. We are waiting for this component. Any progress?
  16. akr


    Does anyone have a Listview component? Its on the roadmap but doesnt seem to be available. That would be very helpful!
  17. That doesnt impress me. Have u ever tried to make a database event driven website with TMS? Forget it. Data access will require another strange TMS tools and strange TMS REST services. With unigui it just works. I dont have to implement a rest layer and can use standard FireDac & standard MS SQLServer. A powerful combination. Dont get me wrong. TMS is worth to keep it in mind. But its much too early to consider it as a serious alternative.
  18. What database do u use? I do this with database events. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Database_Alerts_(FireDAC)
  19. akr

    Gui update

    Ok thanks. Thats my current solution. Implemented a timer. But it freezes sometimes. Maybe I should move to ISAPI now....
  20. akr

    Gui update

    There problem here seem the asynchronous events from FDEventAlerter. This doesnt seem to be supported by unigui. Anyone? Anyone using this?
  21. akr

    Gui update

    Hi, I am using 1509 trial. I am trying to update a Unimemo with FDEventAlerter (OnTimeout, OnAlert). Timeout is set to 1000. Works on normal VCL. But Unigui doesnt seem to update. When the memo gets refreshed it shows several entries. But how can it be updated via FDEventAlerter/OnTimeout, means every second?
  22. akr

    unidbgrid hotkeys

    Thank you! Ok, not default keys. Handler needed. ok.
  23. akr

    unidbgrid hotkeys

    Is there a description of the hotkeys somewhere? My problem is that ctrl-del is not working. Normally it should delete a row. I am using the 1509 trial.
  24. Hi, this doesnt solve my problem. This is about C++ and components inherited from unigui classes. Wrong topic!
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