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Posts posted by MarcoZC

  1. Good Morning. I'm having a problem that I do not understand why it happens. I'm making a WEB application with a structure almost identical to the UniGUI demo, the main screen has a menu on the left and a UnipageControl on the rest of the screen. According to the selected menu option, a UniTabSheet is created and the TUniFrameClass is created and assigned to the previously created UniTabSheet. In all cases when the Tabsheet shows the application run, the TabSheet occupies the entire client area of the PageControl but the Frame does not allow it to expand to the entire client area. The effect I want to achieve is the same as shown in FormControlsFieldSet in the UniGUI demo. As I did not get it, I copied the .pas and the .dfm of FormControlsFieldSet from the demo and added it to my project by assigning it a menu option. What is my surprise that it is exactly the same as the rest of the frames in my application, that is, it only occupies part of the tabsheet area and unlike the demo, it has lost the capacity to resize the controls shown there.
    What I can be doing wrong?

  2. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. The access permissions of the folder "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\" can not be changed or at least I have not found the way. Not even accessing the server as Administrator is not possible to assign new users to that folder. I think it will be because it is a folder for internal use of the system, well the solution to this problem is to manually create a file "w3wp.CFG" in the folder "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\" The file is empty but the system no longer gives an error and works correctly. I must say that the same application installed in a Windows server 2012 did not give any problem. Well, problem solved.

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  3. I have installed a Windows server 2019 server with IIS and I have configured the system so that it can run the ISAPI DLLs created with UniGui. In the tests I did with the UniGui examples it works fine, but in an application that connects to a remote MS SQL Server database, after identifying the user, the following error message is displayed [Can not create file "C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \ inetsrv \ w3wp.CFG "]. I do not know if this has happened to someone or someone knows how to solve it.
    Thank you for your attention.

    The UinGui Version in this server is

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