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Everything posted by MarcoZC

  1. I have already said in the following message that what I want is to vary the height of the column titles. I don't know if I understand that there is no solution to this, or that they are ignoring me.
  2. How can I change the title height of the UNIDBGRID
  3. Good morning. I have two days trying to configure the customcss to be shown as I want. I have reviewed all the contributions to the CSS configuration forum of a Tunidbgrid component and I can't get it as I would like. I am using version of Unigui, Delphi 11 version 28.0.48361.3236. The maximum I have achieved is to show the unidbgrid in Zebra format using: .x-grid-item-Alt { Background-Color: #DFBF9F; } I am using the Triton-Modified theme and when I pass with the cursor on one of the items that are not even the line takes the default color of the theme, but when I pass on one of the item even the line does not change color. Looking on the Internet I have found this configuration that in principle adapts to what I want to do: / * General style for UNIDBGRID */ .STL-GRID { Font-Family: Arial, Sans-Serif; Border-Collapse: Collapse; Width: 100%; Margin: 10px 0; } / * Table header */ .stl-Grid Th { background-color: #8b5a2b; /* Dark brown */ Color: #FFF; / * Blank text */ Padding: 8px; Text-align: Left; } / * Even rows */ .STL-GRID TR: NTH-CHILD (EVEN) { Background-Color: #F2E5C1; /* Light brown */ } / * Odd rows */ .STL-GRID TR: NTH-CHILD (ODD) { Background-Color: #E5D0A4; / * Another tone of light brown */ } / * Normal cell */ .STL-GRID TD { Padding: 8px; } / * Highlighted cell (for example, when passing the cursor on it) */ .STL-GRID TD.HIGHLIGHT { Background-Color: #BF8040; / * Medium brown */ Color: #FFF; / * Blank text */ } / * Selected cell */ .STL-GRID TD.SELECTED { Background-Color: #A3662A; /* Dark brown */ Color: #FFF; / * Blank text */ } But even if it includes it in the Grid Cls, directly on the component or do so by uniframecreate with dbgrid.jsinterface.jsconfig ('CLS', ['Stl-Grid']); Only all the rows are shown in a color and when I move the cursor, nothing changes. Any help, please?
  4. He visitado la pagina de RADCore y en el boton BUY solamente pudes ver videos y saber cuanto cuesta en tu moneda, pero no veo la forma de comprarlo.
  5. Thank you. Works well as follows: procedure TUniManMediadores.DBGrRecibosAfterLoad(Sender: TUniCustomDBGrid); var colindx: byte; begin colindx := 1; DBGrRecibos.JSInterface.JSCode('var me='#1'; Ext.defer(function(){Ext.select(me.columnManager.columns['+ IntToStr(colindx) +'].getCellSelector()).setStyle("cursor", "pointer")}, 500);'); colindx := 9; DBGrRecibos.JSInterface.JSCode('var me='#1'; Ext.defer(function(){Ext.select(me.columnManager.columns['+ IntToStr(colindx) +'].getCellSelector()).setStyle("cursor", "pointer")}, 500);'); end;
  6. Hi. Is there any way to change the type of cursor in a dbgrid depending on what column are located?
  7. What unit is the function SetResourceString in? I can not find it.
  8. Hi. How can I change the text of the UniCalendarDialog buttons?
  9. if we create the component at runtime this may work (it seems that the key is to assign a name to the component). But as I said, I create the components at design time, so that they already have a name, and then at runtime I want to assign the afterrender depending on the Datasource field having the required property set to true. This is the code I use, but it doesn't work. procedure TUniManPol.GetRequiredField; var x: integer; o: TComponent; f: TField; c, z : string; begin z := 'afterrender=function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.allowBlank=false; }'; for x := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do begin o := Components[x]; c := ''; f := nil; t := ''; // Tipo de dbedit if o is TUniDBEdit then begin t := 'TUniDBEdit'; c := TUniDBEdit(o).DataField; f := TUniDBEdit(o).Datasource.Dataset.fieldbyName(c); if f.Required then begin TUniDBEdit(o).ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add( z ); TUniDBEdit(o).ClientEvents.Enabled := True; end; end; if o is TUniDBDateTimePicker then begin t := 'TUniDBDateTimePicker'; c := TUniDBDateTimePicker(o).DataField; f := TUniDBDateTimePicker(o).Datasource.dataset.fieldbyName(c); if f.Required then begin TUniDBDateTimePicker(o).ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add( z ); TUniDBDateTimePicker(o).ClientEvents.Enabled := True; end; end; if o is TUniDBLookupComboBox then begin t := 'TUniDBLookupComboBox'; c := TUniDBLookupComboBox(o).DataField; f := TUniDBLookupComboBox(o).Datasource.dataset.fieldbyName(c); if f.Required then begin TUniDBLookupComboBox(o).ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add( z ); TUniDBLookupComboBox(o).ClientEvents.Enabled := True; end; end; end; end;
  10. In the source I write this command to assing a clientevent.extevent. If run the application it does not work bud if I assign this in dessign time work ok. z := 'afterrender=function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.allowBlank = false; }'; TUniDBDateTimePicker(edit).ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add( z ); I need make another job to meke work this code??
  11. Good afternoon. For two days I'm trying to assign a single control to the TUniPropertyGrid component that I have in a frame instead of passing the entire frame and having to select the component from the top combobox. The idea is by means of a function key to activate the TUniPropertyGrid with the properties of the active control at that moment. I can't find a way to do it. Any ideas?
  12. Sorry, I have put this thread where it does not belong, this is not a bug and it does not have to be here. I will post it in the General forum.
  13. Good afternoon. For two days I'm trying to assign a single control to the TUniPropertyGrid component that I have in a frame instead of passing the entire frame and having to select the component from the top combobox. The idea is by means of a function key to activate the TUniPropertyGrid with the properties of the active control at that moment. I can't find a way to do it. Any ideas?
  14. Hi, I am testing the different types of UniDbEdit and I have detected that some of them do not have the LayouConfig property, specifically UniDbNumberEdit and UniDbFormattedNumberEdit. It seems strange to me if we consider that UniNumberEdit and UniFormattedNumberEdit if they have it. Is it a design error of the class or is there a reason for this?
  15. Initially I try to understand how the Client Alignment demo works. From what I see, it uses several types of combined layouts: vBox, hBox, Fit and Absolute
  16. My email is the same of the customer portal.
  17. No, I am a registered user. Member ID 00957
  18. The version I use is
  19. Hello good day. I have a problem with the LayoutConfig.Flex property, specifically my problem is that I do not understand how it works. I understand that it is an integer value, but I do not know how it is used. I have looked for information in the help and I can not find anything to explain it. In the source code of the ClientAlignment demo I see that different values are assigned to each of the controls but I do not understand why. Someone would be kind enough to give me an explanation about this. A more detailed explanation of each of the LayoutConfig and LayoutAttribs properties would also be interesting. Thank you.
  20. Hello again. The first thing is to thank you for your response. Yesterday I was not in the office and I could not prove your solution. Today I'm at work and I do not quite understand which component you assign the property alignment = fit to. In the UniTabSheet that property exists but I can not find the way to apply 'fit' because that property inherits it from uniPanel and only accepts taLeftJustify, taRightJustify, taCenter. The TabSheet is created dynamically just like in the UniGUI demo. Forgive my ignorance but I am starting to use UniGUI and I am quite lost. Thanks again.
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