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Everything posted by adragan

  1. Did anyone use TVirtualTable from DevArt in a live enviroment ? From what I read the component is not thread-safe (??). My tests did not show any problem in UniGui application. So does anyone have any real life experience with this combination ?
  2. Thanks, but the demo covers UniDbGrid. The question was about UniStringGrid
  3. How ? There is no Editor property for Cell[i,j]
  4. How can one place a TUniEdit in a cell of a UniStringGrid ? How about a TUniCheckBox or any other component ? Is it possible ?
  5. Hi, I'm trieing to install a test program on a windows 2008 server + IIS 7 I followed the steps from the install documentation but I ran into a problem. If "Directory browsing" in enabled , things work but the directory is listed which I don't want to happen. If "Directory browsing" is disabled then "403 Access denied". I configured the handler and the default document to point to the dll I installed. Does anybody know how to solve this ?
  6. Did you install on the computer the Firebird client. Since you're using ADO did you install, configure and test the ODBC driver ?
  7. Maybe you can make something like in Intraweb. DBComboBox has ItemHasValues=True Items has an ItemList like Something=Value It lists in the Combo the "Something" but when selected the "Value" goes in the database field.
  8. I tried to put a TUniDBLookupComboBox in a TUniHiddenPannel and connect it to a column in a TUniDBGrid. Ex : table Orders( order_id integer, ............. status integer ) table OrderStatus ( status integer, expl varchar(20) ) Is it possible to list in the Unidbgrid column "Expl" using UniDBLookupComboBox ? Also when choosing the "expl" value , field "status" to be updated in the Orders table. I tried various combinations. No go ! Am I doing something wrong or it is a bug ?
  9. Can you be more specific ?
  10. Thanks I'll try that. I have some mobile users and I need to identify them. I hoped that could have been a solution.
  11. Is it possible to get a list of connected clients ( IP/SessionId ) and eventually "kill" one of the sessions ?
  12. Is it possible to get the MAC of a remore client ? I know Indy in 9 version could do that.
  13. If you use IBX then try this way : if Transaction.InTransaction then Transaction.Commit; Transaction.StartTransaction; ..... do something ..... if Transaction.InTransaction then try Transaction.Commit; except on e:Exception do begin Transaction.RollBack; ShowMessage("some rollback message" + e.message ); end; end; where Transaction is the TIBTransaction object attached to then query or whatever you use in the "do something" code. ADO openes the transaction by itself but to be on the safe side you need to do at the end if Connection.InTransaction then try Connection.CommitTrans; except on e:Exception do begin Connection.RollbackTrans; ShowMessage('Some error message '+e.Message); end; end; For Zeos components it's almost the same as for ADO; DBX has a much more complicated way of handelig transaction.
  14. Read the doccumentation from the site. http://www.unigui.com/resources/online-documentationumentation It's simple and if you follow the steps you're in the clear. If you use IIS then the link to first application will be : www.yoursite.com/first_app.dll To the second www.yoursite/second_app.dll and so on. If you want to work with Apache you have to define 2 virtual hosts and point each one to a separat folder where you have the *.dll of the application. It's more complicated but doable.
  15. Hi Fershad I have some basic questions for you. 1. In Delphi one can either create all the forms at the start of the program and then show/hide them accordingly to the application logic, or create the forms when needed and free them after they are not needed anymore. It seems to me that UniGui works diffrently. Application creates them all at the start. Even if you free them you don't have to recreate them the next time. You just call show. Please comment. 2. In a previous message I read that the database components should stay in the UniMainModule which is a kind of a DataModule container. Everythine ok till now . For a test I tried to put queries and tables on frames and the application still works even when the database components have the same name for diffrent clients( sessions). Putting the database components on then MainModule is a must or a reccomandation ? 3. For various reasons I had to move Apache from listening on 80 to 8090. Application started but any button pressed gave the same message "Server not available". Is there a setting for the isapi.dll so that the application responds ?
  16. adragan


    It works ! Thanks !
  17. adragan


    Hi, Is it possible to write the title of columns of a UniDBGrid on 2 or more lines ? Is it possible to write the title of columns in a UniDBGrid vertically ? If not, maybe you put these in feature requests for some future release. Thanks
  18. adragan


    Thanks I don't know how I missed it !
  19. adragan


    Can we have an example of how it works ? Where does the uploaded file go to ? It works only in IE ?
  20. Loading 40 row / 4 columns in a UniStringGrid took 12 sec. Same data in a UniDBGrid took 3-4 sec. Is that a normal behaviour ? Enviroment I5 + 4 GbRam on localhost
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