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Posts posted by picyka

  1. How can I get data from the Event Source column?


    var LastAjaxEvent := TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).UniSession.LastAjaxEvent;
    var Cmp := TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).UniSession.CurrentComponent;

    What would be the correct way?


  2. 6 horas atrás, Sherzod disse:

    Ok, então tente esta abordagem:

    procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      UniStringGrid1.JSInterface.JSAddListener('viewready', 'function(){this.getSelectionModel().suspendEvent("select")}');


    And in this case here, let's say I want to click on an actionColumn to open a Form, how would I do it?
    I would have to position the dataset on the server

  3. I upgraded the unigu version to version 1555 on a server. I have gone more than two hours without the client reporting any freezes to me. I use IIS on 3 servers, they all had the same problem using version 1573, maybe there was some configuration in my IIS that this version doesn't like. I spent horrible days looking for a solution, I found nothing. Maybe I'll roll back the version on the other servers.

    I am at your disposal to help with anything that might help you find the error.

  4. 4 minutos atrás, Farshad Mohajeri disse:


    Nos logs há dois endereços IP. O primeiro é o endereço IP remoto e o 2º é o endereço IP encaminhado do cliente.

    Ele mostra que o servidor está atrás de um servidor proxy. Talvez seja o servidor proxy que causa esses problemas.

    I use CladFlare, but here in other topics, someone had the same problem, and if I'm not mistaken, they didn't use it.

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