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Everything posted by picyka

  1. picyka

    Update System

    Thanks for your attention, I'll try something here Thanks
  2. picyka

    Update System

    Good morning friends, yeah, if I don't know which version my session is, I can't do anything. I don't know if we have this information, It seems that when I use HyperServer some functions are missing.
  3. picyka

    Update System

    procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS('socket.addEventListener(''message'', function (event) { ' + ' alert(event.data); ' + ' ajaxRequest('+Self.WebForm.JSName+', "_socket", [''text='' + event.data]); ' + '});'); end;
  4. picyka

    Update System

    socket.addEventListener('message', function (event) { alert(event.data); ajaxRequest(MainForm.JSName, "Message", event.data); }); How to put ajaxRequest to get the data coming from the server in the events?
  5. picyka

    Update System

  6. picyka

    Update System

    Two questions: Is there any way for me to know what is the current version of the session I'm in? How to use this code in unigui? <script type="text/javascript"> const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080'); socket.addEventListener('open', function (event) { socket.send('Hello Server!'); }); socket.addEventListener('message', function (event) { var today = new Date(); var date = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0') + '/' + String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0') + '/' + today.getFullYear(); var time = String(today.getHours()).padStart(2, '0') + ":" + String(today.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0') + ":" + String(today.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0'); var dateTime = date+' '+time; $("#log").append( "<tr>" + "<th>" + dateTime + "</th>" + "<th>" + event.data + "</th>" + "</tr>" ); }); function sendMessage() { socket.send(document.getElementById("textMessage").value); }; </script> GitHub - mateusvicente100/bird-socket-server: Este é um servidor websocket para Delphi.
  7. picyka

    Update System

    using the hyperserver, is there a way to notify the sessions? or would have to wait for websocckets
  8. picyka


    C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\PDFViewer - (it works) C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\PDFViewer - UniPDFFrame (does not work)
  9. picyka

    Update System

    Currently I use HyperServer, I would like to know if there is any event to notify the user that there is a new version of the system, for him to leave the system and enter again. It is possible?
  10. picyka


    Can I send the pdf privately?
  11. picyka


    I only went up a part, because of the information.
  12. picyka


    Good morning, I have a pdf that when using the TUniPDFFrame component is blank, I believe it is related to the source of the pdf, is there any way to get around this?
  13. You can use TRestClient
  14. picyka


    Good Morning, I'm going to do a test in production, if I'm not mistaken I've seen cases with more than 5 hours
  15. picyka


    Good night, I was doing some tests here and I discovered a situation. When I start unittimer, if I close the browser tab directly, its session does not die. TestCase.rar
  16. procedure TUniFormConsultaEndereco.cbPesquisaEnderecoRemoteQuery(const QueryString: string; Result: TStrings); begin var lRest := TRestNewUtils.Create('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?input=' + TSparkleUtils.PercentEncode(QueryString) + '&language=pt_BR&key=' + _CHAVE_MAPS); try lRest.Execute; if lRest.Response.StatusCode <> 200 then Exit; var lObjectJson := lRest.ResponseJSONValue as TJSONObject; if lObjectJson.GetValue('status').Value.Equals('OK') then begin var lListPredictions := TJSONArray(lObjectJson.GetValue('predictions')); Result.Clear; for var I := 0 to lListPredictions.Count - 1 do Result.Add(AnsiUpperCase(lListPredictions.Items[I].GetValue<String>('description'))); end; finally lRest.Free; end; end; I made a separate screen without map. query address using google api.
  17. It worked, thank you very much
  18. console code MainForm.Admin1.setTooltip('Teste');
  19. I can't set a hint, only the console works. TestCase.zip
  20. here it helped me, after cleaning it, I send it to update the query
  21. Great, I didn't know this one.
  22. Simple stuff like that, it should be released in all versions.
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