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Luciano França

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Everything posted by Luciano França

  1. Does not work see attached demo. Hint Unigui Dynamic.7z
  2. I need this code in runtime but it only works in designer procedure TMainForm.UniButton3Click(Sender: TObject); Var vScript: String; begin vScript := 'function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { '; vScript := vScript + ' Ext.create(''Ext.tip.ToolTip'', { '; vScript := vScript + ' target: sender.getEl(), '; vScript := vScript + ' showDelay:1, '; vScript := vScript + ' dismissDelay:99999, '; vScript := vScript + ' maxHeight: 600, '; vScript := vScript + ' maxWidth: 800, '; vScript := vScript + ' minWidth: 500, '; vScript := vScript + ' html: "<a style=''font-size:14px;''>Test com Hint</a>" '; vScript := vScript + ' }); '; vScript := vScript + ' } '; UniButton3.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['afterrender'] := vScript; End;
  3. I created this topic http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/23241-how-to-make-a-balloonhint/ but the presented solution does not work with "TuniDateTimePicker" "There is no Default JavaScript Object. [UniDateTimePicker1 : TUniDateTimePicker]" and it does not work when I modify the hint of some control, that is, I already need to have the hint defined when creating the forms, if I have to modify it I will have problems with two simultaneous hints . Hint Unigui.7z
  4. Based on this topic: I managed to solve it with this code: function afterCreate(sender) { var picker; picker=sender.getPicker(); picker.minWidth = sender.width; picker.maxWidth = 9900; }
  5. Is there a way for me to detect so that the FieldWith is smaller than the Width of the Combobox so it stays the same size ?
  6. Currently, when it is too large, a line break is done, as I could increase the width of the List only when I clicked with the mouse
  7. I didn't understand how can I do this ?
  8. Attached is a project with a Video where you can see that the forms are not maintained in z-order I can switch between them Unigui Form StayOnTop.7z
  9. Creation of various types of components I managed UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Clear; UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<div>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<fieldset> <legend> Mesa 01 </legend> '); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<label class="tunilabel">Click me!</label>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<br>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<edit class="TUniEdit">Click me!</edit>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<br>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<select class="tunicombobox">Click me!</select>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<input type="text" class="inputtext" id="email" name="email" value="" onkeypress="formchange()" />'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<input class="x-btn hoverbutton myUnselectable" type="button" value="Teste" onclick=" ? "; />'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('</fieldset>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<fieldset> <legend> Mesa 02 </legend> '); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('</fieldset>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('</div>'); I just don't know how to manipulate a Grid to look like the image there must be some topic with explained but I don't know how to search
  10. Sherzod Another way to solve my problem would be to add HTML codes in a Grid I have several DbCtrlGrid that I need to replace How could I make this CardGrid with two columns
  11. None of these examples meet the requirements I need, to create component in a "UniHTMLFrame" and interact with them. I already looked here in the forum and my code from the 1st topic has part of what I need See what I need is something similar to the Old TDbCtrlGrid from VCL if you can help me with the code I already posted it I will be very grateful.
  12. How to create components at runtime? I need to simulate a restaurant table and for that I need to create several GroupBoxes and inside these panels I need the following components label combobox button I found the code below and I would like to change the "Panel" for "GroupBox" and how to add Label and Combobox and how to interact with these components what to put in the "onclick" event so that I can execute a Delphi procedure. UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Clear; UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<div>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append ('<p class="hoverpanel myUnselectable";>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append ('<input class="x-btn hoverbutton myUnselectable" type="button" value="Teste" onclick=" ? "; />'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('</p>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('</div>');
  13. but see if you create several forms I will have problems see the following: Form2 -> Form3 -> Form4 In this situation I wanted Form3 to always be above Form2 and the same with Form4 always above Form3
  14. Attached is a test project and a video where I show what I can change by placing Form1 on top of Form2 Project1.7z
  15. this works for the "MainForm" but in the following example Form2 -> Form3 the Form3 form will not be on top of the Form2 is there a way to keep the order always keeping the Form3 above the Form2 ?
  16. I need this functionality has it been implemented ? if yes how ?
  17. Error in TUniDateTimePicker An Exception has occured in application: There is no Default JavaScript Object. [UniDateTimePicker1 : TUniDateTimePicker] Restart application >did You see this code : https://blog.logrocket.com/creating-beautiful-tooltips-with-only-css/ @Sherzod help us
  18. Unfortunately I can't use any of the above codes I'm bad at java script 🤣🤣 If anyone can adapt these codes above to Unigui I will be very grateful.
  19. As VCL I do Application.HintHidePause := 999999; How could I do something similar in Unigui in CSS or Script JS ?
  20. with this topic "http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/21177-settooltip-in-unimenuitem/#comment-114220" I can put hint in the "UniMenuItem" I would like to increase the font size I tried in CustomCSS but it doesn't work .tooltip { font-size:15px; }
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