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Luciano França

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Everything posted by Luciano França

  1. Yes I understand that but I believe it would be possible to do something using the event "DayClick(Sender: TUniCalendarPanel; ADate: TDateTime; Allday: Boolean)" and use a code similar to this UniCalendarPanel1.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Values['beforeInit'] := 'function beforeInit(sender, config) {'+ 'sender._setBGColor = function () {'+ ' if (sender.getView() && sender.getView().activeView.xtype == "calendar-month") {'+ ' sender.el.select(''.x-calendar-weeks-cell'').elements.forEach(function(el){el.style[''background-color'']=""});'+ ' sender.store.eventSource.each(function(ev) {'+ ' dataEl = sender.el.select(''.x-calendar-weeks-cell[data-date="''+ Ext.Date.format(ev.data.startDate, ''Y-m-d'') +''"]''); '+ ' if (dataEl.elements[0]) { '+ ' dataEl.elements[0].style[''background-color'']="yellowgreen"'+ ' }'+ ' })'+ ' }'+ '}'+ '}'; Can you help me Grateful.
  2. Is there a way to do what I need? actually I would like to use TUniCalendar but as it is difficult to customize by changing its size, holiday events etc... This way I want the CalendarPanel to have this click effect so the user knows the date that was selected.
  3. I want, when clicked on a day, the focus turns to another color as if it were selected like TUniCalendar as if it had focused on the day by default the CalendarPanel does not change the color of the day that was clicked and it is not possible to know which day it is that is, when using the event "DayClick(Sender: TUniCalendarPanel; ADate: TDateTime; Allday: Boolean)" it should change the color of the day that was clicked
  4. There is no event in the calendar when i said event i meant "DayClick(Sender: TUniCalendarPanel; ADate: TDateTime; Allday: Boolean);" what I need is that the day I click it stays in another color to show the day it was clicked
  5. Am I missing an event? See attached example which does not work Focus Calendar Unigui.7z
  6. I tried to adapt the code of this approach but I can't could someone help me ?
  7. How to Focus with another color the day that was clicked with the mouse like TuniCalender ?
  8. and would you like to paint the background of the day and show the hint ?
  9. when the calendar was small this description has the event I need it to show the color and the hint
  10. See the attached image when the "TUniCalendarPanel" component is small it doesn't show in another color and neither does Hint how could I change this behavior to ignore the size?
  11. I tried to adapt this the code of this post but it gives error attached an example UniCalendar Day.7z
  12. You shouldn't do this on unidbgrid I did it manually by putting forward and backward buttons and manually controlling I be I made my own controls don't expect everything from unigui when you can make it yourself
  13. This topic explains how to increase the font size of the header but I would like to also increase the font of the days and thus increase the size of the component itself UniCalendar.Height ? UniCalendar.Width ?
  14. I already searched the forum but I didn't find a solution to show more than 4 buttons i need 6 buttons
  15. I'm trying this approach but it gives error I can create when I use a DataModule Free but I didn't want the Datamodules as Free See the attached example. Erro in Thread Unigui.7z
  16. The important thing is to work no matter how. Much obliged.
  17. See this example attached Is this some Unigui bug ? KeyDown ListBox.7z
  18. for reasons of my logic I don't want to use an Editor, I would like to use the "PickList" but I need to add some actions that are after I have already created the form and I can't. how could I do it ?
  19. I'm having trouble setting the timing and font size for Menu Hints from what I saw in this topic there is a way to do this https://extjs.cachefly.net/ext-4.0.0/docs/api/Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.html How could I do this in Unigui ?
  20. how could i run this code:: Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', { target: sender.getEl(), showDelay:1, dismissDelay:99999, maxHeight: 600, maxWidth: 800, minWidth: 500, html: "<a style=''font-size:14px;''>Test com Hint</a>" }
  21. I can't use it in the form's onCreate event I need it to be in a button event because several Hints situations I will change the hint after the form has already been created
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