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Luciano França

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Luciano França

  1. I would like to know if there is any forecast for the release of this component because if there is no forecast I will use the StringGrid. Because it's on the Roadmap maybe it's going to be released in a few days or months and so could I wait ?
  2. I would like to know if there is any prediction of when it will be released ?
  3. Hello too I need Listview when will it be released? Can you post the sources for this example?
  4. For the FMsoft team. In addition to selling the unigui license, you could sell a package of questions with solutions. In other words, a session within the forum where only those who have the package of doubts would have the FMsoft team's solution. Because I see that many users ask for very specific things about their software and I see that for these issues it would be better to have paid support separate from the license there are common issues for everyone and for that the subscription should cover however only for a period of one year, thus forcing the annual renewal. Why do I suggest this? Because unigui is by far the best framework for fast web developers and it's only fair that we developers help more the growth of the FMsoft team.
  5. Hello, I did more tests here and noticed that you can remove the icon and then put it back using the following approach to remove the icon use Btn_Image.Images := Nil; Btn_Image.ImageIndex := -1; Btn_Image.JSInterface.JSCall('setIcon', []); to change the icon use Btn_Image.Images := ImageList2; Btn_Image.ImageIndex := 2; Btn_Image.JSInterface.JSCall('setIcon', []);
  6. Btn_Image.ImageIndex := 5; Btn_Image.Scale := bbsSmall; Btn_Image.JSInterface.JSCall('setIcon', []); Btn_Image.JSInterface.JSCall('setIconAlign', []); From what I understand this code only works to remove an icon if I want to change the icon using does not work
  7. Did the colleague manage to use it ? There are several codes which one to use ? Could you post the code? Is where I should put
  8. I already searched the forum and I didn't find a way to increase the size of the form and its components that are inside the form Is there any function or has someone already created something similar? I don't know if the Layoutconfig Property can do anything about it Grateful.
  9. I'm sorry I didn't fully explain it in the main topic, there are two situations where I need to remove the icon, but I also need to change it for another icon in some situations and I thought that the same approach would solve both issues.
  10. I can remove an icon but I can't change the icon I tried without success Btn_Image.Images := ImageList2; Btn_Image.ImageIndex := 5; Btn_Image.Scale := bbsSmall; Btn_Image.JSInterface.JSCall('setIcon', []); Btn_Image.JSInterface.JSCall('setIconAlign', []);
  11. I managed to solve for those who want the solution is this CSS #messagebox-1001-msg { font-size: 30px } #messagebox-1001 .x-btn-inner { font-size: 20px; height: 35px }
  12. This css increases the Font of the Button captions but I can't increase the height of the buttons .x-btn-inner { font-size: 20px; }
  13. I've done everything and I can't take an image of a button at runtime I tried UniButton.BeginUpdate; UniButton.Imagens := Nil; UniButton.ImageIndex := -1; UniButton.EndUpdate; or UniButton.BeginUpdate; UniButton.Imagens := Nil; UniButton.ImageIndex := -1; UniButton.EndUpdate; UniButton.Update; Example attached. Clear Image.7z
  14. With this code I can change the font size of the message; but I can't change the font size of the buttons CustomCSS #messagebox-1001-msg { font-size: 30px } #messagebox-1001 .x-btn { font-size: 30px; }
  15. I've already searched the forum and but no solution I'm sure. In this code below I can change the button label but I can't increase the font size, I would like to increase both the font of the buttons and also the font of the text of the message. procedure TMainForm.UniButton4Click(Sender: TObject); Var fSize : Integer; begin fSize := 30; UniSession.AddJS( 'Ext.onReady(function(){' + 'var CaptionBtns = Ext.MessageBox.buttonText = {ok: "OK!",cancel:"Cancel!",yes: "Sim !",no: "No!"}; '+ 'Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet("#" + CaptionBtns + " {font-size: ' + IntToStr(fSize) + 'px}");' + '});' ); MessageDlg('Dialog1', mtWarning, [mbYes], DCallBack1); end;
  16. Someone ? An example of the problem attached. Grateful. Unigui Size Menus.7z
  17. I enabled UniMainModule.EnableSynchronousOperations := True; however when using the code is not retained how could I do it ? Prompt('Please enter a text', '', mtInformation, mbOKCancel, PromptCallBack);
  18. Attached example using a TClientDataSet UniGui ExtEvents.7z
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