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Everything posted by FFREDIANELLI

  1. Thanks Sherzod. but running hyperserver.exe and calling http://localhost:8077 it run ok... the message appeas if i try hyperserver.dll (isapi) the server is a 64 bit, if i try hyperserver 64 bits i get error 500, if i run hyperserver 32 bits i get the message.
  2. Please some help, version 1509 , iis 10 , windows server 16 if i run ptest.dll (isapi) run ok IF i run in the server ptest.exe run ok configuring hyperserver i get No BinaryName is assigned. Please adjust "binary_name" parameter of your CFG file. but the binary name is there.. [hyper_server] binary_name=ptest.exe initial_nodes=2 max_nodes=8 max_sessions=0 configuration stepts all followed.. my be my version ? some bug that was solved in new version ?
  3. I tryed to create a testcase but without success (the system use a lot of sql server tables), than I excluded the grid and recreated one columm a time, no errors until I insert a numeric field, at the first numeric field the error is show at the line: TUniCustomDBGridColumn.InitEditor(C: TJSObject; Fld: TField); if FEdit is TUniCustomMemo then with TUniCustomMemo(FEdit).JSInterface do begin ---->>>> JSConfig('grow', [True]); end; if i comment this line the no error is triggered and the editor show (but obviusly the line do now Grow... do acomodate the tdbmemo...) If exist some workarround please letme know. Thanks I can provide remote access may be you can see something that i can't.
  4. Please some help, if i put an hiden panel with a tunidbmemo on it and connect the column where I whant do show de editor , i get this message when the program start, if i type ok, the editor works ok, it shows in the grid normaly... but how to avoid this message ? Version 1.90.1509
  5. I think that it was corrupted indeed, I recreated the dpr file of all projects and now its ok, even showing the content normaly the dpr file have some glitch... Thanks again Aslan.
  6. Do you mean that it changed in new version ? Because the projects are the same that last week i used do compile and debug in 1481 version.
  7. Please some help, after an hd crash I reinstalled the unigui with the last version that i have support, 1509 , now my delphi do not show in new project others the Unigui option. If i try to run localy (not isapi) it return an error Cannot run project unless a host application is defined. Use the Run|Parameters... dialog box. I reinstaled to see if the problem disapear. But without success. If i generate isapi module and copy to server it run ok. But i cannot debug in this way... Thanks for any help in advance.
  8. Sorry Sherzod, i created the testcas with the same name, problably your cache is loading the old version. Changed name to pTitle2 ptitle2.rar
  9. Do you clicked on the button Click Here ?
  10. Hi, added a test case with creation on runtime, the color do not change to green. ptitle.rar
  11. The commented code is how it was... the new code assumes the title position ok ! but que colors not... I need to create the panels on runtime its a kanban panel, so i only know the color at runtime... while UniMainModule.qsql.Eof = false do begin pp := TUniPanel.Create(ffunil); with pp do begin name := 'pp_S' + UniMainModule.qStepid_step.AsString + '_P' + UniMainModule.qsql.fieldbyname('ID_FUNIL').AsString; parent := sb1; Left := 0; Top := 0 + i; inc(i); TabOrder := i; color := $00F0FFF0; Width := 230; Height := 270; Align := altop; TitleVisible := True; TitleAlign := taLeftJustify; Title := UniMainModule.qsql.fieldbyname('EMPRESA') .AsString ; Collapsible := True; Collapsed := not ckAbrir.Checked; CollapseDirection := cdtop; LayoutConfig.Margin := '5 0 0 0'; JSInterface.JSConfig('titlePosition', [1]); JSInterface.JSAddListener('afterrender', 'function(me){me.header.setStyle("background", "' + cor_chance(UniMainModule.qsql.fieldbyname('CHANCES').value) + '"); me.getEl().select(".x-tool-tool-el").elements.forEach(function(el){el.style["background-color"]="' + cor_chance(UniMainModule.qsql.fieldbyname('CHANCES').value) + '"})}'); // ClientEvents.ExtEvents.clear; // ClientEvents.ExtEvents.add // ('afterrender=function afterrender(sender, eOpts){this.addCls("my-panel");}'); // ClientEvents.UniEvents.clear; // ClientEvents.UniEvents.add // ('beforeInit=function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls="Chances' // + UniMainModule.qsql.fieldbyname('CHANCES').AsString + '";}'); . . . Function Cor_chance(chance: integer): string; var s: string; begin if chance = 1 then s := 'Gray' else if chance = 2 then s := 'DarkRed' else if chance = 3 then s := 'LightSteelBlue' else if chance = 4 then s := 'DarkSeaGreen' else if chance = 5 then s := 'MediumSeaGreen' else if chance = 6 then s := 'SteelBlue' end;
  12. Is it possible that JSInterface.JSConfig do not work on dinamicaly created components ?
  13. Hi, how we can buy your Theme Packs ?

  14. Thanks Sherzod, 1. Color of backgroud icon of p2 , stay default. 2. Position of icon on P2, (I need it on left), stay on top of the title, even if i put spaces in front of the title html removes it, i'm using '__' in front of the title , but is not a good solution. Many thanks in advance. ptitle.rar
  15. I'm using customcss to change title panel background color, but someone know how to do the background of the icon of collapse icon change too ?
  16. OK, but how to alow drag and drop of one panel inside other board(column) ?
  17. ok, i will assume that , ' no it's not compatible, use a vcl message dispatcher...' Thanks anyway.
  18. Hi, I'm trying to use XMPP by IPWORKS , is it possible to use it inside unigui ( it uses threads and it seams that i1m receiving a thread error 10022: [10022] Invalid argument. ) The same application (test of demo version of ipworks ) work ok in VCL , i just need to send messages , than if exist some incompatibility i can create a small vcl application that monitor a file with messages to send, working as a dispatcher of messages). Thanks for some help.
  19. Hi hayri, Is there some difference in configurantion of unigui if I use HTTPS ?
  20. No problem Hayri, many thanks for the help.
  21. If is not possible do put an example someone at least know how to answer my first question ?
  22. Some evolution in the example Hayri ?
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