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Everything posted by Aggie85

  1. Aggie85

    Clear Button

    Sherzod, Thanks as usual! All the best, Aggie85
  2. Aggie85

    Clear Button

    Howdy! I would like the Clear button on edits to only show when the edit button has the focus. How do I achieve this? All the best, Aggie85
  3. Howdy! What is the best way to trim both leading / trailing whitespace in a TUniEdit client event on exit? Is the deactivate event the OnBlur event? How would I implement a function to trim whitespace? All the best, Aggie85
  4. Howdy, I have seen several mentions of a validitychange() event on a TUniEdit like below: On ClientEvents.ExtEvents (validitychange) of Edit component: function validitychange(sender, isValid, eOpts) { ajaxRequest(sender, 'Valida', ['isValid='+isValid] ); } I am using the latest version UniGui. Where is this event and how do I access it if it is not in the events editor? All the best, Aggie85 P.S NEVERMIND: I found it in the searching of the forum.
  5. I appreciate the help - I will have a look when I can. The default colors are OK for now.
  6. I tried style and css class and it didn't work because the issue is the grid is applying its css and overriding whatever I do...
  7. How does styles allow more than one button in a column? I am proceeding with the "reconfigure" as I have written a class that allows me to generate a #n of buttons depending on an TActionList for buttons. I just need to figure out how to change button color ... I tried using the widget's 'cls' property but apparently I have to use the debugger in the browser to figure out which of Sencha's CSS classes to modify ... this is my last remaining question. Aggie85
  8. Howdy, I looked at the demos - I want buttons so ActionColumn doesn't work. WidgetColumn2 seems to allow one button per column.... I want to have one column with multiple buttons. So back to my original problem / question: 1) How do I modify the reconfigure() to perform a callback to the grid's OnAjaxEvent and change the button colors? Ok - I figured this one out with ajaxRequest(). 2) How do I use the Widget example to place several buttons in one column and change the color? Still need to figure out how to change button color (i.e. I can't find the ext.widget properties on the web to save my life. All the best, Aggie85
  9. Howdy All, After searching the forum, I found a modified a TUniDBGrid reconfigure() to add the two buttons I need in a column. How do I modify the "handler" function below to call the TUniDBGrid's OnAjaxEvent? Also, how do I change the button colors? That is, I want the Edit button to be blue like the primary BS4 and the Delete button to be red? -- function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts) { // 9 - yourBtnsColumn indx columns[3].width = 100; columns[3].renderer = function(val, meta, rec) { // generate unique id for an element var id = Ext.id(); var id2 = Ext.id(); Ext.defer(function() { Ext.widget('button', { renderTo: id, text: '<i class="fas fa-user-edit">&nbsp;Edit</i>', scale: 'small', handler: function() { Ext.Msg.alert("Hello World", "Edit...") } }); }, 50); Ext.defer(function() { Ext.widget('button', { renderTo: id2, text: '<i class="fas fa-user-minus">&nbsp;Delete</i>', scale: 'small', handler: function() { Ext.Msg.alert("Hello World", "Delete...") } }); }, 50); return Ext.String.format('<div><table><tr><td><div id="{0}"></div></td><td><div id="{1}"></div></td></tr></table>', id, id2); } } -- Thanks in advance, Aggie85
  10. Aggie85


    Fred, Thanks for the response. I looked at your Wizard tool but didn't go to far because I assume like RadCore it is more a UniGui source extension than components. This distinction is important because I use C++ Builder - the last time I used Pascal was when I was a freshman in college in 1981... I started using C in 1982 and never looked backwards 😁! All the best, Aggie85
  11. Howdy Erich, Thanks for the help. I just saw the TUniForm has a Script property. Time to see if I can convert some of my IW wrapped Javascript classes to UniGui. All the best, Aggie85
  12. Howdy All! I hope I explain this clear enough. I have been playing with a version of a Progress-Stepper component I wrapped into an Intraweb Bootstrap component. From my little experimenting, the same approach will work with UniGui (create the stepper HTML and output as raw HTML to a TUniLabel). The issue I have is that I add a javascript OnClick event handler on the labels of the finished steps. If the user clicks on a stepper label with an active event, my javascript event gets called and I want to do an AJAX call to a C++ Builder event on the server with the ID of the label clicked. Intraweb has a javascript function called executeAjaxEvent() that allows this. So, my questions are: 1) How / where do I add my JavaScript event handler (in IW, there is a form property called JavaScript). 2) And from my JavaScript event, how do I make an ajax call to a c++ method on the server? Thanks in advance, Aggie85
  13. Aggie85


    Has anyone created a responsive stepper like: Fundraising Grader (codepen.io) Or have an example screen shot of something similar? I am also considering using buttons but the above link looks so much more professional. All the best, Aggie85
  14. Sherzod - thanks! The issue I was having was I somehow unchecked the AutoScroll! All the best, Aggie85
  15. Sherzod, I can't give you an example because I can't get anything to work. I just tried the SIMPLEST as following: 1) Set MainModule's MainFormDisplayMode to mfPage. 2) Set the Layout of the main form to VBOX... 3) Create 3 panels on the main form with a Layout of HBOX... 4) Set the 3 panel's height to 500px each. 5) Build and run app... if I size the browser window to NOT fit the 3 panels in vertical height, the most bottom panel is clipped and there is NO vertical scroll bar. I want to create a vertical main form that can be used for both desktops and mobile devices that will be taller than the browser's view height. How do I do this? None of the desktop examples show this. All the best, Aggie85
  16. Rad Core doesn't work with C++ Builder.
  17. Frederick, Did you ever figure out to get vertical scrolling on a UniGui form? I am having the same issue as you are and can't proceed with out it. All the best, Aggie85
  18. Any help on this would be nice as without it, I am not able to do my UniGui app.
  19. Doesn't do me any good since I can't get vertical scrollbars on any combination of VBOX ...how do I get the main form with a layout of VBOX to activate the vertical scrollbar when the content heights are larger than the browser window's height? None of the desktop examples will do this. All the best, Aggie85
  20. Howdy All! Every layout I try cuts off my main screen at the size of the browser window; that is, no vertical scroll bar. This even happens with the demo apps. How do I get a main screen to scroll vertically? == Just tried every combination of client side VBOX layout I could with the main form and I can't get a vertical scroll bar to save my life. None of the desktop demos show a vertical scroll bar if the browser window is smaller than the app form. -- All the Sencha ExtJS examples have a vertical scrollbar if the browser window is smaller than the web app form... Sencha | Ext JS Examples What is the secret? All the best, Aggie85
  21. Unfortunately for me RadCore only works with Delphi and NOT C++ Builder! All the best, Aggie85
  22. Howdy All! I am developing a registration for a client. The information is orgranized in TUniPanel / TFieldSet controls. On a desktop, I can have them displayed horizontally. On smaller devices, I would like them to be shown vertically. When I developed my last app with IntraWeb, this was EASY with CSS @Media. Can I achieve this with UniGui? If so, how? Thanks in advance, Aggie85
  23. Howdy Sherzod! I am a genius!!! I LISTEN TO YOU 😄! That last change fixed this issue! All the best, Aggie85
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