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Everything posted by Aggie85

  1. Sherzod, Attached is a better layout that will hopefully work. If you compile / run the example, you will see an error message in the "resize" event in the owner panels. Thanks in advance, Aggie85 UniGuiResizingIFrame.zip
  2. I have a new demo I am about to upload that should be easier to write a resize routine. In an owner panel (i.e, top panel of ownerimagepanel + ownerinformationpanel), how would I change the layout from vbox / hbox? Below is my initial routine and I am getting an error message: function resize(sender, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight, eOpts) { if (width < 600) { sender.setLayout('type: "vbox"'); } else { sender.setLayout('type: "hbox"'); } sender.updateLayout(); }
  3. I have spent hours / days trying to come up with something that looks good to my users and possibly be responsive. Please give me a concrete idea in a direction to go with the example I uploaded. Thanks in advance, Aggie85
  4. Trying to add a "resize" event to each owner panel is a MESS. So I am trying to add a "resize" event to the owner panel and I need help correcting the JS syntax / calling. Below is my "pseudo" "resize" event for the OwnersPanel_: function resize(sender, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight, eOpts) { var panels = sender.items.getRange(); Ext.each(panels,function( panel ) { if (panel.getSize().width < 600) { panel.items[0].getEl().hide(); } else { panel.items[0].getEl().show(); } }); sender.updateLayout(); } How to I correct the above code to hide / show the image panel in the Owner Panels? I am assuming that each panel's items property first child control is based on creation order and is the image container. Is there a better way of adding some kind of "class" to the OwnerImagePanel to guarantee that I reference the right panel in each owner's panel? Thanks in advance, Aggie85
  5. I tried it there and the panels got all f__ed up. could you modify the example to do it correctly so I can see what I messed up?
  6. Correct…but remember OwnersPanel_ < 600, not the viewport of the app.
  7. And I want to hide the image panel if the owner panel is < 600, not the viewport because there might be more than one owners panel showing.
  8. No…I don’t want to hide the entire owner panel…just the image panel. Please look at example.
  9. Yes…just like the example above…unipanels with child unicontainer panels.
  10. Howdy Sherzod, I have a table view setup with some 'contact' cards with an Identificaton card + Owner Information. If the Owner Panel (card) is < 600 pixels, I would like to hide the identification card panel. If >= 600px, show it. I tried implementing a resize event on the table panel and it didn't work very well at all. Would it be possible to setup a config.responsive on the owner panel to do the above? If so, how? I have attached an example showing a couple of owner panels with a resize event on the owners panel. Any help would be appreciated. All the best, Aggie85
  11. Thanks - I will give that a try here in a moment... I am still fighting the SIMPLEST layouts with UniGui/ExtJS.....bootstrap is so much easier. All the best, Aggie85
  12. Howdy, Sherzod, the problem is the TUniImage URL property does NOT work at all. I have spent hours trying to get it to work with various properties / etc. I have attached another version of above test app with a much smaller image and I setup the top image to use the URL and the bottom to load the picture via the Picture property. I guess people are loading pictures directly instead of a URL. Aggie85
  13. Howdy All! I haven't ever been able to get a TUniImage to work with a local URL. Please see the attached example that loads the same image into a TUniImage->Picture that I am trying to load into another TUniImage->URL. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance, Aggie85
  14. Just tried the above and it isn't compatible with the 'show' / 'hide' clear button method of I guess I will need to look for a different solution.
  15. Howdy, I don't see how to use a Trigger for the CLEAR button is called. How do I do that?
  16. Howdy! On the client side with a TUniComboBox, I would like to set the ItemIndex to 0 when the clear button is clicked. How do this? All the best, Aggie85
  17. Has this feature ever been completed / released? Aggie85
  18. Sherzod, How would I modify the resize event above to 1) Get all panels in a container, 2) Depending on width, change the Layout to/from HBOX/VBOX 3) If Layout is HBOX, set width property I am trying to create a "responsive" panel with "boot strap like cards (i.e. TUniGui panels). Thanks in advance, Aggie85
  19. It works as previously described on forms but your above method works with other TUniControls.
  20. Sherzod, If I add an event to the window.resize event the way you have it defiend above, the aJaxRequest isn't fired but an event of "resize" is always fired! So I am guessing an resize event is ALWAYS fired so might as well just install a "default" OnAjaxEvent and store the new size on needed controls. Thanks again, Aggie85
  21. Thanks - I actually have something like that implemented but I was hoping for something that could be a little more "synchronous" so it could be used with any TUniControl without adding overhead until needed. I will see about implementing a class that will install a temporary OnAjaxEvent on the control, call a function in javascript that does an ajaxRequest with the control size, and from within the event issues a notification of the event! Again, thanks for the help. All the best, Aggie85
  22. If I have a TUniForm, I need to get the actual HEIGHT / WIDTH OF THE FORM before I render another dialog on top of it. This can't be that complicated. All the best, Aggie85
  23. Example resize() that updates the sender's delphi object then?!!?
  24. I understand that ... The question still HOLDS!!! How do I call a javascript function from server and retrieve the actual height/width of a specified control? All the best, Aggie85
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