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Everything posted by gesulmino

  1. Hi, When I use a TUniMemo object in a TUniFieldSet with layout setted to "form" there is no way to set the number of lines displayed, so TUniMemo displays a single line. In fact, the rows attribute of TextArea is setted to 1. Can I set the rows attribute to any number?
  2. Hi group, If I drop a TUniContainerPanel in a form and set the Color property to any value, if I drop a TUniPanel in the container and set the ParentColor property to true, at the design stage the panel has the same color as the container, but in the process of execution the panel has clBtnface color. UniGUI version is
  3. For the moment an answer to question 1) may be to place a TUniContainerPanel on the main form with align set to alCustom and Anchors set to akTop and insert the header, footer and TUniUrlFrame inside it. an answer to quetion 2) and 3) may be to use TUniScrollBox instead of TUniContainerPanel and set the correct height value for TUniScrollBox and set the correct Top value for the footer when the TUniFrame object is created. A better solution would be appreciated.
  4. Hi group, I would like to develop an application where the main form contains a header panel, a footer panel and in the middle a TUniUrlFrame where to insert a different TUniFrame depending on the operations performed by the user. The objects on the main form have a fixed width of 1000 pixels and the TUniFrame objects too. The TUniUrlFrame object should have sufficient height to completely contain one of the TUniFrame objects in the project, possibly beyond the height of the main form. Someone can give me advice on the following issues: 1) Is it possible to position the header, the TUniUrlFrame and the footer in the center of the web page? 2) Is it possible to adapt the height of the TUniUrlFrame object at runtime so that it can completely contain the inserted TUniFrame object? 3) Is it possible to reposition the footer immediately after the resized TUniUrlFrame object? Thanks for your help.
  5. Hi, I have a list of movies on a grid; when the user click to an item it start to play the selected movie. The movie will be played by mean a video tag and plyr. Plyr have some setters and getters to customize video player, for example it has source property that contain the path of the movie to play. The question is: is it possible to set the source property with the value of response of an ajax request? For example: <div class="container" align="center"> <video id="myPlayer" playsinline controls> video non supportato </video> </div> <script> const player = new Plyr(document.getElementById('myPlayer')); player.source = { type: 'video', title: 'Sport movies', sources: [ { src: 'videos/blankvideo.mp4', type: 'video/mp4', size: 576 } ], poster: 'files/blankposter.jpeg' }; player.on('ended', event => { console.log("end play"); ajaxRequest(FrameStreaming.htmlVideoFrame, 'ended', {}); }); player.on('ready', event => { console.log("ready"); this.source = ajaxRequest(FrameStreaming.htmlVideoFrame, 'ready', {}); this.play() }); player.disableContextMenu = true; player.autoplay = false; </script>
  6. Hi,

    is there any samples in uniGUI that consume Google APIs as Google documents?


  7. Hi, Login fail with error "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"... how to solve it? Best regards
  8. Hi, thanks for the help. /********************************************************** on the main form, in onClick item application url list I run the command //UrlAPP=http://localhost:8078 //NomeLogin=username value //Password=password value UniSession.AddJS( 'var f = document.createElement("form"); '+ 'f.action="'+UrlAPP+'"; '+ // the second app url 'f.method="POST"; '+ 'var i=document.createElement("input"); '+ // username 'i.type="hidden"; '+ 'i.name="nomelogin"; '+ 'i.value="'+NomeLogin+'"; '+ 'f.appendChild(i); '+ 'var i2=document.createElement("input"); '+ // password 'i2.type="hidden"; '+ 'i2.name="password"; '+ 'i2.value="'+Password+'"; '+ 'f.appendChild(i2); '+ 'document.body.appendChild(f); '+ 'f.submit(); ' ); /******************************************** in MainModule, in the event OnBeforeLogin, I check the post parameters if UniSession.UniApplication.Parameters.Values['nomelogin'] <> '' then begin if not IsValidAccount(UniSession.UniApplication.Parameters.Values['nomelogin'], UniSession.UniApplication.Parameters.Values['password'], Date) then Handled := false else Handled := true end else begin Handled := false end /***************************************************** can it be a good solution? I'd like the url to be opened in a new tab, how could I do it?
  9. Hi, thanks for the answer, //how to call another web application uniGUI? I have an uniGUI application (http://localhost:8077/) that do user login and other ancillary operations. In a menù when I select an item then I will open another uniGUI application (http://localhost:8078/) on a new tab in the browser, starting new session but without logging in again.
  10. Hi, how to call another web application uniGUI? Is it possible to avoid to start a new session, or at least without logging in again? thanks.
  11. During conversion of the application to run without runtime packages I found an error in a custom component that implements data context (a custom TUniPanel). Once removed the bug seems to be all ok. Thanks a lot.
  12. Sorry, you can find it in this package DCLAI240.bpl, simply install the package in the Ide or use the source to install it in your custom package. DCLAI240.zip
  13. Hi, I created a demos. There is a database also; you must create in firebird a user "nobody" password "nobody". User login is admin with password admin. After opening and closing some functions from the menu, a communication error may occur. Unfortunately, it is not easy to extract only the portion of code that is incriminated. I hope everything works. Demos.zip
  14. No, it doesn't. When I run a release build outside of delphi environment it casually also occurs.
  15. Version is I started from DBAppDemo; I use some TUniFrame inherited from a customized TUniFrame; each frame is allocated within a tabsheet and it use his own datamodule. The project has become quite large; there are dozens of new visual and non-visual components; should I publish the whole project?
  16. Hi, when I ask to confirm the close of a tabsheet in a pagecontrol with a MessageDlg, often the error occurs "Connection error communication failure : 0". Build is done in debug mode, no message reported in the delphi environment. In the connection log I found this: WIntegra.exe: 000012F8: 09.55.01 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 21, Event: focus WIntegra.exe: 00000EAC: 09.55.08 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 22, Event: blur WIntegra.exe: 0000070C: 10.07.39 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 259, Event: focus WIntegra.exe: 00001C78: 10.29.52 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 23, Event: focus WIntegra.exe: 00001910: 10.29.57 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 24, Event: blur Someone can give me directions to find the problem. Thanks
  17. Hi, is there anyone that knows any solution about this question? Can anyone give me a bit of help? Thanks a lot.
  18. Hi, I am a technician from TINN SRL. I received from the director, Lamberto Di Francesco, the task of developing some demos with UNIGUI. Lamberto Di Francesco has purchased the license for use on behalf of TINN, but he is not a developer. So I will be using UNIGUI in TINN. Best regards.
  19. it is not available yet, but it will be
  20. I use uniGUI version
  21. Hi, I'm going to develope a new component TuniDBContextPanel derived from TuniPanel that publish a Datasource that represents the data context. On a form it is possible to drop many TuniDBContextPanel and I would only one TuniDBNavigator on top of the form. The questions is: is it possible to update TuniDBNavigator datasource at runtime when ever data context change? Which events could I intercepts? Thanks
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