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Everything posted by gesulmino

  1. hi all, Is there a way to view the list of log files of a uniGui application and download them?
  2. thanks a lot for your response, obviously if I produce a copy of the file just loaded, this copy remains intact, but the behavior of the component remains incorrect; it would be appropriate for it to be corrected. I'm currently using version 1581.
  3. Hi All, I dropped a TUniFileUploadButton on a form and set his properties as follow object UniFileUploadButton1: TUniFileUploadButton Left = 18 Top = 375 Width = 183 Height = 54 Hint = '' Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] Caption = 'Choose an Image...' Filter = 'image/*' Images = UniNativeImageList1 ImageIndex = 0 Messages.Uploading = 'Uploading...' Messages.PleaseWait = 'Please Wait' Messages.UploadError = 'Upload Error' Messages.UploadTimeout = 'Timeout occurred...' Messages.MaxSizeError = 'File is bigger than maximum allowed size' Messages.MaxFilesError = 'You can upload maximum %d files.' AllowDragDrop = True ShowUploadingMsg = False OnCompleted = UniFileUploadButton1Completed end I drag and drop the files on the button; on upload of first file is all ok, after I upload the second file, in cache folder there are two files, but are identical (the second file overwrites the first). Please help me. Thanks
  4. Hi, 1581 upgrade can solve this issue?
  5. Hi, are there any news for me?
  6. Hi, have you found any solution?
  7. Yes, Here it is (I uninstalled and reinstalled, but nothing changed) Project1.zip
  8. Yes, I'm using CustomCSS like this .magazzini_menu_icon{ background-image:url(files/images/warehouse.svg); background-repeat: no-repeat; } .filter-color{ filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(0%) hue-rotate(298deg) brightness(102%) contrast(102%); } .eye_button{ padding: 0px 0px 4px 0px; background-image:url(files/images/button/eye-solid.svg); background-origin: content-box; } .eye_slash_button{ padding: 0px 0px 4px 0px; background-image:url(files/images/button/eye-slash-solid.svg); background-origin: content-box; }
  9. yes, but it also happens on production machine
  10. I would like to point out that the toolbutton that cannot be seen is the close icon
  11. Hi everyone, I'm evaluating the uni_win11_polar_light theme, I really like it. Unfortunately on my application the toolbuttons on forms/frames/panels are not visible, but on the online demos they are. Futhermore in the grid stripe the alternate colors are barely visible some examples: next to maximize icon, at the top right, there should be a toolbutton, but this is not visible (with the uni_sencha theme it is visible) the alternating color is barely visible (the color difference could be more marked) Thanks
  12. I'm trying to rebuild the application piece by piece until I find the problem
  13. hi guys, I have an application that inserts a different TuniFrame on the main form based on a URL parameter. One of these frames contains a TuniTreeView that can be populated from a TuniMenuItems or populated manually. Up to version 1568 it worked perfectly, but from subsequent versions the TuniTreeView component no longer shows any elements, it appears empty even though it contains several elements. I'm currently trying the latest version, which is 1580. Do you have any suggestions for solving the problem?
  14. yes, I was wondering if there was another way, instead of assigning false to the TabBarVisible property, to hide the tabs of a TuniPageControl and I was also wondering how you could activate a tabsheet with TabBarVisible set to false
  15. Hi All, what is the best way to hide and show tabs in a TuniPageControl object? What is the best way to activate a tabsheet whose tab is hidden? Thanks
  16. so you need to view the graph first....
  17. Thanks for the reply, the goal is to prepare in code a list of images starting from uniChart components to be saved in a blob field of a TFDMemTable, for later use.
  18. Hello, may I export image of a uniChart into a file or a memory stream? If yes how do it in code? Thanks
  19. Hello, I would like to present to the user a popup containing http links in the form of href <a href ..../a>, for example some links to a blog or service. The user can click on an element of the popup and open the corresponding link http in a new browser tab...
  20. Hi All, At runtime, May I add href link to the caption of a TuniPopupMenu item? May I Open that link when click on menu item in a new browser tab?
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