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Posts posted by albertovesx

  1. Hi,


    Within my application i have a form which contains a listbox with all tables. The user can select

    a table he wants to export. When he hits the export button the following code will be executed:


         // Database 
         if NOT dmArtist.Artist.Active then
         // Excel export 
         scExcelExport.HeaderText.text:='Artiesten per ' +DateToStr(Date) ;
           ExportFile:='Artiesten per ' +FormatDateTime('hhmmss', Time) ;
           // Save export
           UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath+ExportFile+'.xls', 'Artiesten.xls');


    I save the file to UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath and every file will be created. Sometimes after

    3 or 5 export actions (files are created) i got the followin message :


    'Cannot open file C:\Data\Delphi\UniGui\myEventWeb\cache\Artiesten per 133412.xls'

    The process has no access to the file because it's used by a other proces


    See attachement...it's in Dutch but the translation is above.


    I test i local as you can see by the path names.


    Regards Peter


    Well, I am not sure, but maybe you need to add:


    procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
     MimeTable.AddMimeType('xls', 'Excel');

  2. I have made two changes:


    1. The uploading and uploaded files are displayed in the blue area itself.


    2. Now everything is in one Frame, so it can be easy included on own forms in other projects.


    To use it in other projects you can:

    - copy UfraMultiUpload.pas and UfraMultiUpload.dfm to your project

    - add UfraMultiUpload.pas to your project

    - choose "Standard -> Frames" in component palette and insert "fraMultiUpload" on your own form

    - done






    Thank you. It's very useful.

  3. Does this strange behavior happen only with the ?

    For debug purposes , I suggest to temporarily replace the UniGMap with a simple UniHTMLFrame (showing some html).



    With version 0.8.x sometimes appears an Ajax error. I have found that when something (showmessage, uniform, etc.) is show over the component weird things can occur. So, for example, to avoid problems with show message, I do the following.


     unigmap1.Enabled := False;
     ShowMessage('Some message',
       procedure(res: integer)
         unigmap1.Enabled := True;

  4. Did anyone use TVirtualTable from DevArt in a live enviroment ?

    From what I read the component is not thread-safe (??).

    My tests did not show any problem in UniGui application.

    So does anyone have any real life experience with this combination ?


    I have been using it without any problem. Just remember to locate it in mainmodule.

  5. Hi


    I noted that when I show and move a form (in my case modal) over gmap component, sometimes the form become invisible or the application behaves weird. To avoid this situation I set gmap.enabled := False before showmodal and set enabled := True onclose form.


    Firefox: 16.0.2

    Delphi XE3

    Unigui: 0.90.0 build 971

    gmap 1.3.1


    Best regards

  6. Hi, Lema.


    Where do I have to write my google apikey?





    Well, I find the place in constructor TUniGMap.Create. I put my google api key and rebuild but I still receive the following error:


    Google has disabled use of the Maps API for this application. The provided key is not a valid Google API Key, or it is not authorized for the Google Maps Javascript API v3 on this site. If you are the owner of this application, you can learn about obtaining a valid key here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial#Obtaining_Key



    I found the solution: I change the name of the project for the one that I registered in google.

  7. Hello to all,


    I wish to build a site manage application with unigui for my frient, His database is Mysql and the site hosted in Linux server, there is NO access to database from the world, i meen for management, only from local, so how can deploy my project and run it under linux, is it possible?


    Alsadek mohammad



    You could use wine.

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