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Everything posted by steve589

  1. You wrote: "Yes, it will be available on the server side" Did you mean "Yes, it will be available on the client side"? This would be fine , but there is no need to hurry, I found a very simple solution (rather a hack): I put the anchor hidden in the text property: Nd := NavTree.Items.Add(nil, '<span "' + sAnchor + '">' + sText + '</span>'); and then I can get it like so: NavTree.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['itemclick'] := 'function itemclick(sender, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {' + 'var iPos = record.data.text.indexOf(">") - 1,' + ' anchor = record.data.text.substring(7, iPos),' + ' elTo = ' + UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById(anchor);' + 'if (elTo) {' + ' ' + UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = elTo.offsetTop - 5;' + '}' + '}';
  2. well, something is not working with this solution, I get the alert: "Cannot read property 'data' of null" when I set a breakpoint at O93.store.getNodeById(1).data._ID = 1; and check in the console O93.store.getNodeById(1) the result is null after closing the alert the page is not visible, but when I then check again the console it gives me: constructor {$observableInitialized: true, hasListeners: j, eventedBeforeEventNames: {…}, events: {…}, initConfig: ƒ, …} obviously the object does not exist at load-time yet any Ideas?
  3. Hi Hayri, some days ago I sent you a note with name and country, but there is no reply until now. do you still sell these components? regards steve
  4. Hi, is it possible to access the data of a UniTreeNode in javascript on the page? I could not figure out how to do this. Sencha treenode also has a data-property which can be accessed, but this is obviously not the same. I added a value to a UniTreeNode like so: type TNodeInfo = class(TObject) ID: Integer; scrollTo: String; end; procedure addNode(NavTree: TUniTreeView; ID: Integer; sText, sAnchor: String); var Nd: TUniTreeNode; Ni: TNodeInfo; begin Ni := TNodeInfo.Create; Ni.ID := ID; Ni.scrollTo := sAnchor; Nd := NavTree.Items.Add(nil, sText); Nd.Data := Ni; end; In ExtEvents "itemclick" I can access record.data, but my added ID and scrollTo - properties are not available. Thanks for help. Steve
  5. Yes, this works from outside the frame! From inside the frame it would be (added to the HTML at UniForm.Create): ' parent.' + UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = 0;' or ' parent.' + UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = elTo.offsetParent';' where elTo is the element to scroll to. with javascript from outside the frame (f.i. from Ext ClientEvent, added to the ClientEvent at UniForm.Create): ' var elTo = ' + UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById("some_ID");' + ' if (elTo) {' + ' UniURLFrame1.JSName + '.iframe.contentWindow.document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = elTo.offsetTop;' + ' }' Excellent support! Thanks a lot! Steve
  6. Demo looks great! How do I add this file to the project? I put it in: C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\ext-\examples\ux\callout but it does not work... What am I doing wrong? Steve
  7. Hi, how can I scroll programatically in UniURLFrame? I used to do this in javascript like so: elTo.offsetParent.scrollTop = elTo.offsetTop; But this does not work in UniURLFrame... Any ideas? Thanks for help steve
  8. Yes, this works! I thought I had tried this version, but obviously I did not... Thanks a lot! steve
  9. in MainForm there is only one UniURLFrame, then: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniURLFrame1.HTML.Text := '<script type="text/javascript">' + ' document.addEventListener("click", function(e) { ' + ' parent.ajaxRequest(' + UniURLFrame1.JSName + ', "ClickEvent", [ "param0=a", "param1=b" ]);' + ' })' + '</script>' + '<br>' + 'click here' + '<br>'; end; // this is never called: procedure TMainForm.UniURLFrame1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin ShowMessage(Params.Values['param0'] + ' - ' + Params.Values['param1']); end;
  10. Hi, I cannot figure out how to fire the OnAjaxEvent from JS-code within the loaded page. ajaxRequest can be called with "parent.ajaxRequest", but I cannot determine the first parameter "sender" I tried: - parent.ajaxRequest(this, "ClickEvent", [ "param0=a", "param1=b" ]); - parent.ajaxRequest(O3C, "ClickEvent", [ "param0=a", "param1=b" ]); // where "O3C" is the JS-name of the UniURLFrame (added via code on startup) - tried to get a reference to the UniURLFrame-control with: - var x = parent.getElementById("O3C"); // x is null - var x = parent.getElementById("O3C_id"); // x is null nothing works. Can anybody help please? best regards steve
  11. Well at least I would have to know when a link is clicked (navigate to another page). But also mouseover and mouseout would be helpful. Another possiblity would be to have an event that fires when a javascript function is executed from within the page. This would be more generic then...
  12. Hi, I need some more events with the UniURLFrame-component - is it possible to enhance this component when I buy the pro-version with sources? Actually I would like to test this before ordering... best regards steve
  13. Hi all, I'm using a UniURLFrame in a TabSheet and want to add another TabSheet to the PageControl when clicking a link in the HTML-document. How can this be done? The link can call a javascript function (onclick="parent.addTabSheet('new Tabsheet')"), but I found no way to implement this function somewhere. Is this possibel at all? Thanks a lot for help. Stephen
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