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Everything posted by MOGSY

  1. Hi UnimButton clipps the font if the size is greater than 16. Any solution for this? regards
  2. MOGSY

    TuniEdit Styling

    Hi How can we make the carot appears at the centre of the Edit box and have text justified to centre please. How can we use CSS with TUniEdit? Can we have example please. Thanks
  3. Hi How can we use any of these CSS's in TUniEdit or TUniMemo? Thank you
  4. Hi I would appreciate it if you point me to the link, I did not find it. Thanks
  5. Hi Sorry for reminding, communication between different applications surly is very useful and desirable, I think it would be extremely helpful any help or suggestions to resolve this issue. Thank you in advance.
  6. Hi Using TServerSocket or TClientSocket, will make connection and sends first message but it stops responding after that. Is there another components that can be used? Thanks.
  7. Hi What is the recommended method for communicating with a socket connection. I would like to communicate with other services which have socket connection. Thank you.
  8. Hi Any solution for the combo box flicker?
  9. Attached the new file! KeyboardEvent.zip
  10. sorry, have attched new file. KeyboardEvent.zip
  11. Hi Sorry, not understanding your comment. What are you refering to?
  12. Hi TUniComboBox flikers on key navigation "VK_DOWN" "40", it looks that it opens the dropdown and closes it immediatly. Is it possible to stop this behaviour. Attached is sample code. Thank you. KeyboardEvent.zip
  13. Hi Try to catch keybord events in main form from unitedit in a frame or in the main form unsuccessfully. Keyboard events are dispatched with ajaxrequest. function form.keypress(sender, key, eOpts) { ajaxRequest(sender, 'keypressEvent', ['param0=MyParam', 'Key='+key, 'shift='+shift, 'eOpts='+eOpts] ); } and monitored in form ajax event. procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var aKey: Char; aParam, aOpts: String; ashift,wKey : integer; begin if EventName='keydownEvent' then begin aParam := Params.Values['param0']; wKey := Params['Key'].AsInteger; // alternate syntax ashift := Params['shift'].AsInteger; // alternate syntax aOpts := Params['eOpts'].AsString; // alternate syntax FormKeyPress(Sender, aKey); end else if EventName='keypressEvent' then begin aParam := Params.Values['param0']; aKey := char(Params['Key'].AsInteger); // alternate syntax ashift := Params['shift'].AsInteger; // alternate syntax aOpts := Params['eOpts'].AsString; // alternate syntax FormKeyPress(Sender, aKey); end else if EventName='keyupEvent' then begin aParam := Params.Values['param0']; aKey := char(Params['Key'].AsInteger); // alternate syntax ashift := Params['shift'].AsInteger; // alternate syntax aOpts := Params['eOpts'].AsString; // alternate syntax FormKeyPress(Sender, aKey); end; end; I have attached a test project. Thank you. KeyboardEvent.zip
  14. Hi On a UnidbGrid when pressing enter key trigers onDoubleClick event. Is there a way of disabling enter key so it takes no action and one deals with the keyboard events in keypress etc events? Regards
  15. Hi I am trying to set focus to a grid from a form. The grid is in a frame, however setfocus has no effect. TaFrame1.UniDBGridTest.SetFocus; Is there a reason for it not working? Thank you.
  16. Hi I am sending keyboard functions with ajaxRequest, however on AjaxEvent, it is not possible to ditinguish between F1, F2 etc and lowercase letters. i.e. pressing F2 keys will recieve 113 "q". I am sending the key evenet with ajaxRequest and UniFormAjaxEvent gives both "q" and "F2" same value. How can we get both keys please? function form.keydown(sender, key, shift, eOpts) { ajaxRequest(sender, 'keydownEvent', ['param0=MyParam', 'Key='+key, 'shift='+shift, 'eOpts='+eOpts] ); } procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var aKey: Char; aParam, aOpts: String; ashift : integer; begin if EventName='keydownEvent' then begin aParam := Params.Values['param0']; aKey := Params['Key'].AsInteger; // alternate syntax ashift := Params['shift'].AsInteger; // alternate syntax aOpts := Params['eOpts'].AsString; // alternate syntax UniFormKeyPress(Sender, aKey); end else if EventName='keypressEvent' then begin aParam := Params.Values['param0']; aKey := char(Params['Key'].AsInteger); // alternate syntax ashift := Params['shift'].AsInteger; // alternate syntax aOpts := Params['eOpts'].AsString; // alternate syntax end else if EventName='keyupEvent' then begin aParam := Params.Values['param0']; aKey:= Params['Key'].AsInteger; // alternate syntax ashift := Params['shift'].AsInteger; // alternate syntax aOpts := Params['eOpts'].AsString; // alternate syntax end; end;
  17. MOGSY

    Loading Data

    Hi Loading data from sql database, The dbGrid data aware components show loading data when is updating.
  18. MOGSY

    Loading Data

    Hi Is it possible to hide loading data? Is there a similar function to "DisableControls" and "EnableControls"?
  19. Hi The first column is not changed, it is not working on any column. Please have a look at the attached code.
  20. Hi I am using the current version of UniGui, How can we change the column width dynamicaly, depending on the content of the first row? if uniStringGrid1.Cells[thisColumn, 1] = 'Test Data' then begin uniStringGrid1.Columns[thisColumn].Width := 0 else uniStringGrid1.Columns[thisColumn].Width := 100; Test.7z
  21. MOGSY


    Please find attached a testcase. Test.7z
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