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Everything posted by MOGSY

  1. Hi I would like to display a lable near the icon shown on the map. Thank you
  2. Hi I have done the change but no title is shown. Thank you.
  3. Hi UniMap is not displaying title. I have used the UniMap Demo and added line Title := 'Test'; but it displays nothing. What I am not doing? procedure TMainForm.UniButton7Click(Sender: TObject); begin with UniMap1.Markers.Add do begin id:= Trunc(UniNumberEdit4.Value); Latitude:= UniFormattedNumberEdit5.Value; Longitude:= UniFormattedNumberEdit6.Value; Icon.iconUrl:= UniEdit1.Text; Title := 'Test'; Draggable:= UniCheckBox2.Checked; AddToMap; PanToMarker(8); end; end; Thank you
  4. it does not work, after connection it gets disconnected before sending any data. I have tried SGCWebSocket, it is the same, it will connect OK but immediatly gets disconnected. It appears that UniGui is preventing the commuincation.
  5. It is very usefull to be able to send to different apps and recieve from different apps. There are many situations that it is required to commuinicate with different servers i.e phone servers. I think it is better if possible to send and receive from the server side. Regards
  6. Hi How to send a http request from UniGui? Appreciate an example. Thanks.
  7. MOGSY


    Thanks Should be web enabled version "VCL6"? or the vcl version is OK?
  8. MOGSY


    Which version of FastReport is compatiple with UniGui? Thanks
  9. The Issue is, there are tons of information that is missing in the demos. There is a great many features like the ExtEvents, UniEvents etc where there is very little information about them. I think it would be of a great help if there is a start on even one component and have contribution from users as well. A great deal of issues raised on the forum clearly is due to the fact that information is missing. Regards
  10. Hi Is there any example for it? Regards
  11. Hi UniGui is an excellent framework that has lifted Delphi to the next level. However, it is clear from the forum that there is a great deal more that can be archived. The main issue which so obvious from the forum is the lack of information which I believe most users are suffering from. "It is not far from the truth to say it looks that lots of excellent capabilities of UniGui is kept secret!!!" I think it is also not fair to expect the UniGui staff to carry this burden on their own, however it is imperative that they take the first step. It is clear that there are many users that are prepared to help in including myself. I believe this will enhance the uptake of UniGui from users who try and give up. The more widely used UniGui is better for all users and we want that. "SUGGESTION" Please choose a component i.e. UniDBGrid, UniTextEdit etc and please have explanation and small example for every single property and event and let us contribute with examples questions etc. If UniGui do this for one component, I am sure there are a lot of us that are prepared to put effort and complete this for most other components. Please consider this carefully since I believe this is beneficial for UniGui developers and all you users. The more paid up users you get and more contribution is better for all of us. Thanks
  12. Hi Following error occures after deleting and build [dcc32 Error] UniCustomControl1.pas(25): E2037 Declaration of 'InternalSetCaption' differs from previous declaration
  13. Hi I have tried different components, TServerSocket and TClientSocket, sgcWebSocketServer, sgcWebSocketClient and TIdTCPClient. Unfortunatly none is able to commuinicate and it appears that UniGui is stopping the socket from commuinicating. I have attached two test project. Would appreciate any suggestion to resolve this issue. Regards ClientSocket.7z ServerSocket.7z
  14. Hi Robert I have tried this what happens the socket connects and is active, however it does not receive any message. Are you able to use different ports? Regards
  15. Hi Thank you for your response, how do we pass the "newco1" from delphi to UnimHTMLFrame? Thanks you
  16. Hi I would appreciate it if you could show how to add items to the combobox "company-list" in the attached project. I like to see an example of how to access elements on the UniHTMLFrame. attached is a test project. Thanks Test.7z
  17. Hi I am trying the code to set background image of UnimPanel but not working. attached is a test project. Thanks Test.7z
  18. MOGSY

    TuniEdit Styling

    Hi Please see attached. Regards Test.7z
  19. Hi when installling the custom package following errors occures. Where I am going wrong? [dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI18.dpk(30): E2225 Never-build package 'rtl' must be recompiled [dcc32 Fatal Error] CustomPack5.dpk(34): E2202 Required package 'uniGUI18' not found Thanks
  20. MOGSY

    TuniEdit Styling

    Hi The property Alignment := taCentre is not working in UniGui. I am using version Thanks
  21. MOGSY

    TuniEdit Styling

    Hi Can we have uniedit, the cursor be placed at the centre of the editbox and the text be justified to centre, so the text is always at the centre of the box. "text-align:centre" The second question is how to use CSS on a component like TUniEdit? Regards
  22. Thanks for your response. Can you suggest where to start? Regards
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