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Everything posted by AntonioCuomo

  1. When I print from unipdfframe the print size is A5 and not A4. Until now he had always printed well. I haven't found any method to set the page.
  2. project in vcl username : 1 Password : CCCRFL56 Applicazione -Dipendente.rar
  3. j wrapper vcl twebrowser of delphi. when j open the form and display first pdf and close not error if select row of dbgrib display pdf but at close j recevie error
  4. J have a unform with unidbgrid and unipdfframe. When j click row of unidbgrid the file pdf diplayed . But j close the form display this error.
  5. I take up the topic of a post a few weeks ago trying to be clearer on the problem. I wrote an app for geolocation by inserting the script in the onclick event of the button, in the ajaxrequest event the reading of the data returned by the call. If I log in with loalhost: 8078, the event click and the CurrentPosition event are detected with the latitude and longitude values. If I log in with (local ip of the pc) or from a browser on the internet, only the click event is detected. The source of the test is attached. Projectgeoloca.zip
  6. If j press the enter the cursr not go to next row (in unimemo)
  7. When I press the enter key in unimemo the cursor doesn't go to the next line, why?
  8. after many tests I have verified that: the demo on localhost: 8100 geolocation works if I open the application from upc on the net ( the geolocation does not work
  9. Add Layout properties for Unilabel (altop, alcenter albottom) similar to the VCL Label property
  10. Here is the project. for access matricola = 20017 and password = 12345678 Thank WebPresenze.zip
  11. in a unigui windows application I want to insert the geolocation of the pc with the following source. procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin UniMemo1.Lines.Add(eventname); if EventName = 'CurrentPosition' then begin UniMainModule.latidu := Params['lat'].Value; UniMainModule.longi := Params['lng'].Value; if accedi(StrToInt(UniNumberEdit1.text), uniedit3.Text, UniEdit2.text) = 0 then UniForm1.ShowModal(); end; end; procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin unisession.AddJS( 'if (navigator.geolocation) { ' + ' navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( function(position) { ' + ' ajaxRequest(MainForm.uniBitBtn, "CurrentPosition" ,' + ' ["lat=" + position.coords.latitude, ' + ' "lng=" + position.coords.longitude, ' + ' ]);' + ' })' + '} else {alert("Geolocation is not supported.");}' ); //if accedi(StrToInt(UniNumberEdit1.text), uniedit3.Text, UniEdit2.text) = 0 then // UniForm1.ShowModal(); end; In the test procedure it works and detects the CurrentPosition event, when I transfer the source in my application unibitbtn ajaxevent detects only the click event and not CurrentPosition
  12. I have a button generated by pay pal and loaded into UniURLFrame.I wish I could copy into single details and err variables that are returned by java functions: }] }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) { alert('Transaction completed by ' + details.payer.name.given_name + '!'); }); }, onError: function(err) { console.log(err); }, }).render('#paypal-button-container'); } Is possible?
  13. j developed component with delphi 10.04 and last version of unigui. for option B requested clientid of paypal otherwise the event initbutton not active button.
  14. MY checkuot, Unibtnpaypal has the template Loaded. Checkout.zip
  15. Add the template file in property Template of component
  16. Errata corrige file Template Templatebottonipaypal.txt
  17. I created a simple payment component with Paypal. First release. ACSoftware.zip ACSoftware_it.pdf ACSoftware_en.pdf
  18. not unihtmlframe but uniurlframe and all ok.
  19. j have a component unihtmlframe with this code in HTML property: <div id="paypal-button-container"></div> <script src="https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=**************************************t=true" data-sdk-integration-source="button-factory"></script> <script> paypal.Buttons({ style: { shape: 'rect', color: 'gold', layout: 'horizontal', label: 'subscribe' }, createSubscription: function(data, actions) { return actions.subscription.create({ 'plan_id': 'P-76T5030983848210BL6GXPMY' }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { alert(data.subscriptionID); } }).render('#paypal-button-container'); </script> This is a button Paypal. This code run with old component (and run in demo) but after upgrade this code not run. if j copy the component in demo and past in my form run.
  20. I entered client-id in servermodule, idkey and secretkey in osbutton and the paypal button is displayed. when I click the button the paypal page appears for a moment and disappears (aboutblank page). with my credentials the demo works perfectly while my applocation does not.
  21. thank, I was going to indicate that I had found the problem
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