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  1. SOLVED!!!!! Using Delphi 10.2 Tokyo all works fine also on iPad, iPhone etc Maybe there is some kind of limitation/bug on Delphi XE8 version... Thank you again. Bye M
  2. Yes, I did! The url works fine on my iPad (I've also tried using www.unigui.com with the same results ) As you can see no additional code was used.... Just dropped the component and started the application M.
  3. I'm using Chrome (but tested also on Firefox and Safari). My code: type TMainmForm = class(TUnimForm) UnimURLFrame1: TUnimURLFrame; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; ... the URL property on UnimURLFrame1 is set with a full qualified website url eg: http://www.domain.ext On desktop browser redirected to (mobile version) and all works fine. On safari or chrome on iPad/iPad pro/ iphone and some samsung phones the UnimURLFrame1 is always blank help. M.
  4. ok for google... but if I use the app on desktop browser the page will be displayed correctly... and again... I've also tried different target site with the same results So ... how can I show a website in my unigui mobile app? thank you for your helps! MP
  5. Hi, thank you for the reply...so.. why I can't display web pages on a mobile device? I've also tried with a very stupid project ... single form with unimurlframe that load the google home page I'm using Delphi XE8 could be Delphi version the problem?
  6. Hi, I'm ready to buy uniGUI but using the trial edition the component UnumURLFrame seems work fine on desktop browser but not in the mobile! (eg. iPhone, iPad mini, iPad Pro). On mobile device no page is displayed (also a simple http://www.googe.comfor example) So my question is... this is a limit of trial version, a bug or whats? This is my only issue before buy! Let me know Marco
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