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Posts posted by mierlp

  1. Hi

    I was out for a 14 days vacantion on the Dominican Republik :) so no time to develop

    @Sherzod : Thanks ..this works fine

    @GerhardV : i have several options for the user for this dbmemo field...default 2 options, but sometimes 4 or 6
                           and then buttons is to much. I did try it with buttons..but i want 1 solution for every dbmemo 
                           field i use..or buttons or popup...see attachment




  2. How can i connect a popup menu to a uniDBmemo
    and when the user clicks the right button to show the popup


    I have set MainModule.BrowserOptions.boDisableMouseRightClick = True
    but do not know if the solutions is working. I can use a key combination is to
    show the popup that's not a problem.

    Regards Peter

  3. Hi Witon


    The first part i understand, but what do you mean with the second part below...do you have a example.

    I also have 1 till 5 dblookupcombox on a form...i replaced the with the same solution clicking a button

    which opens a form display the content of that table.


    For now i have a 1 datamodules which contains all queries only for lookup use.

    When i need a lookup table then i refer to this datamodule and query.




    my main query already returns me in addition to the fields of the table, also the fields of the auxiliary tables, so when I search the registers, I already search the same sql, the data of the auxiliary tables. in summary, even though I have tens of fields that require external search, my form only has 1 select in its opening.

  4. Did some test 4 forms and moved the datasources to the datamodule.

    In that case you don't get the error message


    The forms which still have the link to the form with the datasource the issue
    is still there.


    It's not the way i was hoping for...now i have a lot of working

    moving datasources to datamodules and normally you put

    datasources on the form, not on the datamodule.


    I hope Farshad is coming with a solution, i have created a ticket
    regarding this issue. I don't think it's a Delphi thing because my

    VLC application don't have there issues. And that are all application

    with datasources on the forms.


    Maybe others have a beter solutions...

  5. Hi
    I understand the problem, especially when you have to convince investors and there is only information available on this site and no other,
    reference from customers. It is not only about the purchase of the product but also about service, support, it is used a lot, examples of
    applications with uniGui. etc.
    I think it is indeed good that Farshad in any case the website up-to-date and the product uniGUI but especially the applications that are 
    made / used / uniGui / customers will mention. Only with this you can see that uniGui lives more than just on the forum.
    We can all help Farshad with this and there are lot's of us which created beautiful applications or apps and sold them to customers.
    Make some nice screenshot, ask the customer about his expericance and it's nice info for the website 
    Place quotes or credentials from users who use applications developed with uniGui on the site or BETOCATARINO must
    indicate what he is missing or what the investors want to know / see in order to make a choice
    Regards Peter
  6. Hi


    For some reason i got these error message when compiling. See first attachment.

    The form is part of the project, See second image


    This is random, not always the same module


    ...or the project is to big  with 152 .pas and .dfm files or it's a 'bug' ?


    I use Delphi Tokyo 10.2.2.and uniGui





  7. Hi
    This is a general issue/behavior of web application. ...the use/support of local hardware. I have the same issue for the use of a NFC reader/writer during a festival
    Would be great if there will be more en better support for using local hardware. One of the advantage of web or SAAS application would be no installions
    on a local machine. For now i don't think you can't avoid it to install some agent on the users machine to use the local hardware.
    For now...i'm developing my new Event Management System in uniGui BUT there will be a 'back-office' Windows application where the printing
    and nfc reading/writing will be done during a festival.
    I even thought about the application completely in Windwos and make it available as a remote app. That is what we have done now and with the existing
    Windows application and I can do everything:
    - use FastReport designer (also a BIG loss)
    - use barcode readers
    - use nfc readers / writers
  8. Hi,


    See attachement the selected row. The phonenumber is underlined and when

    i click on the row a new browser will be started.


    - why is this behavior and can a turn it of

    - whiy is not every phone number underlined

    - when i click on the row a new browser will be opend but notting happens,
      can i modifiy this behavior ?


    Regards Peter


  9. Hi,


    My mySQL table contains a field COST of the type FLOAT (length 6 and decimals 2)
    The default value for this field is NULL. Even when i make ik 0.00 i still got the errors


    I use a UniDBFormattedNumberEdit for this field and set
    - decimalPrecision    = 2

    - decimalSeparator   = ,

    - thousandSeparator = .


    When opening the form i got the message 'Is not a valid floating point value'

    after that the message 'uniDBGrid: TuniDBGrid: is not a valid floaing point value'



    The uniDBGrid contains only 1 field of type string.


    Any suggestions ?



    Delphi Tokyo 10.2.2.




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