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Posts posted by mierlp

  1. hi


    When the user is running our web application there's a button to go to a customers website.

    We don't want them to use the IE on the server so we open the url in a uniFrame.


    But...how can i navigate when the user opens the customer site into the urlframe

    and navigates to other pages within the customer site. Within a TWebbrowser

    you can GoBack/GoForward.


    Or are there other suggestions ?


    Regards Peter

  2. Hi,


    Thanks for sharing you're information. I'll think i just start somewhere whith the

    develop proces and see how far i can come but what i need is not so complex

    as you build...looks good.


    Maybe i will knock on you're door for some additional info if that's

    not a problem?.


    Regards Peter

  3. Hi,


    I'm building my Event Management System from scratch and would like to use the Calendarpanel for some planning/sheduling


    Question :


    1. What's the best database design to store the appointment into a database. I need to make appointments for the
        several rooms in the buildingI have now :

    • ID (autoinc)
    • StartDate (Date)
    • StartTime (Time)
    • EndDate (date)
    • EndTime (Time)
    • Subject (string)
    • RoomID (is calender id i think in example)
    • AllDay (?)

      Or is it better to use a DateTime/TimeStamp field for Start and End date ?

      Then i need a seperate table called 'Room' which contains the rooms. This table looks like:
    • RoomID (autoinc)
    • Name (string)
    • Capacity (int)


    2. In the example the UniCalendarPanel.Calendar property contains several calendars. Is it possible to use the records/names
    stored in the table ROOMS?


    Regards Peter



  4. hi


    When you set StatusBar.Color to a color this is only for the panels and NOT

    for the complete color of the status bar. So when you only use 2 panels (small) only

    those 2 panes are colored...doesn't look nice...seen attachment


    Would be nice if :

    - color is for complete statusbar like other Delphi components

    - color is also visible if there are NO panels.




  5. hi


    i put a UniTabControl on a white form. In design and runtime the area next

    to the tab area is still btnface or gray. See attachment. 


    There was a other topic which indicated this issue was fixed. See post #5 and #6 in this link



    In my case i use theme GRAY. Maybe that explains why it's gray but i also can't set

    the color somewhere. So transparant would be nice 


    Within the uniPageControl this works correct BUT there you can't give the page/tab

    a color. Would be nice if both controls have the same properties...so also a color property


    Regards Peter


  6. Hi,


    Today i was trying to install the latest build. So i used a very good uninstaller which uninstalls uniGui, cleans up directory and files/registry

    Also deleted all old uniGui .bpl files


    • Installed latest build
    • Open uniGui2017PlusGroup for XE7
    • From SynEdit_D2017 Frome Here Build 
    • Start installing SynEdit_d2017 the following error appears :
      cannot load package SynEdit_R2017: It contains unit SynUsp10, which is also contained in package SynEdit_R2016


    Did the above procedure already 3 times, rebooted machine, checked registry but error still contains

  7. Hi,


    I use a BMUniDBGrid to select records for copying them to a other table. (see attachment)

    I use this often in VCL applications and within the procedure the selected rows are counted.


    The procedure i use for copying is also in the attachment (forum software doesn't support copy/past with IE11)


    Is there a other solutions because i can't find anythig to use it with the COUNT option.


    Regards Peter






  8. hi


    My program creates .pdf files using wPDF.dll

    This works when i run the program as a standalone server .exe and the wPDF.dll files

    are in the diretory. When i create a .DLL file from the program  it's not working.


    Could the use of the wPDF.dll causes this issue because i run the program as a .dll ?


    Is it possible the use a external .dll file running in isapi mode and do i need

    to set some code to use the external .dll


    Regards PEter 


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